Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Yes, both sides do it but on one side you have Fox and on the other side you have ALL the rest. Comparing Trump to Hitler is a joke too. Speaking of dictators/despots our current Commander in chief has passed more executive orders than anyone in history.Its weird how Republicans are constantly labeled as racist. I'm Republican and I would love for EVERY person in the USA to have the opportunity to have a wonderful life like I do. Obama, Clinton, or Trump aren't going to change my life much.
This is true. But hey man. Atleast they are staying here.

I couldn't give a fuck if they are staying here... There is so much fucked up shit going on with this pathetic excuse for a deal I don't even know where to start. Fuck that cocksucker.
The 11,000 people are happy. Look at the big picture. No matter where they go there will be price increase. Due to fuel, refrigerant, copper ect. No matter what it's going up
I couldn't give a fuck if they are staying here... There is so much fucked up shit going on with this pathetic excuse for a deal I don't even know where to start. Fuck that cocksucker.

If your in the industry and want a carrier rtu and need to replace it with no adapter curb I believe dainkin has exact replacements cheaper
The 11,000 people are happy. Look at the big picture. No matter where they go there will be price increase. Due to fuel, refrigerant, copper ect. No matter what it's going up

First of all, there were less than 1,000 jobs saved by this. Trump lied his ass off.

Second, if our President is planning to get involved with individual companies on a routine basis as he seems to like doing... Mostly to take credit for the "genius" behind his "deals" with them, we're going to be in for a rough time. Presidents putting pressure on individual companies is not indicative of what we want our government to be.

If Trump continues to do this, as his administration has indicated they WILL, our economy is going to get hit hard... The same economy Trump plans on making invincible.
At least he's recognizing one of our major economic issues i.e. (Nothing is made here anymore and China is producing everything while stealing trade secrets from us and adjusting their currency value specifically to fuck us). Fuck Obama for not doing anything but sitting on his hands and cudos to Trump for stirring the pot. Fuck HRC too for not accomplishing anything in her 30 years and fuck China. Did I mention fuck China?

The fact that so many people are beginning to recognize the corruption within our government and got out and voted for a regime change gives me some hope.

Also, Trump isn't even in office yet but is doing SOMETHING. That's more than I can say for 8 years of Obama. Maybe give the guy a chance to make a difference before we start burning him at the stake.
Doesn't matter what he does. Half the country is going to critisize the heck out of him. he could cure cancer and it would be a bad thing.
I disagree. We need to keep manufacturing here. We are becoming too much of a service country.
It would have been nice to have kept all the companies here. But there gone. From Maquiladoras in the late 90s to Nafta and all the other deals that have been made since then.
There not coming back.
With the US government $60+ Trillion in debt he plans to cut taxes across the board and increase spending massively for government (wall, military, law enforcement, infrastructure) projects. It didn't work for FDR or anyone sense. Won't work for Trump either.

The companies that stay or return due to his efforts might increase tax revenue for a few years, but it will in no way offset the cost of his other plans. There's only one way out, and that's to dramatically downsize the government. Trump very likely knows this well, but his plans are for the very opposite. Governments rarely downsize by choice. It has to be forced on them.
You know as well as I that the government is not going to down size. And how would it be forced to?... Any ideas?:)
You know as well as I that the government is not going to down size. And how would it be forced to?... Any ideas?:)

You mean the People don't control their government??

The US downsized after WWII. They kept the bureaucrats unfortunately, but let most of the military go. The prevailing logic against it was the horrible unemployment it would cause, much like the arguments today. I haven't studied the period enough to say what motivated them to do it anyway, but somehow it happened. It might be a good era to look at for ideas on how to force a downsize today.

The result was high economic growth and very low unemployment. The economic trends of the "Great Depression" caused by loose monetary policy and perpetuated (partly) by FDR's New Deal never really recovered until then.
You mean the People don't control their government??

The US downsized after WWII. They kept the bureaucrats unfortunately, but let most of the military go. The prevailing logic against it was the horrible unemployment it would cause, much like the arguments today. I haven't studied the period enough to say what motivated them to do it anyway, but somehow it happened. It might be a good era to look at for ideas on how to force a downsize today.

The result was high economic growth and very low unemployment. The economic trends of the "Great Depression" caused by loose monetary policy and perpetuated (partly) by FDR's New Deal never really recovered until then.
Last I checked, our government was controlling us. It's become its own entity and one that hasn't had the best interests of the people in mind for a very long time.
Last I checked, our government was controlling us. It's become its own entity and one that hasn't had the best interests of the people in mind for a very long time.

I agree, but only in practice. In theory the government is powerless without the consent of the governed. It's only a theory because there aren't many real life examples of the People actively revoking consent.