Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

LONDON — A 20-foot-tall inflatable orange baby with the face of President Donald Trump could float over Britain’s parliament next month, one of many acts of protest planned to coincide with Trump's first visit to the U.K. since taking office.

Tens of thousands of demonstrators are expected to march in London, Scotland and elsewhere during his trip, which takes place amid a growing transatlantic trade war and global dismay at the treatment of immigrant families at the U.S. border.

LONDON — A 20-foot-tall inflatable orange baby with the face of President Donald Trump could float over Britain’s parliament next month, one of many acts of protest planned to coincide with Trump's first visit to the U.K. since taking office.

Tens of thousands of demonstrators are expected to march in London, Scotland and elsewhere during his trip, which takes place amid a growing transatlantic trade war and global dismay at the treatment of immigrant families at the U.S. border.
what about the other 12,000 kids who illegally crossed the border. when is the US going to send them back to be reunited with their families? they abandoned their kids. they’re all orphans of the state now.

all attention to the 2300. everyone forgot about the other 12,000 orphans. that’s too bad.
[Thread] Dear @AriFleischer and @PressSec -I’m sorry Sarah didn’t get served last night but want to clear up a few things. We are no celebrating that she got kicked out, we do not want this. We are celebrating that Republicans are now being treated the way they want to treat everyone else.

What did you think would happen when SCOTUS ruled bakeries could refuse to serve LGBTQ people on religeious grounds? When Hobby Lobby wanted to deny women contraception? When Drs started saying the didn’t want to treat Trans people? All on “moral grounds”

Did you thing the “right” had the sole ownership of morals? You’ve told yourselves that the “left” is a bunch of amoral crazy people so long you probably started to believe it yourself. Its not true. Our morals say treat ALL people with dignity regardless of who they are...

Thread by @Archimedes2020: "Dear @AriFleischer and @PressSec -I’m sorry Sarah didn’t get served last night but want to clear up a few things. We are no celebrating that […]"

customers discriminate all the time. should we fine and sue them too?

This article was sparked by the jacket that Melania Trump wore as she travelled to a detention camp for migrant children, but my intent isn’t to argue that she or her staff chose that jacket in order to send a coded message to the president’s far-right followers. It is, rather, to highlight some of the historical echoes of that phrase – ‘I don’t care’.

The echoes of which someone ought to have been aware, especially in an administration that includes – to put it mildly – several far-right sympathisers. And also to show that the attitude, the theatrical ‘not caring’, was an explicit character trait of Fascism.

Which, at the very least, seems a troubling coincidence.

Fascism lay its roots in the campaign for Italy’s late entry in the First World War, of which Mussolini was one of the leaders. It was at this time that the phrase ‘me ne frego’ – which at the time was still considered quite vulgar, along the lines of the English ‘I don’t give a fuck’ – was sung by members of the special force known as arditi (literally: ‘the daring ones’) who volunteered for the front, to signify that they didn’t care if they should lose their lives.

The arditi were disbanded after the war, but many of them volunteered in 1919 for an expedition led by the poet Gabriele D’Annunzio to capture the city of Fiume (Rijeka, in present-day Croatia) and claim it for Italy during the vacuum created by the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian empire. At the time of this occupation, former arditi also formed the backbone of the original Black Squads during the terror campaigns that began in 1919 and culminated with the ‘March on Rome’ of 1922, which completed Fascism’s swift rise to power.

This lapel pin worn by an original member of the Black Shirts was recently sold on a website devoted to military memorabilia. It is emblazoned with the words ‘Me ne frego’ underneath the original symbol of the arditi and the acronym FERT (which stands for the motto of the Royal Family). The seller calls it ‘bellissimo’.