Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse


The Republican Party has turned into the Cult of Trump, and while the backbone is racism, it also attracts a fair share of crazy people.

Racism is not a deal breaker for anyone who voted for Trump or supports him today. And while it’s not a deal breaker for all of them, it’s actually the selling point for many others.

Trump is king of the racist birther conspiracy that President Obama wasn’t born in this nation. He later stated that he was (a few days before the election), but he has never apologized for it.

Trump purchased full-page ads in four New York City newspapers calling for the death penalty for the Central Park Five, despite DNA exonerating the black and Latino teenagers from Harlem of raping a jogger.

He kicked off his campaign calling Mexicans rapists and murderers. His proposed border wall with Mexico is an impossibility that’s really just red meat for his racist base (which is also a broken campaign promise, as he said Mexico will pay for it but is now demanding that Congress make you pay for it). He’s called for the surveillance of mosques. He initiated a ban on Muslims entering this nation. And today, his Justice Department is separating migrant children from their parents with a zero-tolerance party.

Donald Trump has hired the likes of white nationalists Stephen Miller and Steve Bannon. he retweets white supremacists and Nazis. He said there were “good people” among those in Charlottesville chanting “Jews will not replace us,” and “blood and soil.” He has attacked black athletes as being un-American for silently protesting police violence against blacks, and referred to them as “sons of bitches.”

Racists have been emboldened by him. Last week, Representative Steve King, a Republican from New York, retweeted Nazis. Other racists, Nazis and Klansmen like David Duke, are openly praising Trump.

Corey Stewart, a guy who wraps himself in the Confederate flag and is very friendly to White Supremacists and a former chairman of Trump’s Virginia campaign, just won the GOP nomination for the United States Senate in Virginia.

While not a Republican, a very pro-Trump racist and admitted pedophile is running for Congress in Virginia.

Now in Nevada, we have a Republican pimp. Dennis Hof is a 71-year-old Nevada brothel owner and he defeated a three-term Republican incumbent for a seat in the State Assembly. He is a strong Trump supporter and even wrote a book titled “The Art of the Pimp.” This also proves that all the religious posturing among Republicans is just that, posturing.

It’s often been repeated, and I believe it. Not all Republicans are racists, but all racists are Republicans.

This whole notion that Democrats are under a special onus to be polite as well as this emphasis on civility in the face of human rights violations… this is actually an extension of a culture that begins in many white families. Let me explain.

If you’re a white person, it’s likely (not always the case) that you have an outspoken bigot in your family. Doesn’t have to be a racist uncle who drops racial epithets to qualify. And maybe you learned at a young age how other family members behave around this person.

Here’s what you likely saw: your less outspoken family members may or may not be inwardly repulsed by this family member’s views, but the key observation is that they keep their own views inward. Their main priority is simply "not making a scene."

Maybe you witnessed your family members attempt to laugh it off. It was very likely an uncomfortable laugh because of fear upsetting the intrafamily status quo and losing status. Maybe other family members were just like “I try not to discuss politics. Ruins the mood.”

A culture of overly emphasizing civility over forcefully challenging political views that have pivotal implications for human rights begins at home. White people who don’t challenge their bigoted family members so they “don’t make a scene” is where it really begins.

The reality is that the resistance work that movements like BLM do is now exponentially more dangerous since Trump took office. White bigots in our families voted for it. If you’re prioritizing “not making a scene”, that has dire consequences for vulnerable people.

There are bigots not only committed to doing what you thought was unthinkable, they are doing it right now. Separating immigrant families at the border and throwing immigrant children into detention facilities is no longer what you thought was unthinkable. It is the reality.

Bigots with power are counting on you to “not make a scene.” They are counting on us to overly emphasize civility. Because once you approach their willingness to violate the rights of minorities and immigrants as a mere difference of opinion, they know they’ve won.

When human rights are on the line, this cannot be answered with civility. Only a forceful confrontation prepared to make bigots with power uncomfortable in their space is the way forward. This is true for bigots in your family and true for bigots in elected office.

Commentators who are more excised over “Fuck Trump!” than they are towards this administration’s heinous policies and undermining of our institutions are replicating the white familial behavior of prioritizing “not making a scene.” It’s designed to disarm resistance.

Well, it’s time to make a scene. Bigots want us overly focused on civility so they feel empowered to do the unthinkable. So fuck Trump, fuck his administration, fuck his agenda, fuck his corruption, fuck any elected Republican who helps him, and fucking vote them out.

[Thread] [FrankFuckingLuntz] “For George W. Bush and Barack Obama, the idea of crying children torn from their parents’ arms was simply too inhumane to embrace as policy.”

“It’s disgraceful, and it’s terrible to see families ripped apart and I don’t support that one bit.”

“Any forced separation is highly stressful for children and can cause lifelong trauma, as well as an increased risk of other mental illnesses, such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD.”


The boys are being housed in what used to be a Walmart, where they are allowed outside for two hours a day. (No one seems to know where the girls and the babies are.) Mr. Trump’s regime showed the boys’ centre to reporters, highlighting a mural of Mr. Trump – the man responsible for these children losing their families and freedom – plastered on the wall. We’re told by Mr. Trump’s backers to feel good about the conditions of the camp – to cheer that migrants have TV and snacks and video games instead of mothers or fathers or siblings.

The older children scream for their parents, while the babies simply scream.

The littlest ones cannot even tell us who they are. They don’t yet have words. And so we try, in the United States, to find the words for them. To find the words to describe this level of evil, which was both preventable and proclaimed.

This is the platform Mr. Trump ran on, after all: a platform of xenophobia and corruption. This is the culmination of the dictatorial ambitions and dehumanization of immigrants that smug journalists and officials told people to take seriously – but not literally. For Latino immigrants, demonized from the very day Mr. Trump launched his campaign, it was always literally.

The last 17 months have been a test of how far the administration could push the boundaries of morality and law before an atrocity was mainstreamed. Nuclear weapons have been recast from an existential horror into part of a reality show-style spectacle summit. The sickness is not just caused by Mr. Trump; it also stems from a collective failure of the most powerful, whether elected or not, to call a lie a lie, to label abuse as abuse. Those tasked to check atrocities instead chose to enable them.


In 2003, journalist Anna Politkovskaya described the horrors of Vladimir Putin’s rapidly changing Russia, its toxic mix of brutality and lies. “This calendar has no chronology and no external logic,” she wrote. “It has nothing but images tied together of the logic of feelings surrounding this tragedy.” She shrugged off the scorn heaped on her for the sin of compassion and continued to chronicle her country’s agony. “There are people who can analyze this, but few who can sympathize,” she explained. “And since feelings are so rare now, they are the most important thing in my calendar.”

A hit was ordered on Ms. Politkovskaya and she was killed in 2006 for speaking out. Her words stopped but the sentiment lingers. Today, we live under an aspiring autocrat who locks up babies who literally cannot speak for themselves. We are confronted with an assault against children so horrifying it is hard to find the words to describe it. But whatever our feelings, they are nothing compared to what migrant children and parents must be going through. Use your words and fight – for families to be reunited, for their rights and for their freedom, for this nation’s blighted soul.