Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

To grasp what is going on in the world right now, we need to reflect on two things. One is that we are in a phase of trial runs. The other is that what is being trialled is fascism – a word that should be used carefully but not shirked when it is so clearly on the horizon. Forget “post-fascist” – what we are living with is pre-fascism.

It is easy to dismiss Donald Trump as an ignoramus, not least because he is. But he has an acute understanding of one thing: test marketing. He created himself in the gossip pages of the New York tabloids, where celebrity is manufactured by planting outrageous stories that you can later confirm or deny depending on how they go down. And he recreated himself in reality TV where the storylines can be adjusted according to the ratings. Put something out there, pull it back, adjust, go again.

Fascism doesn’t arise suddenly in an existing democracy. It is not easy to get people to give up their ideas of freedom and civility. You have to do trial runs that, if they are done well, serve two purposes. They get people used to something they may initially recoil from; and they allow you to refine and calibrate. This is what is happening now and we would be fools not to see it.

Sometimes an angry conservative reader will tell me that I’m adding to the discourse in American politics and society. My response to that is always, yep. It’s what political cartoonists do, even the ones you agree with. It’s not new. Thomas Nast did it back in the 1800s. But we don’t create it. We’re just riding it.

Republicans and Trump supporters, who often call liberals “snowflakes,” make themselves out to be the most persecuted and victimized people in society. They cry about all the negativity Donald Trump is receiving. They have very short memories.

During the 1990s, a millionaire newspaper owner in Pennsylvania funded investigations into President Bill Clinton’s sex life. Newt Gingrich engineered the GOP takeover of the House in 1992 on a campaign that if Democrats retained control, Clinton would swing by your house, fondle your wife, impregnate your daughter, and his wife, who didn’t know her place, would force healthcare upon your family. They eventually impeached Clinton because he received oral sex in the Oval Office. They had to go through two GOP speakers during the impeachment proceedings before they got one who hadn’t committed adultery. Of course, we all found out later that Republican was a pedophile.

During the Obama era, they attempted to de-legitimize him by saying he wasn’t born in this country. Ted Nugent, who Donald Trump has hosted in the White House, said Obama was a mongrel and made comments about shooting him. A congressman yelled “you lie” during a State of the Union speech. They freaked out over the president wearing a tan suit and putting mustard on a cheeseburger. They totally lost their minds when Michelle went sleeveless and said kids should eat more vegetables. You would have thought these Democrats were inviting Russians into the Oval Office and giving them classified information given to us by our Israeli allies.

During the 2016 campaign, Republicans claimed Clinton was operating a child-sex-slave ring in the basement of a Washington pizza parlor that didn’t even have a basement. They also told us Clinton was dying, yet she’s still here.

A few weeks ago at an awards show, Robert De Niro said “F Trump,” except he didn’t say “F.” He said the full word. There wasn’t any context to it. Just the “F” thing.

Last week, actor Peter Fonda surprised everyone who thought he was dead by saying Barron Trump should be taken away from his parents and put into a cage with pedophiles. Since Trump has bragged about walking in on teen girls undressing, Fonda could have just wished Barron had to go to that Washington pizza place with his dad.

Also last week, several people within the Trump administration were either heckled, yell at, or told to leave while out dining. For two of those, it was their own damn fault for selecting Mexican restaurants during Traumatize A Hispanic Migrant Child week.

Over the weekend, Congresswoman Maxine Waters latched onto the restaurant protests and said, “If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. You push back on them. Tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere!”

De Niro’s comments were ugly. Fonda’s comments were horrible and not accepted by anyone, and it got him reported to the Secret Service. Waters’ comment, meh. I don’t really have a problem with anything Waters said, only that she said it. I don’t think I could stop myself from telling a Cabinet member the administration is killing America if I ran into one. That probably won’t happen unless they start patronizing the Wawa up the street, since that’s the only place I ever go lately. It’s Hoagiefest.

Fonda should be shamed for his comments. Even before you get to the context of his statement, it was bad to bring Barron Trump into his argument. I get his point, but no.

At the very worst, Waters’ comment gave Trump and company ammunition. They were already playing the victim game over the restaurants and had even used the government positions to slander the Red Hen Restaurant in Lexington, Virginia.

Trump attacked Waters, said has a low IQ, and that she called for harm to Trump supporters. Then, he said she needs to be careful with what she wishes for. Basically, he’s complaining about the lack of civility, insults Waters, and lies about what she said, and then wishes harm to her. He did everything he accused Waters of doing. Can he get away with that? Yes he can.

On the campaign trail, Trump encouraged his supporters to beat up protesters and even offered to pay their legal fees for assault. Many of them did assault protesters, though Trump never paid for their legal fees. Why should he? He doesn’t pay his own legal fees.

He said the 2nd Amendment people might have a solution to prevent a President Hillary Clinton from appointing Supreme Court Justices.

Let’s not forget how many women Trump has attacked and all the people who he’s given juvenile nicknames to.

And then there was the time Nazis killed a woman and Trump praised them.

Instead of encouraging violence, one Congressional candidate, Greg Gianforte, physically assaulted a reporter. That Republican is now a Congressman who won by aligning himself with Trump. Donald Trump Jr. was campaigning with Gianforte last week.

The sad thing about this is, the messaging from conservatives about uncivil and violent Democrats will work with Republicans. Never mind the hypocrisy. These are rules they expect you to abide, but don’t apply to them. It’s the new New.

Waters did not wish violence or harm on Trump supporters. The worst she did was to call for people to call them out, which I guess is a horrible thing for a Trump supporter. Facts are an assault on their senses and everything they stand for. Go to your crazy uncle’s most recent Facebook post and type “Snopes” and watch the reaction.

I’m not making an argument that Democrats aren’t adding to the discourse, but I will argue they’re not as bad, or ugly as Republicans. Besides, you really don’t have to wish harm on Trump supporters. Isn’t it bad enough for them that they have to live with whatever it is that’s afflicting their brains? Plus, they’re gonna have to clean up the mess Trump leaves behind.

Who am I kidding? They’re gonna leave that for us to clean and they’ll blame a Democrat for making it.


Obscured by the destructive chaos of the Trump administration, a far more chillingly efficient assault on America is underway: a hard march backward to laissez-faire economic policies of a sort not seen since the late 19th century. Last year, Congress did its part by cutting corporate taxes. And on Monday, in Ohio v. American Express, the Supreme Court delivered a big blow to antitrust law and its traditional mission of helping consumers and fostering economic competition.

With its five more conservative justices in the majority, the court ruled 5-4 in favor of American Express and its “gag orders” — which forbid merchants that contract with American Express from encouraging customers to use other credit cards — even though these restrictions are blatantly anticompetitive and raise prices for consumers. The court offered a weak, highly abstract decision that masks the economic extremism of its ruling, which will further enrich Wall Street intermediaries at the expense of both merchants and consumers.