Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

The children whom the Trump administration have separated from their parents and sent to New York are suffering extreme trauma. For example, a South American boy who was separated from his father at the Mexican border was rushed to the hospital because he was about to jump out of the second-story window of the group home where he was sent in early June after being forcibly separated from his family; the distraught child verbalized that he wanted to jump because he missed his parents. Twelve other young immigrant children who were separated from their parents at the border have been treated for physical and mental illnesses at New York City hospitals. One child was suicidal and others were treated for depression and anxiety.

A federal judge has ordered the Trump administration to end separations for most migrant families at the border, and to reunify parents and children who were already separated within the next month, with limited exceptions.

In a ruling late Tuesday, US District Judge Dana Sabraw wrote that the federal government had adopted a practice of separating families without "any effective system or procedure" for tracking children, for allowing parents and children to communicate while they were apart, or for reuniting families once a parent's criminal case was over. He called it a "startling reality."

"The facts set forth before the Court portray reactive governance — responses to address a chaotic circumstance of the Government’s own making," Sabraw wrote. "They belie measured and ordered governance, which is central to the concept of due process enshrined in our Constitution."

Sabraw authorized the case, brought by the American Civil Liberties Union in federal court in San Diego, to proceed as a class action. The lawsuit now covers all adults in immigration custody — including migrant parents who entered the United States at an official port of entry as well as those who did not — who have a child who has been will be separated and placed into government custody.

Under Sabraw's order, the federal government is now blocked from separating families while a parent is in immigration detention, absent evidence that a parent is unfit or poses a danger to the child, or that the parent has waived being held together. He also ordered the government to reunite all class members with their children within 30 days, or 14 days if a child was younger than five years old, and to allow parents to contact separated children within 10 days.

As immeasurable as the damage inflicted migrant children is — experts believe that the trauma will likely inflict decades of emotional damage — we are missing the root problem: This policy was the result of the complete immorality plaguing the Trump administration and, by extension, the United States.

Children have been separated from their parents when they enter the United States together through non-official points of entry and the parents are criminally charged. Not only was it a fiscally irresponsible decision — costing taxpayers $750 a day per child, nearly three times the cost of keeping the families together — it was morally wrong and revealed a stain on the soul of America.

Punishment for the sins of the parent were meted out on the child in a cruel and sanguinary fashion. Compounding the immorality of this is that the president who had the temerity to claim that the policy he put in place to tear families apart was actually the fault of Democrats. His Homeland Security secretary, Kirstjen Nielsen, took the delirium to new lows by tweeting, “We do not have a policy of separating families at the border. Period.”

Recent incidents of Trump officials being confronted in public for their role in the administration’s separation and imprisonment of immigrant families have driven renewed concern about the lack of civility in U.S. politics. The Onion presents tips for staying civil in a debate about child prisons.

Avoid unkind generalizations like equating the jailing of ethnic minorities with some malevolent form of fascism.

Consider that we all have different perspectives stemming from things like age, ethnicity, or level of racism.

Recall that violently rejecting a tyrannical government goes against everything our forefathers believed in.

Find common ground by recognizing that some kids are huge assholes.

Make sure any protests are peaceful, silent, and completely out of sight of anyone who could actually affect government policy.

Give your political opponents the benefit of the doubt by letting this play out for 20 years and seeing if it gets any better on its own.

Realize that every pressing social issue is solved through civil discourse if you ignore virtually all of human history.

Remind yourself that you’re just two people having a cocktail at the same D.C. party and that politics is a game to you.

Avoid painting with a broad brush. Not everyone in favor of zero-tolerance immigration wants to see children in cages—it’s more likely that they just don’t care.