Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

If we can allow drugs to be bought from Canada or other countries then that should be a good thing, as long as said drugs meet standards for safety and effectiveness.
Pharmaceutical companies lobbied hard to shut that down. We have the connections though. Hell we can buy dame near anything.
If we can allow drugs to be bought from Canada or other countries then that should be a good thing, as long as said drugs meet standards for safety and effectiveness.
We wouldn't need to buy drugs from other countries if we fixed our copyright laws.
The man is a fucking maniac. Now he is claiming that there were millions of illegal votes cast. He claims that is why he didn't win the popular vote. As usual he offers no evidence. Trump is seriously deranged. This was the worst mistake America has ever made in an election.

I can't see how he will make it 4 years without being impeached because he is cray cray.
We all know there are many illegal votes. so many it has to be insane. Obama even made a video that suggested that illegals go out and vote. it's all about power and maintaining power . you have to be absolutely head in the sand not to see it.
The man is a fucking maniac. Now he is claiming that there were millions of illegal votes cast. He claims that is why he didn't win the popular vote. As usual he offers no evidence. Trump is seriously deranged. This was the worst mistake America has ever made in an election.

I can't see how he will make it 4 years without being impeached because he is cray cray.

I say he gets impeached before you move out of the country. It's close though.
Who can we count on to find ways to drive the price of health care down?
The govt?
The CEO of united health care, who needs to keep his 66 million a year salary intact ?

If the CEO couldn't just write a few checks to Congress and various "charitable foundations" to get the laws changed in his favor, he would have to offer products people are willing to buy. Instead, they are products people HAVE to buy under threat of sanction by the federal government.

It's unlikely a single payer system will ever be politically achievable in the US. The reason is the share of GDP designated for Medicare, Medicaid etc. is a FIXED percentage. It doesn't change much year to year no mater who is in control of Congress or the Executive. Going to a single payer system would lower the amount taken in by lobbying corporations, since they benefit from private as well as public funds. What has been called the most divisive election in US history hasn't changed this one bit.
If the CEO couldn't just write a few checks to Congress and various "charitable foundations" to get the laws changed in his favor, he would have to offer products people are willing to buy. Instead, they are products people HAVE to buy under threat of sanction by the federal government.

And this is the problem
The penalty needs to go
Most of my views on Bannon are a result of the headlines/articles that he's put out... I've read several articles about him that quote him saying some offensive racial remarks but, admittedly, I don't know that they were necessarily true.. I didn't question them all that much honestly. I've found a lot of there publications distasteful, racism aside.

Why Women Should Leave The Internet

Birth Control Makes Women Unattractive And Crazy

Hoist It High And Proud: The Confederate Flag Proclaims A Glorious Heritage - Breitbart

'Would You Rather Your Child Had Feminism or Cancer?' - Breitbart

Bannon has really brought the 'alt-right' into the spotlight... It's a platform that white supremacists can identify with. The alt right believe that some degree of separation between people is ideal to preserve culture (Segregation). If you research more about the alt right ideology, you may see why I have doubts that Bannon isnt the racist he promises he's not... His only real defense is that alt right doesn't really have a FORMAL ideology. It's no wonder they like Trump... They're kind of making it up as they go along too.

Breitbart has published an overwhelming amount of articles that focus on black crime. The comments sections filled with racial filth... I'm not sure that the editors were really seeking for those kinds of reactions, which is odd because.. what the fuck did they really expect? I remember a term I read in an article that referred to it as indulging in race baiting... Fitting phrase, IMO.

Is Becoming the Media Arm of the 'Alt-Right'?

I feel this article makes some strong points in regards to Breitbart as well.

I could go on but that's about all the energy I have for Steve Bannon at the moment... I hope I've painted a picture for consideration of whether he's a GOOD fit for chief strategist in your eyes.
So, I looked at these articles. not the last one to be honest. just don't have it in me to read another left wing article telling why the ring wing is racist. anyways, disturbing articles to be sure. not written by Bannon and may not be his views, but disturbing non the less. I also looked in to the author of most of those articles. milo I believe his name is. turn out he's a gay jew, lol. so when a jew calls another jew a trader I'm not necessarily sold on the idea that said Jews boss is a anti semite. here is a quote from this milo guy about bannon.

“Well Breitbart is a company staffed almost entirely by Jews, I am a gay Jew and he made me into a star, he flew over from America to hire Raheem Kassam to run the London office who is a brown skinned Muslim. This stuff is ridiculous, what a lot of Brits don’t always understand is how ugly and terrifying American politics can be, the name calling can be extraordinary.”

I, admittedly, don't know anything about Bannon. I have looked at some of the stuff about him and some of the rebuttals. didn't see much in the way of hanging the guy. don't even know if he's qualified to be the presidents right hand man or not. I do know there are a lot of people in Washington that if you step back and look at them they have some very twisted skeletons in there closet. I guess part of my problem is that the left has cried wolf way too many times with this racism scare and it's just lost all meaning to me. I don't care... just do your job. and maybe I'm the bad guy for not caring anymore, but the left is filled with racist and a lot of them are racist against whites. Obama makes many comments that can be construed as racist... is obama racist? who knows. maybe everyone has a little racism in them. I consider myself a realist. back to Bannon. I'm not happy with the pick. not happy with the attorney general pick as well. hell, I'm not happy with any of it. I thought about voting for Hillary until those last bit of emails came out and how I seen her escape justice again. Obama had his "seemingly" racist cabinet members like van Jones and attorney general Eric Holder. as fucked up as this new administration is it may be better than the last few. I'm hopeful, but that's all I got. I just hope things get what I perceive as better.
Milo is a character... A glorified troll is the best description I could label him with. Read up on his stance's, particularly in regards to gay marriage.
And isn't Trump trolling us all already? His presidency will become one big troll job.
I would expect existing debt issues to start coming apart the minute he takes office. I think Stockman mentioned the first debt bomb would go off on March 4th. The question is whether he has enough clout, even with all those republican "supporters" in Congress, to prevent another TARP bailout. I suspect he doesn't, and that's assuming he even wants to. He already seems on board for major new economic stimulus which will be a disaster for nearly everyone not working on Wall street.
I would expect existing debt issues to start coming apart the minute he takes office. I think Stockman mentioned the first debt bomb would go off on March 4th. The question is whether he has enough clout, even with all those republican "supporters" in Congress, to prevent another TARP bailout. I suspect he doesn't, and that's assuming he even wants to. He already seems on board for major new economic stimulus which will be a disaster for nearly everyone not working on Wall street.
Yup that stimulus package for infrastructure improvements...and that money will just line the pockets of Trump and his rich buddies. Nothing for the workers.

He just will put the tab on the Chinese credit card....
Yup that stimulus package for infrastructure improvements...and that money will just line the pockets of Trump and his rich buddies. Nothing for the workers.

He just will put the tab on the Chinese credit card....

That is likely a big part of the plan. I wouldn't be betting on China to finance it, though. Maybe if he backs their play in the South China Sea, but probably not even then. They are pretty much in complete control there already and don't need US approval.

Also, the Saudis hate Trump, and will likely push for some economy crushing oil restrictions at some point next year. Or maybe he plans to be nice to Putin and hope Russia can sway OPEC toward more gentile policies.

I will be very impressed if he or his cabinet can hold off a major recession for even 2 years. It would already be here if not for the FED's absurdly loose monetary policies.
That is likely a big part of the plan. I wouldn't be betting on China to finance it, though. Maybe if he backs their play in the South China Sea, but probably not even then. They are pretty much in complete control there already and don't need US approval.

Also, the Saudis hate Trump, and will likely push for some economy crushing oil restrictions at some point next year. Or maybe he plans to be nice to Putin and hope Russia can sway OPEC toward more gentile policies.

I will be very impressed if he or his cabinet can hold off a major recession for even 2 years. It would already be here if not for the FED's absurdly loose monetary policies.
Trump being nice to Bad Vlad Putin is not really farfetched as he has done some business in Russia so I am sure he can get some favors from Russia.

As for the Saudis, if they play the game they can become a boil on Trump's backside...annoyingly painful and become a vexing matter unless he can get Russia to help placate the Saudis.

Yup only a matter of time before shit hits the fan!


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