Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

[But, Trump is good for UGL AAS!]

Rodrigo Duterte Says Donald Trump Endorses His Violent Antidrug Campaign

MANILA — President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines said on Saturday that President-elect Donald J. Trump had endorsed his brutal antidrug campaign, telling Mr. Duterte that the Philippines was conducting it “the right way.”

Mr. Duterte, who spoke with Mr. Trump by telephone on Friday, said Mr. Trump was “quite sensitive” to “our worry about drugs.”

“He wishes me well, too, in my campaign, and he said that, well, we are doing it as a sovereign nation, the right way,” Mr. Duterte said.

There was no immediate response from Mr. Trump to Mr. Duterte’s description of the phone call, and his transition team could not be reached for comment.


I understand that the Donald has decided he won the election in a landslide. Apparently losing the election by 2.3 million votes is a landslide. He said it. I must believe him because no fucking way would that pile of shit lie to America right?
I understand that the Donald has decided he won the election in a landslide. Apparently losing the election by 2.3 million votes is a landslide. He said it. I must believe him because no fucking way would that pile of shit lie to America right?
The electoral college votes in the president not the general public.
The electoral college votes in the president not the general public.
This needs to change. It has been 2 times in 16 years when we were stuck with a republican president when the majority voted for the other candidate.

What do you think Trump would do if he had won the popular vote but lost in the electoral college? Would that be a peaceful transition of power?
This needs to change. It has been 2 times in 16 years when we were stuck with a republican president when the majority voted for the other candidate.

What do you think Trump would do if he had won the popular vote but lost in the electoral college? Would that be a peaceful transition of power?
Who knows, but what we do know is Democrats refuse to allow it. you can speculate all you want about trump and deem him evil from those speculations and stand by and say nothing while the Democrats are doing exactly what your angrily speculating about. I mean, this is what the left has been doing the whole campaign. demonizing trump for what he may possibly do whilst hillary and the left are actually doing them.
trump and deem him evil
I don't think he is an evil man. I just don't think he should be president. The eletoral college will make him president. He will be president for all of us like it or not. I pray he will be a good president, but by the way his cabinet looks, I'm doubting he will.
Trump, Taiwan and China: The Controversy, Explained

When President-elect Donald J. Trump spoke on the phone with Taiwan’s president on Friday, he was wading into one of Asia’s longest-running and sensitive issues: the dispute between Taiwan and mainland China.

Though the call alarmed experts, who say it risks upending decades of American efforts to manage the dispute, nonexperts could be forgiven for scratching their heads about the uproar. What follows, then, is a guide to the China-Taiwan issue: why it is so delicate, what role the United States has in the matter and why the phone call is significant.
We wouldn't need to buy drugs from other countries if we fixed our copyright laws.

We all know there are many illegal votes. so many it has to be insane. Obama even made a video that suggested that illegals go out and vote. it's all about power and maintaining power . you have to be absolutely head in the sand not to see it.

Sorry browski, I have to point out that it has been proven for years by non partisan organizations that voter fraud is a very low number. Much lower than either side says.

it exists but in such low numbers that it doesn't affect any outcome. One of the states that just did a recount proved it.

Trump accused the head of the organization of lying. The man is a loyal party republican but he doesn't let that interfere with the truthful data.

Voter fraud is WAY overblown.
If the CEO couldn't just write a few checks to Congress and various "charitable foundations" to get the laws changed in his favor, he would have to offer products people are willing to buy. Instead, they are products people HAVE to buy under threat of sanction by the federal government.

It's unlikely a single payer system will ever be politically achievable in the US. The reason is the share of GDP designated for Medicare, Medicaid etc. is a FIXED percentage. It doesn't change much year to year no mater who is in control of Congress or the Executive. Going to a single payer system would lower the amount taken in by lobbying corporations, since they benefit from private as well as public funds. What has been called the most divisive election in US history hasn't changed this one bit.

Totally agree. There us way too much profit in the status quo for single payer.
That and all you have to say is its socialized medicine and people are ready to cut thier throats.

Single payer has issues. Look at @CdnGuy. He has had to wait months for the gall blader surgery. That sucks. I would rather be in that situation than not having my family covered and going in to bankruptcy or losing everything I have worked for simply for getting sick or injured. Which happens all the time!

This is why obama care is a failure. There are no cost controls. When they created it they had the ceos from all the major insurance companies there to make sure that it was still advantageous to them. Thanks Obama! Trump is going to make it worse. For the record, its not obama care that is raising our rates and deductibales. Its the insurance companies. They want it to fail.

Put the blame where it belongs.
Sorry browski, I have to point out that it has been proven for years by non partisan organizations that voter fraud is a very low number. Much lower than either side says.

it exists but in such low numbers that it doesn't affect any outcome. One of the states that just did a recount proved it.

Trump accused the head of the organization of lying. The man is a loyal party republican but he doesn't let that interfere with the truthful data.

Voter fraud is WAY overblown.

Guess we'll just have to disagree. I know of (personally) 3 illegal immigrants that voted. also, have read articles like one from nbc that found thousands of dead people's were on the voting lists in my state and many reports of them voting. matter of fact, the same people's that claim there's no such thing as voter fraud are in court right now claiming voter fraud. not to mention Obama just made a video encouraging illegal immigrants to vote.
Sorry browski, I have to point out that it has been proven for years by non partisan organizations that voter fraud is a very low number. Much lower than either side says.

it exists but in such low numbers that it doesn't affect any outcome. One of the states that just did a recount proved it.

Trump accused the head of the organization of lying. The man is a loyal party republican but he doesn't let that interfere with the truthful data.

Voter fraud is WAY overblown.

Totally agree. There us way too much profit in the status quo for single payer.
That and all you have to say is its socialized medicine and people are ready to cut thier throats.

Single payer has issues. Look at @CdnGuy. He has had to wait months for the gall blader surgery. That sucks. I would rather be in that situation than not having my family covered and going in to bankruptcy or losing everything I have worked for simply for getting sick or injured. Which happens all the time!

This is why obama care is a failure. There are no cost controls. When they created it they had the ceos from all the major insurance companies there to make sure that it was still advantageous to them. Thanks Obama! Trump is going to make it worse. For the record, its not obama care that is raising our rates and deductibales. Its the insurance companies. They want it to fail.

Put the blame where it belongs.
Will be almost 10 months once all said and done lol Thanks for the misery BC health care ! Smh