Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

What made you think I'm offended? I am incredulous at your inability to carry on a simple conversation. When I start to worry about the direction this country is heading and that we may all perish in some catastrophe.... i smile. Why? Because i know you, the inbred who sired you, and gangrenous offspring you might have- they will perish too. I am literally talking to a bodybuilder stereotype- you make us all look bad brohan. It's a shame you can't see it.

Coming from someone who can’t even explain their own position on how immigration is racist you Lost the little credibility you had with me. we were having an OK conversation until you sstarted calling me names. and there you go again with the name-calling. is that all you got? you’re pathetic. I was being civil and you just had to turn all nasty once again. you can’t explain your position so you resort to name calling like a little child. grow the fuck up.
Coming from someone who can’t even explain their own position on how immigration is racist you Lost the little credibility you had with me. we were having an OK conversation until you sstarted calling me names. and there you go again with the name-calling. is that all you got? you’re pathetic. I was being civil and you just had to turn all nasty once again. you can’t explain your position so you resort to name calling like a little child. grow the fuck up.
I value credibility from you the way I value the vaginal discharge of a hooker at the bottom of my condom that balls up on my testicle fur.

Pssst- I'm talking about your mom.
Just out of curiosity, is Big Paul still around? He used to frequent this thread a lot. Surprised I haven't seen any comments from him yet
I value credibility from you the way I value the vaginal discharge of a hooker at the bottom of my condom that balls up on my testicle fur.

Pssst- I'm talking about your mom.

so now you bring my mom into this and before you brought my offspring into it. how old are you? you seem like nothing but a little punk ass kid Who doesn’t know what the fuck you’re talking about and can’t even explain your position. it’s hilarious, thanks for the laughs kid. keep them coming tho, I enjoy the laughter.
Just out of curiosity, is Big Paul still around? He used to frequent this thread a lot. Surprised I haven't seen any comments from him yet

i saw him just the other day. he was posting some fake news in the Russian interference thread in the general discussion section.

I enjoy reading his trump meltdowns
Russia is a great European power. We have to work together. But we must be coherent: the G7 will be enlarged if and only if the Minsk agreements on Ukraine are respected. The ball is in Russia's camp.

so now you bring my mom into this and before you brought my offspring into it. how old are you? you seem like nothing but a little punk ass kid Who doesn’t know what the fuck you’re talking about and can’t even explain your position. it’s hilarious, thanks for the laughs kid. keep them coming tho, I enjoy the laughter.
Old enough to know my life is better than yours- other than the bliss you have enjoyed courtesy of your ignorance.

Eat a dick bitch- you just don't count anymore. You laughing at me is like whistling in a graveyard... and watching you is basically watching someone scream at rape victims that they haven't been raped and stop whining- all while a 7 footer plows you from behind. Pathetic- but amusing.

As an aside- when did your uncle start taking you out to the barn when he drank too much? 10? 12? Do you still hear the lambs scream at night?
Old enough to know my life is better than yours- other than the bliss you have enjoyed courtesy of your ignorance.

Eat a dick bitch- you just don't count anymore. You laughing at me is like whistling in a graveyard... and watching you is basically watching someone scream at rape victims that they haven't been raped and stop whining- all while a 7 footer plows you from behind. Pathetic- but amusing.

As an aside- when did your uncle start taking you out to the barn when he drank too much? 10? 12? Do you still hear the lambs scream at night?

ha ha

I won’t be so sure about that life of yours, convict.

“my life is better than yours?” really? what’s next? your dad could beat my dad up? what the fuck is wrong with you, chump?

You sure have a way with words but when it comes to trumps immigration policy you can’t even explain to me how it’s racist. stick to talking shit you’re better at that than actually having a normal civilized conversation. you’re nothing but a shit talker, congratulations.
The fact you don't understand what is racist about a giant wall keeping out a race of people...from coming into a country of immigrants... fleeing starvation that stems from our corn flooding their country or from keeping out refugees of countries we destroyed is why I don't bother explaining. You are too fucking stupid. Truly. It may seem like a pissing contest, but sometimes I get frustrated talking to someone I am clearly more intelligent than. It's why I'm not a teacher. The fact you don't know doesn't make me want to show you- it just makes me want to spit in your face.

Keep ignoring everything I say for the occasional talking point old man. Your time will come soon enough. The drums are already beating.... can you hear them?

I think it's funny that I know you are old because of what you don't question. You are so cute- the silver tidal wade of incontinent bigots about to wipe out this country when the most patriotic thing you could do is kill yourself instead of talk. But keep talking. Really. It's like sparring with a 4 year old.

ha ha

I won’t be so sure about that life of yours, convict.

“my life is better than yours?” really? what’s next? your dad could beat my dad up? what the fuck is wrong with you, chump?

You sure have a way with words but when it comes to trumps immigration policy you can’t even explain to me how it’s racist. stick to talking shit you’re better at that than actually having a normal civilized conversation. you’re not in but a shit talker, congratulations.