Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse


Thankfully we avoided her, Hillary is not going to be POTUS. And the current brownshirt-in-chief is leaving in about a month. Yay!!!!
Trump’s $64 Trillion Tower of Debt

December 6, 2016
Bill Bonner, Chairman, Bonner & Partners
Bill Bonner's Diary

BALTIMORE – We continue our humble look at things very old and very new, annoying many dear readers. Many seem to think that “The Donald” really is the savior they’ve been waiting for. So we listened intently last Sunday hoping for an insight.

It was the second Sunday in Advent. The readings were full of hope. The Old Testament looked ahead to the First Coming and a New World Order.

“…with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked,” Isaiah predicted. “The wolf shall dwell with the lamb and the leopard shall lie down with the kid… the lion shall eat straw like the ox.”

John the Baptist, too, anticipated a savior. “[H]e that cometh after me is mightier than I,” he said, adding that he couldn’t hope to fill His shoes.

Finally, according to St. Paul, the birth of Jesus fulfilled “the promises made unto the fathers.”

By the time of Paul’s writing, Jesus already had been born in Bethlehem and crucified in Jerusalem. Paul thought the story would have a replay; he waited for a Second Coming of Christ… soon.

God Can Take a Holiday

Two thousand years later, we’re still waiting. But people haven’t given up hope. The protocol among newly elected presidents, from George Washington to George W. Bush… is to ask for God’s help.

Richard Nixon put it directly in 1968: “Without God’s help and your help, we will surely fail; but with God’s help and your help, we shall surely succeed.”

In this, as in so many other things, Donald Trump breaks with tradition. He seems to need no help at all. “…I am your voice. I alone can fix it,” he promises. God can take a holiday.

Donald Trump has at least equaled John the Baptist in rhetorical flourish. The latter attacked the elite of Judea as a “generation of vipers.”

Trump might have used the same words. He has excoriated the elite of Washington enough to give hope to an electoral majority – the Forgotten People of Flyover America.

Whether by instinct or calculation (there are 95 million working-age adults without jobs… about 30 million more than he needed to win the presidency), Mr. Trump appealed to them as a metal file appeals to a man with a life sentence.

They looked to him to set them free… and to smite their enemies… Here was a bare-knuckles brawler… a man who would take an axe to the elitists’ plumy orchard so that “every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit [will be] hewn down,” and he would “burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.”

Clintonites and Trumpites

Many people will be satisfied with this new Messiah. He will crush the vipers of the Hillary genre. He will bruise their heads with a hoe… chase them from their nests in Washington… and visit his wrath upon the heathens of Mexico and China… not to mention the flag burners, ISIS, and U.S. companies who want to better satisfy their customers by offshoring production.

That will be enough for most people. He will be a hero. He’ll replace one group of insiders with another. Out go the Democrat Pharisees. In come the Republican Sadducees.

Priorities change. Programs change. One crony gets muscled out by another one. One fat derriere gets sent home; another takes its place.

But will the lion lie down with the lamb? Here at the Diary, we were hoping for more. We wanted a messiah who would lead a real change… taking on the Deep State, the Parasitocrats, or the real Establishment elite.

Most importantly, we hoped for someone who would take on the money changers. Cronies of both groups – Clintonites and Trumpites – rely on fake money ginned up by the feds.

It is this fake money that funds them all – their wars… their bonuses… their empire… their corrupt programs…

…it was this fake money that financed the Chinese industrial boom… sucked jobs from the American heartland… lowered wages for the typical working man… enabled a transfer of wealth of trillions of dollars from the middle classes to the rich… put Donald J. Trump in the White House… and now sits in a monstrous tower of some $64 trillion in debt, ready to blow up.

We are too humble to claim to know how this will turn out. Mr. Trump could still surprise us and turn the tables on the moneylenders.

Readers are advised, however, to keep their heads down.
Time has become a solid hard-core left-wing rag, so of course they'd do something childish like this, while thinking they're oh-so-clever. Liberal arts folks these days lack intellectual horsepower.

You realize it was an editor from a totally different magazine that made that comment, right?

Not that he hasn't earned the comparison... I doubt VERY much that Time would play that game.
You realize it was an editor from a totally different magazine that made that comment, right?

Not that he hasn't earned the comparison... I doubt VERY much that Time would play that game.

Dude, I was commenting on the photo as such, and continuing the thread. Feel free to comment on the actual topic at any time.

BTW, "earned the comparison"? WTF? You've earned an insanity label, or at least an award for most clueless and easily duped. And you hold Time in high regard? Puhleeeeease.
You guys do realize it's always 6 of one half dozen of another right? No, Trump is no savior and our financial future was all but sealed long before this election took place. Hillary however, is more of the same. More of the same policies that keep more and more people out of work and on welfare and more debt we'll never be able to repay.

We are on a crash course with a financial meltdown that'll make the 2008 housing market crash look like a walk in the park. So, I hope you've all invested carefully because the government won't be able to "bail" anyone out this time.

Do you guys believe every article the New York Times prints? Believe everything you read? Have any thoughts of your own to express because Hillary is more corrupt than any candidate in recent memory. There is no answer any 1 candidate can solve. It would take government with the ability to work together instead of stonewalling each other because they're not in the same party. Not gonna happen is it?
You guys do realize it's always 6 of one half dozen of another right? No, Trump is no savior and our financial future was all but sealed long before this election took place. Hillary however, is more of the same. More of the same policies that keep more and more people out of work and on welfare and more debt we'll never be able to repay.

We are on a crash course with a financial meltdown that'll make the 2008 housing market crash look like a walk in the park. So, I hope you've all invested carefully because the government won't be able to "bail" anyone out this time.

Do you guys believe every article the New York Times prints? Believe everything you read? Have any thoughts of your own to express because Hillary is more corrupt than any candidate in recent memory. There is no answer any 1 candidate can solve. It would take government with the ability to work together instead of stonewalling each other because they're not in the same party. Not gonna happen is it?

Well, there is a window of opportunity, albeit slim. Certainly better than with Hillary, Pelosi, and Warren calling the shots. We'll see.
Anything but.


BTW, "earned the comparison"? WTF? You've earned an insanity label, or at least an award for most clueless and easily duped. And you hold Time in high regard? Puhleeeeease.

Where did I say I held the Times in high regard...?

Yes, he earned the comparison... Blaming a nations problems on a scapegoat sounds pretty familiar to me. I'm not saying he's building gas chambers for fuck sake... But there are plenty of comparisons. If you don't see them then you missed history class or you're blind.
I can absolutely understand why people would be wary of a Trump presidency but I can also understand why people wouldn't want another 4 years of Obama policy. Obama asked what magical wand was Trump going to use to bring jobs back here. The answer? A telephone. Obamas suggestion to those who lost their jobs to another country to just learn how to do something else. Yeah, okay. Good response Obama. Because a guy whose worked in a mill his entire life will just learn how to program computers or pack groceries when he's out a job. There are more people out of work than jobs to give and more people on welfare right now than there's EVER BEEN in the history of this nation.
What do you have against Gen Flynn?

Apparently fox news has left you in the dark on this one. He and his son have been sending out fake tweets about well, everything.

His son who was part of trumps transition team said hillary clinton was running a child slavery ring out of a washinton pizza joint. Insane right? Who would believe that nonsense?

Well a retarded trump supporter would. The man grabed his rifle, headed to washinton and shot the place up. He surrendered when he realized it was just a pizza joint.

Luckily no one was killed. You guys complain about biased media?
You think cnn, nbc, msnbc would ever say trump or anyone else is running a sex slave ring out of a pizza joint??

Luckily no one was killed. Personally I think he should be charged with terrosim.

Yay trump!
Luckily no one was killed. You guys complain about biased media?
You think cnn, nbc, msnbc would ever say trump or anyone else is running a sex slave ring out of a pizza joint??

Sh Sh Sh... We'll listen to Trump TV to get our news going forward since we can't trust the media anymore, Ronin...

Shit... That word comparison is popping into my head again for some reason...
Trumps advisor from breightbart has made avliving off fake news.

Why do you guys who complain about liberal biased media not have a problem with this??

Fake is fake. It shouldnt matter if it comes from the left or right.