Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

It seems so long ago now. Almost immediately after Trump took office, the denial of reality began. The president’s and his spokesperson’s insistence that his inauguration crowd was the biggest in history — and certainly bigger than Obama’s — belied what everyone could see with their bare, lyin’ eyes. At the time, I wonderedwhether the president was psychologically unwell. Three thousand lies later, we have a fuller picture.

The president believes what he wants to believe, creates a reality that fits his delusions, and then insists, with extraordinary energy and stamina, that his delusions are the truth. His psychological illness, moreover, is capable of outlasting anyone else’s mental health. Objective reality that contradicts his delusions is discounted as “fake news” propagated by “our country’s greatest enemy,” i.e., reporters. If someone behaved like this in my actual life, if someone kept insisting that the sea was red and the sky green, I’d assume they were a few sandwiches short of a picnic. It’s vital for us to remember this every day: Almost no one else in public life is so openly living in his own disturbed world.

This past week was a kind of masterpiece in delusion. ...

The bad news is that a vast chunk of the American public wants all this to be true as well. If you had any doubts that the GOP is now a cult, this week’s primary results should put them to rest. Republican voters have decided that they will follow their leader no matter what he says, and if that means changing their minds on a dime, so be it. ...

Havel had a phrase: “Living in the truth.” In a totalitarian society, living in the truth can be close to impossible, and yet it was possible for someone, as Havel analogized, as lowly as a greengrocer to refuse to “live in a lie”: ...

Havel and many others were capable of living in truth in far darker circumstances than our own, and at far greater personal risk. But to cling to this now — to empiricism, facts, to what we see with our eyes and hear with our ears, to what we can say in plain English — is to commit to the central and most essential task of resistance. We live in a lie now, perpetrated from the very top, enhanced by relentless propaganda, and designed to shore up what is a cult. It is growing in strength. It is precisely now that we must manage at every moment to dispel it. And then to vote, en masse, for its extinction.

Following up on 38 North’s recent assessment concluding that there were no changes to the Sohae (Tongchang-ri) Satellite Launch Facility, further analysis shows that there have been no alterations or activity akin to dismantlement to any of the six known launch and engine test facilities and two ejection test stands, including:
  • Chamjin (Tae-sung) Machine Factory test stand[1]
  • Iha-ri Driver Training and Test Facility test stand
  • Magunpo Solid Rocket Motor Test Facility
  • Nampo Shipyard submersible test stand barge
  • Sinpo South Shipyard submersible test stand barge
  • Sinpo South Shipyard test stand
  • Sohae (Tongchang-ri) Satellite Launch Facility
  • Tonghae (Musudan-ri) Satellite Launch Facility
Of these facilities and test stands, it is likely that President Trump’s on June 12 regarding the destruction of a “…major missile engine testing site” was not referring to either the Iha-ri test stand—which was razed in May—or the Sinpo South Shipyard test stand that has not been used in approximately a year. And contrary to the president’s statement, both sites have been solely used for ejection tests, not engine tests or launches.
"The sleazy New York Democrats, and their now disgraced (and run out of town) A.G. Eric Schneiderman, are doing everything they can to sue me on a foundation that took in $18,800,000 and gave out to charity more money than it took in, $19,200,000," Trump wrote. "I won’t settle this case!". -Donald J Trump

The U.S. is reportedly planning to pull out of the UN’s Human Rights Council after clashes over key issues such as Israel.

A source told Reuters that the move could be “imminent.” The council will begin a three-week session in Geneva on Monday.

Other diplomatic sources told Reuters that the withdrawal was “not a question of if but of when.”

U.S. ambassador to the UN has clashed with the council over its treatment of Israel, and has repeatedly voted against UN measures that were critical of that country. Most recently, the U.S. and Australia were the only two members to vote against a proposal to investigate Israel’s alleged use of excessive force in Gaza.

The human rights Council at the UN is a complete joke. look who runs it and its history. the US Will never be beholden to some world government.
The difference now is Trump. it’s a whole new ballgame. if North Korea crosses trump fire and fury will be coming their way, no doubt about it
He is all hot air. Nothing will happen. Trump is a cunt with a cunt following. :)