Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse


Last week during a trip to Texas for a photo-op at a detention center holding migrant children the Trump administration separated from their parents, Melania Trump wore her now infamous “I really don’t care. Do you?” jacket.

Melania’s spokesperson issued a statement that the First Lady wasn’t sending a message despite the fact there was a literal message on the jacket. Then, the president undercut Melania’s team by saying it was a message to the “lying” media, and that Melania doesn’t care what they say.

Whether Melania was sending a message to the media, her husband, or on the issue, “I really don’t care” sums up the Trump administrations’ attitude toward human rights. In fact, the United States pulled out of the United Nations’ Human Rights Commission last week citing the abysmal human rights records of many of its members. Now, on the issue of human rights, the U.S. is becoming a pariah throughout the world…and in fine dining establishments in the Washington Beltway.

After lying to the nation that there was not a policy separating migrant families, Homeland Security Director Kirstjen Nielsen was booed out of a Washington Mexican restaurant. A few days earlier, the architect of the racist policy, White House adviser Stephen Miller was also heckled at a Mexican restaurant. Inflicting lifelong trauma on migrant children must make one acquire a hankering for tacos. If Hillary was elected, these ghouls wouldn’t need to hunt down Mexican restaurants as there’d be a taco truck on every corner.

White House spokesgoon Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked to leave the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia over the weekend. One of the owners said Sanders works in an “inhumane and unethical” administration. That point was proven on the ethics part after Sanders used her government Twitter account to smear the establishment. Sander wrote, “I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will continue to do so,” which is a lie. It’s not with respect when she lies to the nation and insults members of the media for asking questions she refuses to answer, like saying some sentences are too big for Jim Acosta at CNN.

Sanders was upset for being kicked out because she works for Trump, which highlights why she was kicked out. She doesn’t work for Trump. She works for you and I. We pay her, Trump doesn’t. How does she do the job we’re paying her for? She lies and supports an administration that is tearing out nation apart.

Trump jumped in to smear the restaurant Monday morning with a tweet of his own. The guy can’t say anything slightly critical of dictators but he’s one step away from writing Yelp reviews. Not only did the president’s spokesperson attack a private business because of a personal grudge, so did the president of the United States. Kids in cages and baby prisons aren’t nearly as upsetting as Sarah not being able to get a churro.

Trump’s supporters, white Christians who claim they’re the most persecuted people ever in the existence of the Earth, attacked the Red Hen by writing nasty reviews online, forgetting the celebrations they recently had over an Indiana bakery being able to refuse to make gay wedding cakes.

A restaurant can’t refuse service based on religion, sexual orientation, or the color of your skin. But they can kick you out if they think you’re a jerk. Years ago, a restaurant asked O.J. Simpson to leave because they didn’t want to serve a man many people believe is a murderer. Recently, a court in New York ruled that a bar can refuse service to a man wearing a MAGA hat. The court said political viewpoints are not protected from discrimination.

I saw a cartoon recently of a maitre d’ telling a couple, “I’m afraid we can’t allow two fat ugly bastards like you to have a window table.” Maybe some restaurants don’t want to be known for serving bastards who work in a racist, stupid, lying, corrupt administration.

Trump has taken this opportunity with the Red Hen to turn it into a red herring. He tweeted, “The Red Hen Restaurant should focus more on cleaning its filthy canopies, doors and windows (badly needs a paint job) rather than refusing to serve a fine person like Sarah Huckabee Sanders. I always had a rule, if a restaurant is dirty on the outside, it is dirty on the inside!”

I have the same rule toward politicians. If a politician has a ridiculous comb-over, fake spray tan, and can’t find a suit that fits thus looking like a jackass, then he’s probably a jackass.

[Born on this day, in 1903] George Orwell

The dystopia described in George Orwell’s nearly 70-year-old novel “1984” suddenly feels all too familiar.

A world in which Big Brother (or maybe the National Security Agency) is always listening in, and high-tech devices can eavesdrop in people’s homes. (Hey, Alexa, what’s up?)

A world of endless war, where fear and hate are drummed up against foreigners, and movies show boatloads of refugees dying at sea.

A world in which the government insists that reality is not “something objective, external, existing in its own right” — but rather, “whatever the Party holds to be truth is truth.”

In developing democracy in the United States and Europe over the last few centuries, the people of both continents have forged five fundamental safeguards against the tyranny of those with dangerous personality disorders.

These safeguards are:

• representative democracy, in which leaders are freely elected and freely removed by the people;
• the separation of church and state, which limits the ability of tyrants to wield the power of the state on behalf of sectarian causes;
• social democracy, in which the state has the responsibility to redistribute wealth in order to minimise poverty and ensure social cohesion;
• pooled sovereignty, which reduces nationalist sentiment and deprives tyrants of a rallying cry to arms; and
• the protection of individual human rights in law, including the rights of minorities, which deprives tyrants of their most vulnerable scapegoats.

Although the mix of safeguards varies between the United States and Europe, and between countries in Europe, they together characterise the Western democratic model.


In attempting to establish these institutions and practices, the citizens of a newly democratising nation will come up against strident opposition from people with dangerous personality disorders on every one of these issues. Pathological individuals will inevitably hold positions of authority in the army, police and judiciary; they will be profiting from the vilification and persecution of those of a different ethnic or religious background; they will vehemently oppose any redistribution of their wealth and power; and they will reject the basic principle of equality underpinning democratic governance as threatening and offensive.

Psychologically normal people may also of course oppose each of these developments – on the basis of self-interest, prejudice or even reasoned argument. But psychologically normal people are capable of conceiving of the democratic principles of equality, power-sharing, compromise and concern for the rights and aspirations of others.

Psychopaths, pathological narcissists, and people with severe paranoid personality are psychologically incapable of conceiving of these fundamental essentials of democratic citizenship and will therefore be at the vanguard of those opposed to the success of democratisation.

This psychology-based perspective helps to explain why mass protests and violent revolutions are often necessary preludes to democratisation. And it helps to explain why the process of democratisation is protracted and can readily fail.

In established democracies, once people with these disorders get into power their psychology impels them to dismantle to institutions and norms of democracy.

[Disordered Minds: How Dangerous Personalities Are Destroying Democracy. ]
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How a CBP agent accessed the travel records of a journalist - and then used those to try to blackmail her - is a huge, huge story that's getting nowhere near the attention it deserves:

President Donald Trump’s administration is refusing to explain how and why Jeffrey Rambo, apparently a random U.S. Customs and Border Protection agent, may have known about a reporter’s personal travel — or whether he was authorized to access that information at all.

In June 2017, Rambo, whose official role CBP also refuses to explain, contacted national security reporter Ali Watkins, identified himself as a government agent and implied that he could be a source, according to (The Washington Post). But when they met, he grilled her about her work and her personal life, noting the dates and locations of international trips she took with James Wolfe, then the director of security for the Senate Intelligence Committee, whom she was dating. Rambo didn’t give Watkins his name, but he mentioned that the Trump administration was aggressively investigating journalists and their sources.

But Customs and Border Protection is not normally involved in investigations of national security leaks. The Justice Department, which handles such matters, says it didn’t ask Rambo for help.

WASHINGTON, June 25, 2018 — President Donald Trump has not ruled out attempting to withdraw the United States from the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees or asking Congress to amend the 1980 Refugee Act to make it harder for South or Central Americans fleeing violence and persecution to be granted asylum in the United States, White House Principal Deputy Press Secretary Raj Shah said Monday.

“I’m not ruling that out at some future date,” Shah said when asked if the president’s calls to deny due process to persons entering the country outside of ports of entry meant he was considering withdrawing from the 1967 treaty or amending the Refugee Act, both of which would be necessary for Trump to fulfill his goal of denying due process to persons claiming asylum in the United States outside of ports of entry.

Where’s your line in the sand? Would you cook dinner for Hitler? How about Osama bin Laden? Is that too much? Is that your breaking point? At what point is it acceptable to say, “You know what? I cannot, in good conscience, serve this person a meal. This person is inhumane and dangerous, and I want no part of making their life better or easier.”

Last week, as you probably saw, a Virginia restaurant owner — after surveying her employees — asked White House spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders to leave, refusing to serve her a meal. Sanders left.

The move has been universally panned as cruel and excessive by conservatives. A sizable chunk of Democrats agree. Others have celebrated it, and other moves like it, as a necessary response to the actual evils of the Trump administration.

The Trump administration, after all, is not a nebulous, nameless, faceless enterprise, but a collection of actual people who make consequential decisions that affect the lives of very real people.

My basic feelings about Sanders mirror those of the restaurant owner in Virginia: I see her as a spokesperson for a truly evil man. She protects his lies. She defends his most vile policies that cause actual harm. She defends his decisions to forcefully separate infants and children from their parents at the American border. She deflects and dodges and lies about the scores of women that have accused Donald Trump of sexual assault and harassment. She defends Trump’s complete inaction on gun control. The list goes on and on.


I think the restaurant in Virginia was right to ask Sanders to leave. I think protesters were right to heckle Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, as she ate dinner at a Mexican restaurant, over her role in our current humanitarian crisis. I think it’s right to yell “fascist” at White House adviser Stephen Miller as he eats dinner.

None of us should be silent, or even courteous, about the horrors going on in our country. I just know that it’s probably going to get worse from here.