Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Masterpiece Cakeshop ...

Kagan's strategic endorsement of Kennedy's misreading of the lower-court decision allows her to co-opt the majority for her own purposes...

....thereby articulating a framework for how SCOTUS can legitimately turn down future 1st am claims from religious business owners (like Arlene's Flowers) who balk at selling goods/services for same-sex weddings.

Congratulations Philadelphia Eagles for not showing up at the White House. Trump doesn’t deserve there presence or respect.
Egg on your face orange man!

The Eagles won't visit the White House. Here are 15 ideas for what they should do instead - Philly

The Eagles that were going to attend were disinvited. i’m sure Trump is devastated he didn’t get to meet the eagles. probably one of the worst moments of his presidency.

“Trump Abruptly Calls Off Philadelphia Eagles’ Visit to White House”
Trump Abruptly Calls Off Philadelphia Eagles’ Visit to White House
The Eagles that were going to attend were disinvited. i’m sure Trump is devastated he didn’t get to meet the eagles. probably one of the worst moments of his presidency.

“Trump Abruptly Calls Off Philadelphia Eagles’ Visit to White House”
Trump Abruptly Calls Off Philadelphia Eagles’ Visit to White House
Yeah nobody wanted to play him game so he took his ball and went. Lol, he got what he deserved being disrespected publicly.
Saying the eagles are unpatriotic is a reach coming from a draft dodger. o_O
Yeah nobody wanted to play him game so he took his ball and went. Lol, he got what he deserved being disrespected publicly.
Saying the eagles are unpatriotic is a reach coming from a draft dodger. o_O

Trump and anyone else who dodge the vietnam draft is actually very smart. who the fuck wants to go fight a war in some foreign land for some foreign country‘s freedom which has absolutely nothing to do with the United States? but I’m sure you’re a good boy and do as your government says no matter what right?

where was your out rage about Joe Biden and his five deferments when he was in office?
Trump and anyone else who dodge the vietnam draft is actually very smart. who the fuck wants to go fight a war in some foreign land for some foreign country‘s freedom which has absolutely nothing to do with the United States? but I’m sure you’re a good boy and do as your government says no matter what right?

where was your out rage about Joe Biden and his five deferments when he was in office?
There isn’t any because he’s not the pot calling the kettle black. Joe biden isn’t the one going around calling whole sports franchises unpatriotic. Soon as he does let me know, then I’ll rage on him just for you.
There isn’t any because he’s not the pot calling the kettle black. Joe biden isn’t the one going around calling whole sports franchises unpatriotic. Soon as he does let me know, then I’ll rage on him just for you.
you said draft dodging is unpatriotic, now that you know biden took five deferments it’s not. consistency is lacking here
you said draft dodging is unpatriotic, now that you know biden took five deferments it’s not. consistency is lacking here
No I said trump is a fat orange hypocrite for calling out multiple sports franchises for being unpatriotic while being a draft dodger.
Why do you keep repeating yourself about joe Biden. Why can’t you comprehend the difference between the two? This has nothing to fucking do with joe biden. Lmao, In typical and obvious trump supporter fashion you tuned the story around and blamed some random person that nothing to do with anything I posted. Lol, let’s just blame it all on Hilary.
Congratulations Philadelphia Eagles for not showing up at the White House. Trump doesn’t deserve there presence or respect.
Egg on your face orange man!

The Eagles won't visit the White House. Here are 15 ideas for what they should do instead - Philly

Yeah nobody wanted to play him game so he took his ball and went. Lol, he got what he deserved being disrespected publicly.
Saying the eagles are unpatriotic is a reach coming from a draft dodger. o_O

There isn’t any because he’s not the pot calling the kettle black. Joe biden isn’t the one going around calling whole sports franchises unpatriotic. Soon as he does let me know, then I’ll rage on him just for you.

No I said trump is a fat orange hypocrite for calling out multiple sports franchises for being unpatriotic while being a draft dodger.
Why do you keep repeating yourself about joe Biden. Why can’t you comprehend the difference between the two? This has nothing to fucking do with joe biden. Lmao, In typical and obvious trump supporter fashion you tuned the story around and blamed some random person that nothing to do with anything I posted. Lol, let’s just blame it all on Hilary.

Eagles safety Malcolm Jenkins

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WASHINGTON — Mexico hit back at the United States on Tuesday, imposing tariffs on around $3 billion worth of American pork, steel, cheese and other goods in response to the Trump administration’s steel and aluminum levies, further straining relations between the two countries as they struggle to rewrite the North American Free Trade Agreement.

The tariffs, which were announced last week, came into effect as the Trump administration threw yet another complication into the fractious Nafta talks. Officials are now saying they want to splinter discussions with Canada and Mexico and work on separate agreements rather than continue three-country discussions to rewrite the 1994 trade deal.

Larry Kudlow, President Trump’s chief economic adviser, said on Tuesday that Mr. Trump’s “preference now, and he asked me to convey this, is to actually negotiate with Mexico and Canada separately.”