Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Cool, allow me finish the quote for you...

"And we're going to make it clear that we don't want to forget those people. Those people labored in those mines for generations, losing their health, often losing their lives to turn on our lights and power our factories.

Now we've got to move away from coal and all the other fossil fuels, but I don't want to move away from the people who did the best they could to produce the energy that we relied on."

Coal mines are a dying industry... Accept it.

Trump is going to fight the inevitable if he makes it through his terms... All the while calling climate change a hoax or denying he said it was a hoax depending on who he's talking to. The inevitable being that our nation needs to invest in alternative forms of energy. The rest of the fucking world is getting in line with it... We're going to step out of line with it though.

Investing in renewable energy is a smart choice... Ignoring that choice and opting to depend on coal for the future is not a smart choice. Whether you're a Trump supporter or not, you should be able to see the logic in that.
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Cool, allow me finish the quote for you...

"And we're going to make it clear that we don't want to forget those people. Those people labored in those mines for generations, losing their health, often losing their lives to turn on our lights and power our factories.

Now we've got to move away from coal and all the other fossil fuels, but I don't want to move away from the people who did the best they could to produce the energy that we relied on."

Coal mines are a dying industry... Accept it.

Trump is going to fight the inevitable if he makes it through his terms... All the while calling climate change a hoax or denying he said it was a hoax depending on who he's talking to. The inevitable being that our nation needs to invest in alternative forms of energy. The rest of the fucking world is getting in line with it... We're going to step out of line with it though.

Investing in renewable energy is a smart choice... Ignoring that choice and opting to depend on coal for the future is not a smart choice. Whether you're a Trump supporter or not, you should be able to see the logic in that.
All the rest of that quote is high fructose corn syrup. it doesn't mean shit. when your 40 years old, been working in the coal industry your whole life and don't know anything else you know starting over is not a plausible option. words matter.
I think the difference is trump has ran on bringing jobs back to the US whereas hillary has literally ran on killing jobs for blue collar workers.

I hope you guys hold him to it @XKawN.
What he says and what he actually does with his clothing companies which are based overseas are to diffrent things.
All the rest of that quote is high fructose corn syrup. it doesn't mean shit. when your 40 years old, been working in the coal industry your whole life and don't know anything else you know starting over is not a plausible option. words matter.

Those same guys can easily be retrained to install solar panels. I can think of four local companies that are doing quite well with solar.
All the rest of that quote is high fructose corn syrup. it doesn't mean shit..

You're trying to justify pushing your bullshit out of context quotes? That's great... just because it isn't something you wanted to hear doesn't make it something you don't need to hear.

when your 40 years old, been working in the coal industry your whole life and don't know anything else you know starting over is not a plausible option. words matter.

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.

The coal industry WILL die out. It is not a question of IF but a question of WHEN. The sooner the better so we can be proactive rather than reactive.

Investing in renewable energy is a smart decision whether you want to believe it or not... Yet, you think working coal mines forever is a plausible option. GTFO.
You're trying to justify pushing your bullshit out of context quotes? That's great... just because it isn't something you wanted to hear doesn't make it something you don't need to hear.

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.

The coal industry WILL die out. It is not a question of IF but a question of WHEN. The sooner the better so we can be proactive rather than reactive.

Investing in renewable energy is a smart decision whether you want to believe it or not... Yet, you think working coal mines forever is a plausible option. GTFO.
First off, you have a different opinion than I, stop acting like it's a personal attack on you. secondly, I never said I was against other sources of energy or clean air and clean water. my comment was on hillary running on killing jobs. whether you like it or not, that comment as well as other comments is directly talking about killing jobs. may not be your job, or the good doctors job, but it's somebody's job. there are plenty of people's in jobs directly linked to fossil fuels that I'm sure we're worried that they had a decent chance of being cut out of work.
You're trying to justify pushing your bullshit out of context quotes? That's great... just because it isn't something you wanted to hear doesn't make it something you don't need to hear.

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.

The coal industry WILL die out. It is not a question of IF but a question of WHEN. The sooner the better so we can be proactive rather than reactive.

Investing in renewable energy is a smart decision whether you want to believe it or not... Yet, you think working coal mines forever is a plausible option. GTFO.
Oh, my point on the context of Hillary's full quote was the rest of the quote meant absolutely nothing. it was fluff. the quote that I made still meant exactly how I used it.