Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

The fact you don't understand what is racist about a giant wall keeping out a race of people...from coming into a country of immigrants... fleeing starvation that stems from our corn flooding their country or from keeping out refugees of countries we destroyed is why I don't bother explaining. You are too fucking stupid. Truly. It may seem like a pissing contest, but sometimes I get frustrated talking to someone I am clearly more intelligent than. It's why I'm not a teacher. The fact you don't know doesn't make me want to show you- it just makes me want to spit in your face.

Keep ignoring everything I say for the occasional talking point old man. Your time will come soon enough. The drums are already beating.... can you hear them?

I think it's funny that I know you are old because of what you don't question. You are so cute- the silver tidal wade of incontinent bigots about to wipe out this country when the most patriotic thing you could do is kill yourself instead of talk. But keep talking. Really. It's like sparring with a 4 year old.

I don’t think you’re able to become a teacher. they don’t hire felons like you.

Building a wall at our southern border to stem the flow of illegal immigration, human trafficking and drugs is racist? your a fucking clueless arrogant idiot. I think you’re the fucking idiot who doesn’t understand the difference between immigration and illegal immigration you stupid fuck. the majority of illegal immigrants don’t come through the southern border you dip shit.

you always got a one up yourself don’t ya? you’re more intelligent than me, you’re life better than mine. why do you have to say that? usually people who say self indulging things like that it’s the opposite. obviously you have some issues, you pile of shit
I don’t think you’re able to become a teacher. they don’t hire felons like you.

Building a wall at our southern border to stem the flow of illegal immigration, human trafficking and drugs is racist? your a fucking clueless arrogant idiot. I think you’re the fucking idiot who doesn’t understand the difference between immigration and illegal immigration you stupid fuck. the majority of illegal immigrants don’t come through the southern border you dip shit.

you always got a one up yourself don’t ya? you’re more intelligent than me, you’re life better than mine. why do you have to say that? usually people who say self indulging things like that it’s the opposite. obviously you have some issues, you pile of shit
Nope. Just wish people like you dead on a daily basis. I have deep issues- but they make me happy. Truly happy. The fact you need to keep responding- can't help serving back the rhetoric- hilarious.
Nope. Just wish people like you dead on a daily basis. I have deep issues- but they make me happy. Truly happy. The fact you need to keep responding- can't help serving back the rhetoric- hilarious.

you wish my death? damn chill the fuck out. you take things way too seriously, you need to relax kid. that’s not cool.

it’s nice to know I’m getting under your skin tho. I’m having a hell of a time laughing it up. keep it coming. you’re one hell of a joke. you’re entertaining. i enjoy these types conversations. I like confrontation. i love it, give me more. come on chump, you could do it.
[Thread] It's not that I disagree about policy with Trump supporters. It's that I know they don't give a shit about policy. There's no way to have a policy argument with people whose eyes are always looking up to the television for a cue from Dear Leader about what to say next. /1

As @JVLast once said, Trumpism is non-falsifiable. Whatever Trump does is right. There are no principled arguments to be had, because if Trump changes his mind or tweets something off the wall, Trumpers change their position immediately. /2

This would basically be a cult except for one thing: most Trumpers do not believe their own bullshit. Yes, some of them really are stupid enough to think Trump is a good man and all that crap, but most of them are only interested in Trump as a vehicle of social disruption. /3

[Thread] YES. I don't mean to be rude, but for fuck's sake, they weren't willing to take him out when he was just a candidate. He's now leader of the party and President of the United States. They are not going to do anything.

I don't know where this endless well of good faith comes from. Is it personally knowing them? Is it trying to reconcile previous personal loyalty to what has transformed into a death cult? Is it the result of consuming too much propaganda?

This week started with Trump pushing yet another norm, saying he could pardon himself. This comes after a string of recent pardons, and Trump bragging to reporters that he is considering 3,000 more—crowning himself the arbiter of what is fair, not the judicial branch. In two moves that alarmed legal experts, Sessions’ Justice Department sided with a frivolous lawsuit instead of defending the Affordable Care Act, and seized phone and email records from a New York Times reporter.
