Your Top 5 Fav Steroids

Kind of want to try proviron again, it's been a while. Seems like it's very mild on bloodwork and the liver, and adds that dry cosmetic look. Could be nice with test/tren/mast/eq. Hmm..
Kind of want to try proviron again, it's been a while. Seems like it's very mild on bloodwork and the liver, and adds that dry cosmetic look. Could be nice with test/tren/mast/eq. Hmm..

Careful I was running it at 250mg/day for 2 weeks and LIVER VALUES CAME RATHER HIGH !!!!!!!
Would you run it again? Haven't used proviron in years. Remember it added a nice polished look but was mild in terms of strength/mass

Still want to try it again though
Honestly I’m not sure how much it did. I felt a massive instant libido boost but in terms of the look and strength, it was in a contest prep so I had put tren in 3 weeks previously, anavar 1 week after and wasn’t gaining any strength at that point so I had no clue what was doing what lol all I know is I liked how I looked in the mirror.

I’d probably try it again on a cruise or closer to the start of a mini cut to see what it actually does without the tren and anavar and crazy low carbs