Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

I can only hope that any candidate who won does well.
I do also and somewhere inside I feel Trump will govern much differently than he ran his hate filled campaign. He wants to be loved and go down as the greatest president in US history, so some of you assholes will be disappointed.
@Xlgx you suck dick for liking Gigalorobs post. That guy has never been shit on this board and I can't think of one good thing that cocksucker has done for anyone. Birds of a feather bitch.
Stfu douche bag. You were one of the morons that gave us this demigod. Nice work Einstein.
Actually it's people like you that elected Trump. I voted for Trump but it's the ignorance and elitism of the left that won the presidency for him. You have yourself and your group think brethren to thank for the outcome.
@Xlgx you suck dick for liking Gigalorobs post. That guy has never been shit on this board and I can't think of one good thing that cocksucker has done for anyone. Birds of a feather bitch.
What are you identifying as this week Paul? Cool and calm old dude? Irrational and unstable after another drug bender? Perhaps you are embarking on a crusade to have your own restroom to match your identities.
Then Trump brought Steve Bannon into his planned cabinet. Far as I'm concerned, Trump might as well be a racist after that move. So maybe the racist thing isn't THAT overplayed or ignorant... It would be, at the very least, wise to watch rather than make up your mind just yet.

I'm trying to look into the whole Steve Bannon being racist thing and coming up pretty empty. I see where some on the left are back tracking and I see where a few radical liberal jihadist are trying to reach hard to make that point by connecting some outlandish dots, but I dont see it. can you post some of the things that show he's racist?
What are you identifying as this week Paul? Cool and calm old dude? Irrational and unstable after another drug bender? Perhaps you are embarking on a crusade to have your own restroom to match your identities.
Sorry to disappoint you you good for nothing pile of shit who doesn't even know where his best interests lay. Sober 2 1/2 years. I was a blazer, what's your excuse moron?
@Xlgx you suck dick for liking Gigalorobs post. That guy has never been shit on this board and I can't think of one good thing that cocksucker has done for anyone. Birds of a feather bitch.

We were having a respectful conversation before you decide to be a douche. I can like anyone's post. Didn't know a grown man would get his panties in a bunch. Must be on the rag today?
We were having a respectful conversation before you decide to be a douche. I can like anyone's post. Didn't know a grown man would get his panties in a bunch. Must be on the rag today?
Now you know better.

I'm being respectful. You don't like my memes? I'm just making my opinion known. it's cool bro really. This doesn't mean anything to me.
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Truth be known, I think trump will run as an independent next election. He is not a republican. The republican party is salivating at the opportunity to turn medicare into a voucher program. What Paul Ryan doesn't seem to understand is that fucking with medicare and social security while giving huge tax breaks to the wealthy will make him and those like him an endangered species.
The democrats are going to run the table in 2020 as long as Hillary doesn't run again.
I'm trying to look into the whole Steve Bannon being racist thing and coming up pretty empty. I see where some on the left are back tracking and I see where a few radical liberal jihadist are trying to reach hard to make that point by connecting some outlandish dots, but I dont see it. can you post some of the things that show he's racist?

Most of my views on Bannon are a result of the headlines/articles that he's put out... I've read several articles about him that quote him saying some offensive racial remarks but, admittedly, I don't know that they were necessarily true.. I didn't question them all that much honestly. I've found a lot of there publications distasteful, racism aside.

Why Women Should Leave The Internet

Birth Control Makes Women Unattractive And Crazy

Hoist It High And Proud: The Confederate Flag Proclaims A Glorious Heritage - Breitbart

'Would You Rather Your Child Had Feminism or Cancer?' - Breitbart

Bannon has really brought the 'alt-right' into the spotlight... It's a platform that white supremacists can identify with. The alt right believe that some degree of separation between people is ideal to preserve culture (Segregation). If you research more about the alt right ideology, you may see why I have doubts that Bannon isnt the racist he promises he's not... His only real defense is that alt right doesn't really have a FORMAL ideology. It's no wonder they like Trump... They're kind of making it up as they go along too.

Breitbart has published an overwhelming amount of articles that focus on black crime. The comments sections filled with racial filth... I'm not sure that the editors were really seeking for those kinds of reactions, which is odd because.. what the fuck did they really expect? I remember a term I read in an article that referred to it as indulging in race baiting... Fitting phrase, IMO.

Is Becoming the Media Arm of the 'Alt-Right'?

I feel this article makes some strong points in regards to Breitbart as well.

I could go on but that's about all the energy I have for Steve Bannon at the moment... I hope I've painted a picture for consideration of whether he's a GOOD fit for chief strategist in your eyes.
Truth be known, I think trump will run as an independent next election. He is not a republican

You're correct he's not a Republican but he still found a home in the Republican party. A home despite repeated threats to drop them and run independent... He wears the Republican party like an old coat.

It's too bad he didn't run independent... It would have been much more fitting.
Most of my views on Bannon are a result of the headlines/articles that he's put out... I've read several articles about him that quote him saying some offensive racial remarks but, admittedly, I don't know that they were necessarily true.. I didn't question them all that much honestly. I've found a lot of there publications distasteful, racism aside.

Why Women Should Leave The Internet

Birth Control Makes Women Unattractive And Crazy

Hoist It High And Proud: The Confederate Flag Proclaims A Glorious Heritage - Breitbart

'Would You Rather Your Child Had Feminism or Cancer?' - Breitbart

Bannon has really brought the 'alt-right' into the spotlight... It's a platform that white supremacists can identify with. The alt right believe that some degree of separation between people is ideal to preserve culture (Segregation). If you research more about the alt right ideology, you may see why I have doubts that Bannon isnt the racist he promises he's not... His only real defense is that alt right doesn't really have a FORMAL ideology. It's no wonder they like Trump... They're kind of making it up as they go along too.

Breitbart has published an overwhelming amount of articles that focus on black crime. The comments sections filled with racial filth... I'm not sure that the editors were really seeking for those kinds of reactions, which is odd because.. what the fuck did they really expect? I remember a term I read in an article that referred to it as indulging in race baiting... Fitting phrase, IMO.

Is Becoming the Media Arm of the 'Alt-Right'?

I feel this article makes some strong points in regards to Breitbart as well.

I could go on but that's about all the energy I have for Steve Bannon at the moment... I hope I've painted a picture for consideration of whether he's a GOOD fit for chief strategist in your eyes.

My liberal feminist university prof wife routinely uses the same gender stereotypes in the first article you linked. She also says the same things about birth control listed in the second article you linked. I didn't bother with your third link. The fourth is a link FROM Breitbart showing the poor behavior of The Michigan Review over an upcoming debate on feminism. I also didn't bother with the last link, since nothing SPLC publishes has much in common with reality.
My liberal feminist university prof wife

Wha wha what? Two peas in a pod you two must be... o_O

The fourth is a link FROM Breitbart

They were all links from Breitbart...?

since nothing SPLC publishes has much in common with reality

I would call that unfair however, I rarely make it the whole way through a zero hedge article for the same reason so I'll just say touché instead. :)