Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

We're comparing apples to oranges... Nothing to do with identity politics.
That was my point. Where were the protestors when Obama was dropping bombs on weddings and funerals, or arming others to do so? I'm insulted that so many of my countrymen are such shallow people.
Government will never be out of your life, doesn't matter which party you're affiliated with.
I realize this. although I am a conservative Republican I know there is no such thing as a conservative Republican in Washington. a true Republican wouldn't be against Gay marriage and would be proud choice. government out of our lives, right?
I realize this. although I am a conservative Republican I know there is no such thing as a conservative Republican in Washington. a true Republican wouldn't be against Gay marriage and would be proud choice. government out of our lives, right?
That is just a conservative
Left or right
The left has been comingled with liberals and the right will be called racists if they go too conservative
Both are quite unpopular in reality
The Republican party wants to fight every war and make the poorest of the poor who receive food stamps pay for it, while that screaming squirrel and cock sucking, draft dodging pile of shit trump hasn't paid federal income tax for years.

You morons are a special kind of stupid. You will pay for all of this soon.
I still love you guys though. :) You are just victims of wrong thinking which can be corrected.
I was for Bernie. You wait and see what happens. Your candidate won and it's on you.
The Republican party wants to fight every war and make the poorest of the poor who receive food stamps pay for it, while that screaming squirrel and cock sucking, draft dodging pile of shit trump hasn't paid federal income tax for years.

You morons are a special kind of stupid. You will pay for all of this soon.
You know that you have stepped in the twilight zone when @Big_paul believes he has some intellectual superiority over not one but a group of people.
You know that you have stepped in the twilight zone when @Big_paul believes he has some intellectual superiority over not one but a group of people.
Stfu douche bag. You were one of the morons that gave us this demigod. Nice work Einstein.
When we are at a 25 trillion because the wealthy were given a pass, see you and your family in the soup line dip shit.