Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse


Donald Trump says he can pardon himself, but poses the supposedly hypothetical question; why would he when he’s innocent? Another question is; If you’re innocent, why are you talking about pardoning yourself?

I can disagree with Trump about the president having the legal power to pardon himself, and you could rightfully point out that I’m not a legal expert. But then again, neither is Trump.

One person who is a lawyer is Rudy Giuliani who believes Trump can pardon himself. But, Rudy also believes Trump could legally shoot James Comey. And, you don’t have to be a lawyer to know that when you say something that’s not true, then it’s a lie, not a “changing recollection.” Everyone who works or defends Trump has a problem with that one.

Can Trump pardon himself? Honestly, I don’t know. I’ve listened to Trump sycophants argue he can. I’ve heard Trump critics say yes and no. That’s the difference between the sycophants and the critics. Trump loyalists and lickspittles never disagree with Trump, where a critic can sometimes point out when Trump is correct, as rare as that is.

What I do believe is that if Trump attempts to pardon himself, we’re going to have a Constitutional crisis and it should lead to impeachment. If Trump pardons anyone under investigation before its conclusion, like Paul Manafort or Michael Cohen, it will also lead to a Constitutional crisis that should lead to impeachment.

There should already be impeachment hearings as we have evidence Trump sought collusion with Russia and has attempted to obstruct justice. He asked Russia to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails and his campaign invited Russian spies into Trump Tower to dish dirt on their political opponent. It has now been confirmed that Trump dictated the lying memo on Don Jr’s meeting with Russians after originally denying he had anything to do with its creation. That is a a lie, not a “recollection.”

Trump’s greatest weakness may be that all his defenders are fools. At least the jesters are funny, inadvertently, but funny.

No I said trump is a fat orange hypocrite for calling out multiple sports franchises for being unpatriotic while being a draft dodger.
Why do you keep repeating yourself about joe Biden. Why can’t you comprehend the difference between the two? This has nothing to fucking do with joe biden. Lmao, In typical and obvious trump supporter fashion you tuned the story around and blamed some random person that nothing to do with anything I posted. Lol, let’s just blame it all on Hilary.

It has everything to do with you contradicting and embarrassing yourself once again
I think it sux that we can't discuss these issues without insulting each other. We actually had some pretty good discussions earlier in the thread. They're buried in between Scallys shit now.
We were given a choice between bad and worse. Many were tired of being lied to for 8 years and chose the wild card. Fewer(the rich) and those in control of the media didn't want anything to change. Can't really fault either side but ever since Trump has been in office and even before being elected, he was making things happen.

I don't care what kind of personality he has. I care about results or at least the effort to get them