Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

The U.S. is reportedly planning to pull out of the UN’s Human Rights Council after clashes over key issues such as Israel.

A source told Reuters that the move could be “imminent.” The council will begin a three-week session in Geneva on Monday.

Other diplomatic sources told Reuters that the withdrawal was “not a question of if but of when.”

U.S. ambassador to the UN has clashed with the council over its treatment of Israel, and has repeatedly voted against UN measures that were critical of that country. Most recently, the U.S. and Australia were the only two members to vote against a proposal to investigate Israel’s alleged use of excessive force in Gaza.

The Republican Party is a (Trump Cult) now. It’s not like a cult, or in danger of becoming a cult; it is, simply a personality cult of a dear leader who is neither challenged nor checked. Any contrary indicators are merely residue for the mop-up crew.

Everybody is supposedly amazed at how quickly and completely the Grand Old Patricians collapsed and fell in line behind a boorish racketeer. Half of the explanation for that is that the party was already a rotted-out mansion whose philosophy had ossified into tax cuts for he rich, dismantling of the social safety net and racial animosity all around. It is no wonder that its collapse looked like one of those dynamite-induced high-rise demolitions.

But the other half of the reason for Republicans’ surrender is the important one now, because a cult of personality has an inescapable internal dynamic. How did President Trump, who seems genuinely incapable of normal intelligent thought processes, pull this off? Is he a secret genius with a thousand hidden tactics? No. It’s been crystal clear from the beginning to anyone who was watching him through the lens of authoritarianism that you don’t need to be particularly smart to run this game plan. Only ruthless. Ruthlessness Trump has.

It is a one-way ratchet of intimidation and (temporary) reward. But mostly intimidation. The pressure is applied continuously, probing for weak institutions and weak people. Any absorbed person or agency is never released but serves as further intimidation for the next. The ethically challenged fellow-grifters sign on, and the “smart” people move back, out of harm’s way. And you can see where this goes.

Where this has gone thus far is the takeover of one political party already; unfortunately, the one in power. This leaves the country in a highly vulnerable position, because it is in the DNA of authoritarianism to defeat all resistance, or to be defeated. And like it or not, those are our choices now. The Republicans have succumbed, but don’t think for a second that the process will stop there. There is always more softening middle for authoritarians to intimidate and absorb. Remember the word “appeasement”? By the time they get to you, well, you know the story, there will be no one left to speak up for you.

Sound bad? Sound like a crisis? You bet it is. 2018 would be a very bad time to wait and see how things go. We know how they will go. It’s speak now or forever hold your peace.

Americans love to say America is the greatest country in the world. The new doctrine for our foreign policy is “We’re America, bitch.” But, I’m pretty sure the greatest country in the world wouldn’t separate children from their parents and imprison them in tents in the desert. Maybe there was some confusion and they were supposed to be in tent prisons with dessert. Spelling is a challenge for this White House.

Obviously inspired by the recently pardoned Joe Arpaio (the racist law-breaking criminal sheriff in Arizona), the Trump administration is looking to place 1,000-5,000 immigrant children in tent cities in the desert. The number of migrant children the government has apprehended has increased by 20% since a “zero-tolerance” policy was initiated by Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen (who doesn’t know Norway is mostly white, but knows a brown kid when she sees one). The new policy ordered Border Patrol to refer anyone crossing the border illegally for criminal prosecution, no matter the situation. Some of the people being incarcerated haven’t crossed illegally, as they went to Border Patrol and requested asylum, which we don’t grant anymore for people whose lives are threatened by gangs or spousal abuse.

The number of children currently held by the government is over 11,200, and some 100 facilities (with Trump murals and re-education classes) to hold them are around 95% full. One solution would be to stop separating children from their parents and throwing them all in jail, which sounds a little better than throwing toddlers to cacti and rattlesnakes. But, maybe the Trump murals will ward off the snakes and Gila Monsters.

Sessions justified this abuse government policy by quoting the Bible. He cited Romans 13 when he said, “to obey the laws of the government because God has ordained the government for his purposes.” Funny thing. That’s the same verse used by Southerners to justify owning slaves in the 1800s. Scary thing: Sessions probably knows that.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a church goer also. During a White House press briefing Thursday, Sanders was insulting members of the press (they really hate Jim Acosta) and using the Bible defense. She said, “I can say that it is very biblical to enforce the law. That is actually repeated a number of times throughout the Bible. It’s a moral policy to follow and enforce the law.”

I haven’t seen a government use religion to justify policy this much since the Taliban.

There’s probably a lot of quotes from the Bible that can be used to defend this administration.

There’s, “Thou shall not grab strange vaginas, unless though is famous.”

And then there’s, “Thou shall not boast about grabbing strange vaginas to reality TV host on a bus, unless it’s just locker room talk.”

Plus, “Do not shag a porn star unless she’s willing to sign a non-disclosure agreement.”

I think this one was added yesterday: “Thou shall not salute a North Korean General, unless his large hat is really spiffy.”

I’m gonna let you in on a secret. I made those up. But, here’s one that’s genuine: From Deuteronomy 10:18-19, “God loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing. And you are to love those who are foreigners, for you yourselves were foreigners in Egypt.”

But, maybe I’m doing it wrong and we’re only supposed to quote Old Testament God and not Hippy God.

[Thread] Most people don't know anything about private foundations, so based on my ten years of experience on a foundation board, I want to explain a few things that are relevant to the NY Attorney General lawsuit against Donald Trump's "foundation."

Learn from Mencken
TheMoneyIllusion » Learn from Mencken

It seems to me that people are too depressed by Trump. Yes, he’s far and away the most appalling individual ever to achieve high political office in the US, but that doesn’t mean we can’t get some enjoyment out of the spectacle. Think about the amusement that Trump provides in a typical day. Just yesterday he said (regarding Kim):

He really wants to do something I think terrific for their country. . .

I do trust him, yeah.

When Bush said something similar about Putin he could be forgiven on several grounds. First, we hadn’t seen this sort of presidential naiveté toward a Russian leader since the days of FDR. And second, Putin wasn’t yet anywhere near the brutal dictator he is today.

With Trump there’s no such extenuating circumstances to prevent us from falling on the floor laughing.

Then we wake up this morning to find Trump proclaiming that North Korea is no longer a nuclear threat, and Sean Hannity believes him. President Trump and Sean Hannity's dumb and dumber North Korea interview

How is that not funny?

And this tweet is just to, to, to funny to pass up:


Just to be clear, I’m not one of those grammar snobs. I think good grammar is overrated and of course I make lots of mistakes here. But while I occasionally mix up ‘to’ and ‘too’, I’ve never done so in a tweet accusing a Hollywood actor of having a low IQ. Come on Trumpistas, even you guys have to find that a little bit amusing.

I don’t doubt for a moment that David Brooks is a far better person that HL Mencken. But Mencken was funnier. You can’t go through your entire life in just one mode, even a wholesome mode. Sometimes you just have to indulge your inner cynic and enjoy the crazy spectacle.

Yes, it’s appalling to have an ignorant, bigoted, misogynistic president. But tens of millions of women and Hispanics voted for him and if they can survive 8 years of Trump you should be able to as well. For some reason that I cannot fathom, God has favored and protected this crazy country for more than 240 years, and I think he’ll do so for 6 more years. Remember, as bad as Trump is, presidents just don’t have much influence over the course of events.

So relax and enjoy the spectacle.

In a book on Korea, Simon Winchester made this observation:

A sixtieth birthday is a special thing in all those countries that have come under the maternal influence of old China, Korea very much included. The body is then deemed to have passed through the five twelve-year zodiacal cycles — the yukgap, as the sixty-year period is known — that constitute the proper life span of the human being. Once someone has successfully completed the span — as old mother Hwang had done three years before — then all time beyond is regarded as a marvellous bonus: you retire from active life, take your respected ease as an elder, let your children make you as comfortable as they can, and let filial piety take over the reins of your life.

Don’t be like me, planning to do all sorts of wonderful things when you retire, and then finding out that past age 60 your body and mind are too broken down to do the things you planned to do. Plan your life as if you will die at age 60. That’s enough time.

PPS. While I’m not a grammar snob, if I ever reach the point of my commenters who think that any sentence containing the word “insult” is ipso facto an insult, please tell me to just stop. TheMoneyIllusion » Art of the troll

Update: The North Korean state media is now more accurate than the White House: Trump says summit removed North Korean nuclear threat, but Democrats doubtful

North Korean state media lauded the summit as a resounding success, saying Trump expressed his intention to halt U.S.-South Korea military exercises, offer security guarantees to the North and lift sanctions against it as relations improve.

Yup, Kim won.

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump has approved a plan to impose punishing tariffs on tens of billions of dollars of Chinese goods as early as Friday, a move that could put his trade policies on a collision course with his push to rid the Korean Peninsula of nuclear weapons.

Manafort will be jailed after being accused of witness tampering while awaiting trial on federal conspiracy and money laundering charges brought by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III.

Manafort will be jailed after being accused of witness tampering while awaiting trial on federal conspiracy and money laundering charges brought by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III.

WASHINGTON — A federal judge revoked Paul Manafort’s bail and sent him to jail on Friday to await trial, citing new charges that Mr. Manafort had tried to influence the testimony of two of the government’s witnesses after he had been granted bail.

Mr. Manafort, President Trump’s former campaign chairman, had been allowed to post a $10 million bond and remain at home while awaiting his September trial on a host of charges, including money laundering and false statements.

But last week, prosecutors working for the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, filed two new counts of obstruction of justice against Mr. Manafort and asked that his bail be revoked — or that at least the conditions be revised — because he had committed new crimes.

In a superseding indictment, the prosecutors claimed that Mr. Manafort and a close associate, Konstantin V. Kilimnik, had contacted the two witnesses this year, hoping to persuade them to testify that Mr. Manafort had never lobbied in the United States for Viktor F. Yanukovych, the pro-Moscow president of Ukraine who fled to Russia in 2014 after a popular uprising.


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