Need some advice to my bulk- getting to fat


New Member
Hello there. to start with, i would like to apologize for my english. I use google translate, so I hope you can still understand me.

I'm in a situation where I could really use some advice. I have been bulking for a while now. I am currently eating 4100-4200 kcal.

but I thought I had gone and gained quite a bit of belly fat. Right now I've been having a blast for 9 weeks. the plan was to run my blast for 16-20 weeks, but if I continue my bulk like this, I'm afraid of getting too fat. Would it make sense to start an aggressive minicut for 4-6 weeks while I'm blasting. Or should I run a regular cut when I'm done with my bulk and blast and I go down on cruise?

I have included a picture so you have an idea of what I look like. really hoping for good advice!


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I would halt your bulk and start with a cut. Diet down to ~10% and see what your true weight is and calorie needs are. Then focus on growing.
If you want to keep the muscle you should maintain for a few month on trt then cut on either trt or add something else.
You could do a 3-4 weeks minicut to lose some fat and fix your insulin sensitivity and continue your bulk for another 6-8 weeks. If you started your bulk while not being very lean this is something to be expected (not that i think it's bad, it's just not the most optimal). Now, if you don't like what you see in the mirror and you feel uncofortable with your image then you could end your bulk back off calories and gear and cruise for sometime at this weight and THEN go for a cut.

Maybe that surplas is very big for you. There's no reason pushing food very high if you add weight easy.
Should i also stop with npp and mast? Or should i continue with that?
The mast won't be doing anything for you at your body fat level. Go test only during your cut. Cardio and the correct calorie intake will get you fucking lean and shredded. Once you're down far enough you can add in some anti-catabolics like tren or anavar, but test only will be just fine.
You could do a 3-4 weeks minicut to lose some fat and fix your insulin sensitivity and continue your bulk for another 6-8 weeks. If you started your bulk while not being very lean this is something to be expected (not that i think it's bad, it's just not the most optimal). Now, if you don't like what you see in the mirror and you feel uncofortable with your image then you could end your bulk back off calories and gear and cruise for sometime at this weight and THEN go for a cut.

Maybe that surplas is very big for you. There's no reason pushing food very high if you add weight easy.
How many kcal do you think I should run on my minicut? should i run it aggressively on 2500kcal?
Carbs: 360 Protein: 265 Fat: 140

Oh, why man? Taking gear and having that crazy high amount of fats? Your lipids will take a hard beating. I'd suggest reassess your diet structure at the first place. Carbs are the most optimal for muscle growth, i'd cut fats at least in HALF and replace the calories with carbs (general advise).

For minicut you can go to 70gr fats and, 265 protein and 150gr carbs mostly timed around the workout. On rest days you could spread them throughout the day, or you could even lower carbs to 100gr and if you do lets say 5 workouts per week you could keep those 50+50 grams of carbs and either have a higher day with 250 carbs on your hardest workout OR spread them evenly at all training days.

The example i wrote above is 2300 calories. You could run it for 2 weeks and if you haven't lost the desired amount then go for another one. While doing minicuts is better to go somewhat aggressive from the start since you will do it for a short period of time. Endurance and strenght should be somewhat the same for the first 7-10 days, then you might start feeling a bit tired and fatigued but you'll approaching in the end. For me this is better than go at 2700cal for lets say 4 weeks.
Oh, why man? Taking gear and having that crazy high amount of fats? Your lipids will take a hard beating. I'd suggest reassess your diet structure at the first place. Carbs are the most optimal for muscle growth, i'd cut fats at least in HALF and replace the calories with carbs (general advise).

For minicut you can go to 70gr fats and, 265 protein and 150gr carbs mostly timed around the workout. On rest days you could spread them throughout the day, or you could even lower carbs to 100gr and if you do lets say 5 workouts per week you could keep those 50+50 grams of carbs and either have a higher day with 250 carbs on your hardest workout OR spread them evenly at all training days.

The example i wrote above is 2300 calories. You could run it for 2 weeks and if you haven't lost the desired amount then go for another one. While doing minicuts is better to go somewhat aggressive from the start since you will do it for a short period of time. Endurance and strenght should be somewhat the same for the first 7-10 days, then you might start feeling a bit tired and fatigued but you'll approaching in the end. For me this is better than go at 2700cal for lets say 4 weeks.
Thank you so much!! I'll take your advice and try it :)

When I then start my bulk again. should i slowly increase my kcal? or should I just turn them up to let's say 3400 kcal, and then see what happens from there?
Thank you so much!! I'll take your advice and try it :)

When I then start my bulk again. should i slowly increase my kcal? or should I just turn them up to let's say 3400 kcal, and then see what happens from there?

You're welcome! I wouldn't go back to 4100, better start at 3400-3500 and track your weight, you might be the at same weight for 2 weeks due to increased metabolism, don't hurry to add more food, unless you see scale dropping. Then continue raising food but even 300gr - 500gr gain in bodyweight per week is way better than 1kg, especially for you not having enough "room" on gaining fat.