Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

I’m kind of a history buff about revolutions (big surprise, huh?) so recently I’ve enjoyed catching up with the great podcast series by Mike Duncan called, simply, “Revolutions.” And every time — whether the setting is Paris or Berlin or Budapest, and whether it’s the French Revolution or the spasms that shook Europe in 1848 or whatever — there is inevitably one similar moment.

Some minister or bureaucrat — maybe sinister, maybe just hapless — is inside a government building surrounded by a large, angry, yelling mob furious over a lack of bread or an unjust tax or just a basic lack of representation. If the state functionary is lucky, he steals a janitor’s outfit and sneaks out the back door and flees the country. The less fortunate often are hacked from limb to limb, or strung up from a lamppost, or both.

To me, that’s incivility.

The recent outbreak of nonviolent and sometimes quite creative protests against various Trump administration officials directly involved in the human-rights abuses taking place at the southern U.S. border — blasting a tape of a crying Central American child at the home of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, all of Broadway cheering the F-bomb that Robert De Niro launched toward President Trump, and, most famously, the turning away of Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders from that Virginia restaurant? Almost all of it falls within the bounds of offbeat civil disobedience.

Need a better term? How about “Trump-shaming”?
[Thread] Speaking as someone born in the last years of a dictatorship, you Americans are already several steps in one.

Ferdinand Marcos' greatest trick was convincing people all protesters were communist animals, so when they went missing, few cared. Even after bodies were discovered.

These white people & journalists talking about being civil? These were the rich people, the Fil-Chinese, the mestizos in the Philippines who knew they won't be affected by many of Marcos' policies, and therefore could ignore them even as the killings started.

Marcos was also adept at convincing regular Filipinos that "as long as you don't commit crimes I won't come for you. I'm only getting rid of the 'filth'." He lied, of course. He jailed his most vocal opponents, people whose businesses he wanted to confiscate for his use.

But Filipinos have always been susceptible to strongman personality cults, just like your Republicans.

Thread by @RinChupeco: "Speaking as someone born in the last years of a dictatorship, you Americans are already several steps in one. Ferdinand Marcos' greatest tri […]"

Government debt is on track to hit historically high levels and at its current growth rate will be nearly equal in size to the U.S. economy by 2028, the Congressional Budget Office said Tuesday.

By the end of this year, the ratio of federal debt to the United States' gross domestic product will reach 78 percent, according to the CBO, the highest ratio since 1950.

The debt is projected to grow to 96 percent of GDP by 2028 before eventually surpassing the historical high of 106 percent it reached in 1946.

Commercial satellite imagery from June 21 indicates that improvements to the infrastructure at North Korea’s Yongbyon Nuclear Scientific Research Center are continuing at a rapid pace. Modifications to the 5 MWe plutonium production reactor’s cooling system appear complete, but a less-than-normal cooling water discharge from the outfall pipe makes a determination of the reactor’s operational status difficult.

The status of the Radiochemical Laboratory—used to separate plutonium from spent fuel rods—remains uncertain, although the associated Thermal Plant has likely continued operations, and a small non-industrial building of an unknown purpose has been newly erected near the cooling tower.

Construction continues on support facilities throughout other operational areas of Yongbyon, especially at the Experimental Light Water Reactor (ELWR), where the new engineering office building appears externally complete and a small building similar to the one observed at the Radiochemical Laboratory has been erected.