Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

What if it is something like cancer, or heart disease.

Treatment and surgery, or send them home to die?
I dont see the issue of getting rid of the penalty?

It can create volatility in the market from what I have been told. Remove penalty, everyone drops the coverage who doesn't want it, then people get sick and don't have the coverage which creates instability in the market... In a nutshell anyways, there is more to it and I'm not hugely familiar with it. I NEVER liked the penalty either... Wasn't until fairly recently that I learned more about it because insurance renewal is coming up. But it's there for a reason.
Or people could just wait till they get sick, and then buy insurance .
Isn't it misleading whenever team Obama brags on how many people's signed up for obc when it's not because folks want to, but because folks are forced to by law?
What if it is something like cancer, or heart disease.

Treatment and surgery, or send them home to die?
My problem is there are a ton of people that don't want to work and pay their way. why should I have to pay somebody's way that don't want to work? if folks are dying in the streets because they don't have insurance I have to say.... my compassion is drying up. sounds heartless, I know, but I'm just the guy down the street that works 60 hours a week although I'm permanently injured and living every day in serious pain. I've run out of compassion for the lazy.
What about a guy like trucker?
Works hard , but decided against buying insurance .

Treat him, or a family member till he's bankrupt..... then let him die?
So what should we do when the uninsured get sick ?

Should we treat them , or just let them die?
Do you know anybody that fits this criteria?

This is the garbage im talking about
Hypothesis this hypothesis that
The truth is obama care kills the heart of america. The working class.
And rewards the ones below.
If im not mistaken fucking medicaid pays for the poor?
Do you know anybody that fits this criteria?

This is the garbage im talking about
Hypothesis this hypothesis that
The truth is obama care kills the heart of america. The working class.
And rewards the ones below.
If im not mistaken fucking medicaid pays for the poor?
If you go uninsured in 2017 you will be the guy that fits the criteria .
So what should we do when the uninsured get sick ?

Should we treat them , or just let them die?

Should be up to the people who provide treatment. The cost of that treatment is much higher today because of government interference. Without that interference new treatments would be expensive as are new electronics, but established treatments would be far less expensive. Take away drug patents and costs would fall even faster.
Should be up to the people who provide treatment. The cost of that treatment is much higher today because of government interference. Without that interference new treatments would be expensive as are new electronics, but established treatments would be far less expensive. Take away drug patents and costs would fall even faster.
Not sure what kind of facilties would be able to care for millions of uninsured .
What about a guy like trucker?
Works hard , but decided against buying insurance .

Treat him, or a family member till he's bankrupt..... then let him die?
I am sure Trukker's in darn good health considering how hard he trains in the gym so that's a practical no-brainer ;)
Should be up to the people who provide treatment. The cost of that treatment is much higher today because of government interference. Without that interference new treatments would be expensive as are new electronics, but established treatments would be far less expensive. Take away drug patents and costs would fall even faster.

What do drug patents have to do with how much a hospital charges for an mri or knee replacement??
The reason the penalty is there is to keep people from free loading. One of the reasons hospitals tell you that their costs are so high is because they have to offset the cost of paying for people that don't have insurance.

Hate to break it to you guys but the whole model of Obama care was created by a Republican think tank, enacted by Republican governor, upheld by Republican Supreme Court.

It was created by your beloved Republicans. so now it's your turn and trumps turn to come up with something better. Good fucking luck!!

Single-payer is the only way to go.
Gotta take my chances
What else can be done?
Govt has stacked the deck
Damned if you carry it
Chance you could succeed without it
I've had no medical insurance for 8 years until a year ago, and had no major medical issues thankfully as I take good care of myself by eating right and keeping active. If I was able to avoid medical issues while having no insurance I'm sure you can as well.

It will certainly be a long time till the health insurance market ever regains its sanity.