Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Neo-Nazis held a swastika burning following a white supremacist rally in the city of Newnan, Georgia, on Saturday.

Photographer Spencer Platt captured the scene for Getty Images. His pictures show a massing burning swastika and an othala rune – a pagan symbol that was used by some elements of the Third Reich.

One image shows dozens of people giving Nazi salutes in front of a burning swastika that appears to be 12 to 18 feet tall.

According to Platt and local news reports, the white supremacist group gathered in Draketown, Georgia, about 50 miles from Newnan after the protest.

"20 or more children to a single cage" is a real fucking phrase used to report news today.

It is so far beyond the limits of my imagination to understand how anyone could find themselves in a position of power right now and not be screaming at the top of their lungs trying to stop this.

Yet here we are, with no Republican supporting the Feinstein amendment and no Republican putting forth an alternative fix.

How is a moral person supposed to view this? Because all I see is inaction and indifference that I can only classify as rotten to the core.

This is so mind-numbingly horrific that my brain refuses to agree that good, moral people could have anything to do with this. I can't even understand how someone could be passive about this. It's a crime against humanity.


Laura Bush is a former first lady of the United States.

On Sunday, a day we as a nation set aside to honor fathers and the bonds of family, I was among the millions of Americans who watched images of children who have been torn from their parents. In the six weeks between April 19 and May 31, the Department of Homeland Security to mass detention centers or foster care. More than 100 of these children are younger than 4 years old. The reason for these separations is a zero-tolerance policy for their parents, who are accused of illegally crossing our borders.

I live in a border state. I appreciate the need to enforce and protect our international boundaries, but this zero-tolerance policy is cruel. It is immoral. And it breaks my heart.

Our government should not be in the business of (warehousing children in converted box stores)or making plans to place them in tent cities in the desert outside of El Paso. These images are eerily reminiscent of the Japanese American internment camps of World War II, now considered to have been one of the most shameful episodes in U.S. history. We also know that this treatment inflicts trauma; interned Japanese have been two times as likely to suffer cardiovascular disease or die prematurely than those who were not interned.
[Thread] While Trump is distracting us with his regimes atrocities he is planning his next meet with his boss Putin.

Meeting being reported next month..

Putin demanded this meet over the past few weeks and the Kremlin has been making preparations.

WARNING: Trump is working every day to test democracy, overrun the rule of law, emulate role models Kim Jung Un & Putin. If he can get away with it, he will suspend a free press, accelerate his kleptocracy & begin eliminating opponents. He will stop at nothing. This is no joke.


The New York Attorney General has filed suit against Donald Trump and his three eldest children for “persistently illegal conduct” at his charity, the Trump Foundation.

The AG alleges that Trump misused the charity to pay off his businesses’ creditors, to decorate one of his golf clubs and to stage a multimillion-dollar giveaway at his 2016 campaign events.

Attorney General Barbara Underwood asked a state judge to dissolve the Donald J. Trump Foundation, that its remaining $1 million in assets be distributed to other charities, and Trump be forced to pay at least $2.8 million in restitution and penalties. Trump says he will fight the suit and vows he will never settle, which may be like his promise not to settle a lawsuit against Trump University which he settled for $25 million.

The Trump Foundation is as much of a charity as Trump University was a university. Trump has not made a donation to his own charity since 2008, the board of directors hadn’t met in 19 years, and the official treasurer wasn’t even aware he was on the board. If Trump really wants to nail Hillary, he’d appoint her without her knowledge to one of his scams. Hell, she may be ambassador to North Korea at this very moment.

Trump has attacked the AG and accused the suit of being political and conducted by “sleazy” Democrats. What’s not supposed to be political is his charity. It’s going to be very difficult for Trump to claim innocence when there’s footage of him at a campaign event holding a giant Happy Gilmore-sized check with “Donald J. Trump Foundation” in the upper left corner, and centered on the bottom “Make America Great Again.” What’s wrong with that? The Trump Foundation is a charity, the slogan “Make American Great Again” is a nationalistic, racist campaign slogan, and it was at a campaign event.

Saying his charity wasn’t used politically when there’s proof it was is as absurd as saying “no collusion” after you invited Russian spies into Trump Tower. It would be like Trump at a campaign event asking Putin to hack Clinton’s email or him telling a reporter he fired Comey to end the Russia investigation, if only that sort of footage actually existed (Psst, it does).

As it turns out, Trump’s campaign manager was directing when and where donations from the foundation were made. Trump raised $2.8 million at a campaign event for veterans’ charities and then turned the money over to the campaign for distribution, like donations made to charity groups in Iowa the weekend before the primary vote.

Trump didn’t just start abusing the charity during his Russian-backed presidential campaign. He used it to purchase gifts for himself, make political donations, and settle lawsuits against his resorts years before he came down the escalator to ruin all our lives. He used a charity to pay his debts with other people’s money.

Trump is the kind of guy who will dodge the draft, attack POWs and Gold Star families, then state how patriotic he is and how much he respects the military, while using the military in one of his sketchy schemes. Some people might find using veterans in a scam a worse transgression than kneeling during a song.

He’s also the kind of guy who projects. He has attacked the Clinton Foundation on numerous occasions and tagged his opponent with “Crooked Hillary,” accusing her of participating in pay-for-play schemes with foreign entities, while his foundation was taking a $150,000 donation from a Russian oligarch.

Trump has taken personal credit for donations made by the foundation, and he’s taken credit for donations where there are no records that he made any. He’s a conman of epic proportions. He may be the most corrupt businessman in American history. He’s refused to pay contractors after they completed their end of the bargain, he ran a fake university, he’s done business with mobsters, created pyramid schemes, exploited foreign workers, had questionable bankruptcies, and his businesses are used by Russian oligarchs and mobsters for money laundering. It’s no wonder American banks won’t do business with him anymore. And yet, about 60 million Americans thought it was a good idea to make him president.

A lawsuit won’t put Trump and his demon spawn in prison, but the case has been referred to the Federal Elections Commission and the Internal Revenue Service. It’s not likely those two agencies will send him to the big house either.

But, it would be best for everyone if they could get him out of the White House.
