Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Really doc Scally, these tweets are just a bunch of babble for the most part.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion but holy shit... Just how blind are you?

Trump went on the record as saying he WON the popular vote when you subtract the MILLIONS of fraudulent votes. Nothing about that sounds unhinged to you? Just babble right? o_O
Everyone is entitled to their opinion but holy shit... Just how blind are you?

Trump went on the record as saying he WON the popular vote when you subtract the MILLIONS of fraudulent votes. Nothing about that sounds unhinged to you? Just babble right? o_O
How many illegal immigrants do YOU think went out and voted for Hillary ?
Everyone is entitled to their opinion but holy shit... Just how blind are you?

Trump went on the record as saying he WON the popular vote when you subtract the MILLIONS of fraudulent votes. Nothing about that sounds unhinged to you? Just babble right? o_O

Less unhinged than the idea the Russians are controlling all the alternative news sites to beat Hillary with "fake news".

And no, the outside limits of what might be possible in terms of voter fraud in this election is right at 2M votes. Not saying it happened, just that it's possible. More likely it's under 500K, but definitely over 350K in Hillary's favor. That's only counting non citizen residents voting illegally, and scaling them by the percentages published in a study that evaluated self reported illegal registration and voting by non-citizen immigrants (my calculations are posted on this forum somewhere).

I haven't seen any convincing evidence of large scale machine fraud in the US, though it IS concerning that some of the same machines were used in Venezuela keeping Chavez in power through years of economic disaster. No question of massive fraud there.

In any case my candidate, "did not vote", won the popular vote by a landslide. Neither Hillary nor Trump were even close. If a BREXIT style vote were to be held in the US to break away from the federal government, "did not vote" supporters would likely show up at the polls in very large numbers.
Less unhinged than the idea the Russians are controlling all the alternative news sites to beat Hillary with "fake news".

And no, the outside limits of what might be possible in terms of voter fraud in this election is right at 2M votes. Not saying it happened, just that it's possible. More likely it's under 500K, but definitely over 350K in Hillary's favor. That's only counting non citizen residents voting illegally, and scaling them by the percentages published in a study that evaluated self reported illegal registration and voting by non-citizen immigrants (my calculations are posted on this forum somewhere).

I haven't seen any convincing evidence of large scale machine fraud in the US, though it IS concerning that some of the same machines were used in Venezuela keeping Chavez in power through years of economic disaster. No question of massive fraud there.

In any case my candidate, "did not vote", won the popular vote by a landslide. Neither Hillary nor Trump were even close. If a BREXIT style vote were to be held in the US to break away from the federal government, "did not vote" supporters would likely show up at the polls in very large numbers.
Not to mention, it seems less unhinged than claiming there was hacking of the machines by the russians and miss counts and actually taking action to recount and check the machines for any evidence of tampering. imo, this is one more case of "trump did/said this. he's crazy" where the other side is 10 times worse and nobody bats an eye.
How many illegal immigrants do YOU think went out and voted for Hillary ?

So miniscule it would likely not be worth counting at all. Just what I THINK. I wouldn't state it as fact anyone... The unhinged part is where the president fucking elect takes to twitter to state something like this as FACT with no evidence. If he had even a little bit of evidence I'd say nothing at all... His Twitter rants are ridiculous and an embarrassment for a person that's supposed to be our leader. If someone voted for Trump because they preferred his policy views that's fine... But to defend his propaganda is just silly.

Not to mention, it seems less unhinged than claiming there was hacking of the machines by the russians and miss counts and actually taking action to recount and check the machines for any evidence of tampering. imo, this is one more case of "trump did/said this. he's crazy" where the other side is 10 times worse and nobody bats an eye.

I'm not familiar with this as being the reason they want to perform recounts... They want to do recounts in select States due to the fact that districts with computer based ballot systems were consistently lower than districts in the same states with non electronic tickets.

Less unhinged than the idea the Russians are controlling all the alternative news sites to beat Hillary with "fake news".

I don't know if that was really going on but if you think Russia didn't involve themselves in our election to some degree then you don't like conspiracy theories nearly as much as I thought you did.

Regardless, the argument of the other side doing this or that is not a sound argument at all.... Trump made a baseless statement with no evidence, on Twitter no less, and to take it as fact is crazy.

If I say Trump is unhinged but the only argument returned to me begins with "But, Hillary...." "But, the Democrats..." I can't take the argument seriously because it's a pivot.
Not to mention, it seems less unhinged than claiming there was hacking of the machines by the russians and miss counts and actually taking action to recount and check the machines for any evidence of tampering. imo, this is one more case of "trump did/said this. he's crazy" where the other side is 10 times worse and nobody bats an eye.

The recount appears to be an attempt to drag it through the deadline for the electoral college vote. With an unfinished recount, they could in theory convince the electors to abstain from voting leaving both Hillary and Trump without enough votes to win. That would shift the decision to Congress. Would a Republican-neocon packed Congress put Hillary in charge? Probably.
If I say Trump is unhinged but the only argument returned to me begins with "But, Hillary...." "But, the Democrats..." I can't take the argument seriously because it's a pivot.

And no, the outside limits of what might be possible in terms of voter fraud in this election is right at 2M votes. Not saying it happened, just that it's possible. More likely it's under 500K, but definitely over 350K in Hillary's favor. That's only counting non citizen residents voting illegally, and scaling them by the percentages published in a study that evaluated self reported illegal registration and voting by non-citizen immigrants (my calculations are posted on this forum somewhere).

There is considerable evidence of additional voter fraud. I just didn't find it convincing personally. Maybe Trump did. He has made quite a few claims that both enraged the left, right and media and turned out to be true. "Lied us into war", is right at the top of the list, since we are speaking of fraud.
I don't know if that was really going on but if you think Russia didn't involve themselves in our election to some degree then you don't like conspiracy theories nearly as much as I thought you did.

I don't like conspiracy theories, especially those advanced by the media and other establishment sources.
There is considerable evidence of additional voter fraud. I just didn't find it convincing personally. Maybe Trump did. He has made quite a few claims that both enraged the left, right and media and turned out to be true. "Lied us into war", is right at the top of the list, since we are speaking of fraud.

Doesn't matter what Trump says, liberals do not think independently, they listen to their emotions or wait for their designated leaders to tell them what's what.

To the point of voter fraud - obviously it happens - time to require a gov't issued photo ID when voting for any candidate for federal office. Simple. Since the feds require gov't ID for hundreds of other things in life, and nobody cries racism etc over those rules, why not when voting? The *only* remaining answer is that liberals want to cheat at the polls.
Doesn't matter what Trump says, liberals do not think independently, they listen to their emotions or wait for their designated leaders to tell them what's what.

To the point of voter fraud - obviously it happens - time to require a gov't issued photo ID when voting for any candidate for federal office. Simple. Since the feds require gov't ID for hundreds of other things in life, and nobody cries racism etc over those rules, why not when voting? The *only* remaining answer is that liberals want to cheat at the polls.

I don't consider voter fraud a problem myself. The problem is voting at all.

Here's truth from a B movie..

Note the sponsors...

Personally, the idea that burning a flag can end one's citizenship could be seen as a positive. The process of renouncing one's citizenship is currently absurdly arduous and expensive.
Note the sponsors...

Personally, the idea that burning a flag can end one's citizenship could be seen as a positive. The process of renouncing one's citizenship is currently absurdly arduous and expensive.

"The process of renouncing one's citizenship is currently absurdly arduous and expensive."
Don't want to get off the subject but you have two citizenships. State and federal.
If I say Trump is unhinged but the only argument returned to me begins with "But, Hillary...." "But, the Democrats..." I can't take the argument seriously because it's a pivot.

I think it's a fair statement. I didn't vote for Trump. this election wasn't about voting "for" somebody for me. it was the worse of two evils. so when I looked at each candidate I looked at who was worse in each area and it almost always was hillary by a landslide.
Not unless you were born in a State here:)

I was.

You're a dual citizen right Doc?

Correct. Lebanon recognizes dual citizenship. I'm considered a citizen by descent since I was born, and my parents applied for my Lebanese citizenship before my father was granted US citizenship.

In Lebanon, you're considered a citizen if your father is a citizen and you make an application to the Lebanese Embassy if you're born outside of Lebanon.
The recount appears to be an attempt to drag it through the deadline for the electoral college vote. With an unfinished recount, they could in theory convince the electors to abstain from voting leaving both Hillary and Trump without enough votes to win. That would shift the decision to Congress. Would a Republican-neocon packed Congress put Hillary in charge? Probably.
Sounds treasonous to me.