Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

I know the anti-4th estate and anti-establishment forces in the air are strong nowadays, but sharing articles, insight, commentary by and about award-winning journalists, academics, Nobel prize winners, congressional and world leaders and other influential people published in mainstream news sources like the New York Times, Washington Post, Reuters, etc. is still meaningful and highly relevant to the conversation.

@Michael Scally MD maintains several popular threads on MESO in which he has tirelessly and very regularly shared relevant and meaningful content often spanning months and sometimes years. Whether or not you agree with the content does not change its relevance. There are no bubbles here. I am grateful for his dedication.
Shit, I thought you were a bot, lol. I thought you had some sort of algorithm that posted these articles.
I know the anti-4th estate and anti-establishment forces in the air are strong nowadays, but sharing articles, insight, commentary by and about award-winning journalists, academics, Nobel prize winners, congressional and world leaders and other influential people published in mainstream news sources like the New York Times, Washington Post, Reuters, etc. is still meaningful and highly relevant to the conversation.

@Michael Scally MD maintains several popular threads on MESO in which he has tirelessly and very regularly shared relevant and meaningful content often spanning months and sometimes years. Whether or not you agree with the content does not change its relevance. There are no bubbles here. I am grateful for his dedication.
Im sure there has been a lot of valuable information, but in regards to this there's been a ton of false information.
I'm not arguing that reputable sources have shared the same information, but a lot of it is false and information is given on an agenda basis.
I think hearing both sides of an argument is absolutely necessary and would never want a "bubble" of information. i just don't find it helpful to put information that has been proven false as fact.
I feel i have just as much as a right to point it out. ..
Not to mention, those scholars, pundits, journalists, academics, etc, etc, have all been caught red handed lying so doesn't hold much water.
I know the anti-4th estate and anti-establishment forces in the air are strong nowadays, but sharing articles, insight, commentary by and about award-winning journalists, academics, Nobel prize winners, congressional and world leaders and other influential people published in mainstream news sources like the New York Times, Washington Post, Reuters, etc. is still meaningful and highly relevant to the conversation.

@Michael Scally MD maintains several popular threads on MESO in which he has tirelessly and very regularly shared relevant and meaningful content often spanning months and sometimes years. Whether or not you agree with the content does not change its relevance. There are no bubbles here. I am grateful for his dedication.

Even with respect to all those influential people and sources, I would say his choice of material is "a bit" one sided. But to be clear, I wasn't complaining about his activities. When I have the time I do like to look through what he posts, sometimes just for a measure of the delusional content being fed to the masses. Alas, the rest of the time I keep him on ignore for my own sanity.
The mainstream media is totally agenda biasis. no matter how reputable they are it still doesn't make things that aren't true true
Of course, there are instances of bias in mainstream media. Regardless of the "news" source, there will be some bias. I'd be concerned if anyone accepted any given source, mainstream or other, as completely objective. The existence of bias is a poor justification for the wholesale rejection of mainstream media. People just need to work on their critical thinking skills.
Not to mention, those scholars, pundits, journalists, academics, etc, etc, have all been caught red handed lying so doesn't hold much water.
I'm sure you're making use of hyperbole. It's easy to to dismiss them by placing them all in a single basket but this tendency towards anti-intellectualism is dangerous.
Of course, there are instances of bias in mainstream media. Regardless of the "news" source, there will be some bias. I'd be concerned if anyone accepted any given source, mainstream or other, as completely objective. The existence of bias is a poor justification for the wholesale rejection of mainstream media. People just need to work on their critical thinking skills.
But in the case of trump it's obvious to see their EXTREME biasis. understanding they have an anti trump agenda makes it hard to take their information as fact.
That's my point the mainstream media has been caught lying and people still go with it.
I guess in trying to do what you exactly stated. showing a lot of posted info is very misguided or false.
I just wanted to point that out since it seems a lot of people just go off what they read since it "news"
I'm sure you're making use of hyperbole. It's easy to to dismiss them by placing them all in a single basket but this tendency towards anti-intellectualism is dangerous.

When the message becomes as homogeneous as it did in this election, the messengers do all belong in the same basket.
But in the case of trump it's obvious to see their EXTREME biasis. understanding they have an anti trump agenda makes it hard to take their information as fact.
That's my point the mainstream media has been caught lying and people still go with it.
I guess in trying to do what you exactly stated. showing a lot of posted info is very misguided or false.
I just wanted to point that out since it seems a lot of people just go off what they read since it "news"
You probably realize there are some alternate realities going on here. The "other" side would say exactly the same thing about the info you are posting and completely dismiss it for the exact same reasons. For example:

But in the case of trump it's obvious to see their EXTREME biasis. understanding they have a pro trump agenda makes it hard to take their information as fact.
That's my point the alternative media has been caught lying and people still go with it.
I guess in trying to do what you exactly stated. showing a lot of posted info is very misguided or false.
I just wanted to point that out since it seems a lot of people just go off what they read since it "alternative news"

There is a fundamental lack of agreement on the facts. Facts apparently no longer exist. And without this, there is very little hope of discussion much less reconciliation.

I'm sure you are absolutely convinced you live in the "real reality" and the anti-Trump people live in an "alternate reality". But they are just as equally and absolutely convinced that pro-Trump people live in that "alternate reality".
It's a fact the mainstream media was way off in this election. they felt it was almost a lock. they lied on countless things. why? their agenda was to destroy trump.
Obviously people can do what they want but when i respected/looked up to member keeps on going with these so calle
You probably realize there are some alternate realities going on here. The "other" side would say exactly the same thing about the info you are posting and completely dismiss it for the exact same reasons. For example:

But in the case of trump it's obvious to see their EXTREME biasis. understanding they have an pro trump agenda makes it hard to take their information as fact.
That's my point the alternative media has been caught lying and people still go with it.
I guess in trying to do what you exactly stated. showing a lot of posted info is very misguided or false.
I just wanted to point that out since it seems a lot of people just go off what they read since it "alternative news"

There is a fundamental lack of agreement on the facts. Facts apparently no longer exist. And without this, there is very little hope of discussion much less reconciliation.

I'm sure you are absolutely convinced you live in the "real reality" and the anti-Trump people live in an "alternate reality". But they are just as equally and absolutely convinced that pro-Trump people live in that "alternate reality".
You're somewhat correct in the fact that i agree there's never going to be an agreement. but you're wrong trump wouldn't of been my first choice. lesser of two evils in my opinion.
But its the mainstream media had an undeniable agenda to bash trump. if allegations are false they're false. it doesn't matter who you support.
I'm not sitting on a thread posting at most half truths about hillary.
I saw all this crap on trump and felt someone should at least show that many statement are down right false.
People who don't support trump can have valid arguments and accusations.
It's a little frustrating when this is brought up and the only response is just more anti trump rhetoric.
I am very open to hear other points of view, but it's obvious that this thread has become just anti trump rant.
I tried giving a bone to start dialog but disappointingly the only response is from you (no disrespect)
My bone to pick isn't in having differing opinion but with the anti trump propoganda that no one will support in their own words.
It's a fact the mainstream media was way off in this election. they felt it was almost a lock. they lied on countless things. why? their agenda was to destroy trump.
Obviously people can do what they want but when i respected/looked up to member keeps on going with these so calle
You probably realize there are some alternate realities going on here. The "other" side would say exactly the same thing about the info you are posting and completely dismiss it for the exact same reasons. For example:

But in the case of trump it's obvious to see their EXTREME biasis. understanding they have an pro trump agenda makes it hard to take their information as fact.
That's my point the alternative media has been caught lying and people still go with it.
I guess in trying to do what you exactly stated. showing a lot of posted info is very misguided or false.
I just wanted to point that out since it seems a lot of people just go off what they read since it "alternative news"

There is a fundamental lack of agreement on the facts. Facts apparently no longer exist. And without this, there is very little hope of discussion much less reconciliation.

I'm sure you are absolutely convinced you live in the "real reality" and the anti-Trump people live in an "alternate reality". But they are just as equally and absolutely convinced that pro-Trump people live in that "alternate reality".
You're somewhat correct in the fact that i agree there's never going to be an agreement. but you're wrong trump wouldn't of been my first choice. lesser of two evils in my opinion.
But its the mainstream media had an undeniable agenda to bash trump. if allegations are false they're false. it doesn't matter who you support.
I'm not sitting on a thread posting at most half truths about hillary.
I saw all this crap on trump and felt someone should at least show that many statement are down right false.
People who don't support trump can have valid arguments and accusations.
It's a little frustrating when this is brought up and the only response is just more anti trump rhetoric.
I am very open to hear other points of view, but it's obvious that this thread has become just anti trump rant.
I tried giving a bone to start dialog but disappointingly the only response is from you (no disrespect)
My bone to pick isn't in having differing opinion but with the anti trump propoganda that no one will support in their own words.
And here we ago again. I'll just ignore this thread for my own sanity.
@Millard Baker l respect your opinion and your willingness to engage in dialog. but i cannot respect someone who won't consider a different opinion or defend theirs with their own thoughts.
Philosopher Richard Rorty Chillingly Predicts the Results of the 2016 Election … Back in 1998
Philosopher Richard Rorty Chillingly Predicts the Results of the 2016 Election ... Back in 1998 | Open Culture

[M]embers of labor unions, and unorganized unskilled workers, will sooner or later realize that their government is not even trying to prevent wages from sinking or to prevent jobs from being exported. Around the same time, they will realize that suburban white-collar workers—themselves desperately afraid of being downsized—are not going to let themselves be taxed to provide social benefits for anyone else.

At that point, something will crack. The nonsuburban electorate will decide that the system has failed and start looking around for a strongman to vote for—someone willing to assure them that, once he is elected, the smug bureaucrats, tricky lawyers, overpaid bond salesmen, and postmodernist professors will no longer be calling the shots. A scenario like that of Sinclair Lewis’ novel It Can’t Happen Here may then be played out. For once a strongman takes office, nobody can predict what will happen. In 1932, most of the predictions made about what would happen if Hindenburg named Hitler chancellor were wildly overoptimistic.

One thing that is very likely to happen is that the gains made in the past forty years by black and brown Americans, and by homosexuals, will be wiped out. Jocular contempt for women will come back into fashion. The words [slur for an African-American that begins with “n”] and [slur for a Jewish person that begins with “k”] will once again be heard in the workplace. All the sadism which the academic Left has tried to make unacceptable to its students will come flooding back. All the resentment which badly educated Americans feel about having their manners dictated to them by college graduates will find an outlet.​

He also then argues, however, that this sadism will not solely be the result of “economic inequality and insecurity,” and that such explanations would be “too simplistic.” Nor would the strongman who comes to power do anything but worsen economic conditions. He writes next, “after my imagined strongman takes charge, he will quickly make his peace with the international superrich.”

Richard Rorty’s 1998 Book Suggested Election 2016 Was Coming

Three days after the presidential election, an astute law professor tweeted a picture of three paragraphs, very slightly condensed, from Richard Rorty’s “Achieving Our Country,” published in 1998. It was retweeted thousands of times, generating a run on the book — its ranking soared on Amazon and by day’s end it was no longer available. (Harvard University Press is reprinting the book for the first time since 2010, a spokeswoman for the publisher said.)
I think it's an error to place people in a single basket no matter which side you're on.

I honestly haven't witnessed a situation like this before. I once thought news organizations couldn't push a false narrative any further than they did in the lead up to the 2003 Iraq invasion. Either I was wrong about that or didn't have as many facts then as I do this time. Wikileaks really did make fools of a lot of people, and I can count on one hand the number of people who acknowledged their blatant lies once the facts were released.