Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

My open enrollment is due for 2017 insurance elections
I opted out of all my elections
Obama care is coming in to effect with NEW rate hikes for 2017
Even more than they were for the INITIAL rate hikes Obama caused to me and my families insurance premiums for 2016
I can no longer afford insurance for myself or my family
Thanks to Obama and the democrats

Just felt yall should know

As real as it gets fellas

No propoganda
No bullshit

Thank you, Democrats
My open enrollment is due for 2017 insurance elections
I opted out of all my elections
Obama care is coming in to effect with NEW rate hikes for 2017
Even more than they were for the INITIAL rate hikes Obama caused to me and my families insurance premiums for 2016
I can no longer afford insurance for myself or my family
Thanks to Obama and the democrats

Just felt yall should know

As real as it gets fellas

No propoganda
No bullshit

Thank you, Democrats

Sorry to hear that man. I remember you talking about it before but I want to mention that I would be willing to bet Obamacare is not the only reason for your particular rates... Your employer is fucking you.
Somebody better call me a racist for hating Obamas lying ass
Its only right

Im counting on Trump to get rid of this abortion
Well see what 2017 holds
Fuck Obama
Sorry to hear that man. I remember you talking about it before but I want to mention that I would be willing to bet Obamacare is not the only reason for your particular rates... Your employer is fucking you.
They will just pass it along
The sole cause is Obama care
He said "our rates will not change"
My new 2017 rates are just shy of $1,000/month. So i opted out :(
For what?
So some other asshole can receive FREE healthcare
Yeah fuck the democrats and their social programs
They will just pass it along
The sole cause is Obama care
He said "our rates will not change"
My new 2017 rates are just shy of $1,000/month. So i opted out :(
For what?
So some other asshole can receive FREE healthcare
Yeah fuck the democrats and their social programs

OBC is definitely a huge culprit, no doubt. But I'm pretty certain your employer is attempting to avoid any additional cost to health insurance premiums on their end... Meanwhile you're picking up all the increases.

Does your employer cover 50% of your insurance cost?
OBC is definitely a huge culprit, no doubt. But I'm pretty certain your employer is attempting to avoid any additional cost to health insurance premiums on their end... Meanwhile you're picking up all the increases.

Does your employer cover 50% of your insurance cost?
I believe 2/3's of it. I been looking at numbers all day. Me and my wife have been going over our budget and our new premiums and the odds of out running last years health costs to insure we stand a "good" chance of not sinking the ship. One thing is for certain. We will go bankrupt if we carry insurance. And im hoping Trump does away with the penalty so i dont owe 20% of my pay at the end of 2017. But right now we are focusing on month to month costs. And how were going to play it. We have 2 kids. We are all healthy. My son requires ADD and autism meds which are very pricey. We will just have to play the odds. This is a VERY sad state of affairs...
I believe 2/3's of it. I been looking at numbers all day. Me and my wife have been going over our budget and our new premiums and the odds of out running last years health costs to insure we stand a "good" chance of not sinking the ship. One thing is for certain. We will go bankrupt if we carry insurance. And im hoping Trump does away with the penalty so i dont owe 20% of my pay at the end of 2017. But right now we are focusing on month to month costs. And how were going to play it. We have 2 kids. We are all healthy. My son requires ADD and autism meds which are very pricey. We will just have to play the odds. This is a VERY sad state of affairs...

One of my guys is taking advantage of a program for insurance, I'll double check it tomorrow and see if it might help you out. He just gave it a shot to see if he was accepted and he was... Was in a similar situation as you, maybe it's something for you to look into.
One of my guys is taking advantage of a program for insurance, I'll double check it tomorrow and see if it might help you out. He just gave it a shot to see if he was accepted and he was... Was in a similar situation as you, maybe it's something for you to look into.
Our total yearly insurance premiums were $7500
That was before the increase for 2017.
We think we can beat that out without the insurance.
Barring the unexpected, which is what your afraid of, we should be ok
But it is scary nonetheless
Been figuring numbers all day, me and the wife, so sick of thinking about it
I am in the lower middle class. Make too much for any assistance or programs and too proud to accept anything
Cuz no matter how difficult big govt makes it for ppl like us to succeed
We will succeed
Fuck em all

Trump should do what he says. Thats why he got my vote

If you could let me know about what u know. It could be worth looking in to. Thanks Eman
One can make the argument that Healthcare could be this shitty even if Obamacare wasn't passed, but my argument is if it wasn't passed then I wouldn't be forced to pay for a shitty product that I could not afford. now with Obamacare enacted I am forced to pay for that shitty product although it is unaffordable to me. get rid of it.
One can make the argument that Healthcare could be this shitty even if Obamacare wasn't passed, but my argument is if it wasn't passed then I wouldn't be forced to pay for a shitty product that I could not afford. now with Obamacare enacted I am forced to pay for that shitty product although it is unaffordable to me. get rid of it.
Hillary wasnt going to do anything about it
We will see what Trump does

Im counting on the penalty being gone. Trump should make big changes
Hillary wasnt going to do anything about it
We will see what Trump does

Im counting on the penalty being gone. Trump should make big changes
Agreed! I paid a $426 penalty last year because I was unemployed part of the year. Fuck that noise. All the penalty is is to shovel money to the insurers IMO.
If you could let me know about what u know. It could be worth looking in to. Thanks Eman

No problem. I was surprised this guy got into it because he does pretty well for himself but him and his wife figured fuck it, why not try. I'll look into it tomorrow, I'm blanking on what it was.

Hillary wasnt going to do anything about it
We will see what Trump does

It's hard to say what Trump will do. Whatever it is, it will almost assuredly involve HSA's that will help no one really. His problem now is that he knows he can't kill it without an alternative and the HSA accounts don't cut it. Removing the penalty will bring more problems into the mix for the long term although I agree it's not a good system to have it either.

Hillary and Trump agreed that the costs were far too expensive... One of the few points they did agree on, the only difference was that she understood how it works and he does not. I figured she had a better chance of fixing/improving it than he did since he just wanted to kill it... At this stage of the game, I think killing it will present a lot of problems with zero end in sight.
Aint that a bitch?
The govt penalizes us for not carrying a product that we cannot afford:confused:
This is America huh?
Ya it sure is, and getting more unaffordable. I am lucky now to have landed a nice job at a hospital as a systems admin and so got a medical plan that I pay $300 a month for now which is not too bad ($500 deductible) which is hard to come by nowadays for an employer plan.

Healthcare is fast becoming a racket.
Wha wha what? Two peas in a pod you two must be... o_O

She takes this stuff more serious than me, even made the mistake of gloating pre-election on Hillary's victory. First political event I've had to tread lightly around since we met.

They were all links from Breitbart...?

The one was a link to a youtube video posted by the University of Michigan. Breitbart just linked to that video and let their readers decide for themselves.

I would call that unfair however, I rarely make it the whole way through a zero hedge article for the same reason so I'll just say touché instead. :)

SPLC is all about naming people and terms racist. That is, except the racist Lincoln. The last one I saw involved a SPLC rep trying to convince some media head the term "Drain The Swamp" is racist. Might not be environmentally sound, but calling it racist is a stretch. I think I am safe assuming everything Trump does, says or thinks is racist by their logic.
No problem. I was surprised this guy got into it because he does pretty well for himself but him and his wife figured fuck it, why not try. I'll look into it tomorrow, I'm blanking on what it was.

It's hard to say what Trump will do. Whatever it is, it will almost assuredly involve HSA's that will help no one really. His problem now is that he knows he can't kill it without an alternative and the HSA accounts don't cut it. Removing the penalty will bring more problems into the mix for the long term although I agree it's not a good system to have it either.

Hillary and Trump agreed that the costs were far too expensive... One of the few points they did agree on, the only difference was that she understood how it works and he does not. I figured she had a better chance of fixing/improving it than he did since he just wanted to kill it... At this stage of the game, I think killing it will present a lot of problems with zero end in sight.
HSA accounts are a joke. Its what i had. I literally paid $100/week and that was JUST the cost of holding the plan. I then contributed $29 and my employer matched that. Max $3200 on the HSA. Then your on your own. $8000 deductible. What kinda shit is that?

I dont see the issue of getting rid of the penalty? It gives people an option. It seems the govt doesnt like the citizens to have an OPTION. A liberal fucking judge voted it was constitutional to enforce the penalty. Some thing i still strongly disagree with. We should not have to participate if we do not want to participate.
I have faith they will figure it out. New man in charge.
Right now its all just very depressing
HSA accounts are a joke. Its what i had. I literally paid $100/week and that was JUST the cost of holding the plan. I then contributed $29 and my employer matched that. Max $3200 on the HSA. Then your on your own. $8000 deductible. What kinda shit is that?

I dont see the issue of getting rid of the penalty? It gives people an option. It seems the govt doesnt like the citizens to have an OPTION. A liberal Judge fucking Janet Napolotano voted it was constitutional to enforce the penalty. Some thing i still strongly disagree with. We should not have to participate if we do not want to participate.
I have faith they will figure it out. New man in charge.
Right now its all just very depressing
Yup don't get me started on HSA's...they are certainly not much help as you lose it if you end up not using all the money you put into it.

HSA's should ideally have no max and no expiration so then you could set aside money to cover your expected deductible plus rolling over any remainder to the next plan year. That would be a great thing.

I can't see Trump doing anything positive for healthcare.
So what should we do when the uninsured get sick ?

Should we treat them , or just let them die?
Most of my views on Bannon are a result of the headlines/articles that he's put out... I've read several articles about him that quote him saying some offensive racial remarks but, admittedly, I don't know that they were necessarily true.. I didn't question them all that much honestly. I've found a lot of there publications distasteful, racism aside.

Why Women Should Leave The Internet

Birth Control Makes Women Unattractive And Crazy

Hoist It High And Proud: The Confederate Flag Proclaims A Glorious Heritage - Breitbart

'Would You Rather Your Child Had Feminism or Cancer?' - Breitbart

Bannon has really brought the 'alt-right' into the spotlight... It's a platform that white supremacists can identify with. The alt right believe that some degree of separation between people is ideal to preserve culture (Segregation). If you research more about the alt right ideology, you may see why I have doubts that Bannon isnt the racist he promises he's not... His only real defense is that alt right doesn't really have a FORMAL ideology. It's no wonder they like Trump... They're kind of making it up as they go along too.

Breitbart has published an overwhelming amount of articles that focus on black crime. The comments sections filled with racial filth... I'm not sure that the editors were really seeking for those kinds of reactions, which is odd because.. what the fuck did they really expect? I remember a term I read in an article that referred to it as indulging in race baiting... Fitting phrase, IMO.

Is Becoming the Media Arm of the 'Alt-Right'?

I feel this article makes some strong points in regards to Breitbart as well.

I could go on but that's about all the energy I have for Steve Bannon at the moment... I hope I've painted a picture for consideration of whether he's a GOOD fit for chief strategist in your eyes.
Thanks for the post, eman. I will check it out and make my mind when I have the time it deserves to look into it.