Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

You mean the People don't control their government??

The US downsized after WWII. They kept the bureaucrats unfortunately, but let most of the military go. The prevailing logic against it was the horrible unemployment it would cause, much like the arguments today. I haven't studied the period enough to say what motivated them to do it anyway, but somehow it happened. It might be a good era to look at for ideas on how to force a downsize today.

The result was high economic growth and very low unemployment. The economic trends of the "Great Depression" caused by loose monetary policy and perpetuated (partly) by FDR's New Deal never really recovered until then.

Obviously that was a with tongue in cheek question.
This country is one hell of a lot different than it was in 1945. It's not going to downsize. You can bet your life on that.:(
Obviously that was a with tongue in cheek question.
This country is one hell of a lot different than it was in 1945. It's not going to downsize. You can bet your life on that.:(

A member of a financial forum I used to spend a lot of time on lived in the Soviet Union his whole life until they broke up. Until then he was very loyal to the government, believed everything they told him. He maintains the claims the economy collapsed are absurd. He said the government could have squeezed the people until most of them starved, and there never would have been an uprising or collapse. His arguments and examples were convincing.

He lives somewhere in upper NY these days with wife and kids. Hard core capitalist, libertarian and survivalist. Some of the propaganda about the US he told us he used to believe was hysterical at the time. It's not so funny now when I think how many people just in my office actually believe Trump is a Russian agent.
Some of the propaganda about the US he told us he used to believe was hysterical at the time. It's not so funny now when I think how many people just in my office actually believe Trump is a Russian agent.

It does seem believable that Russia was working against Hillary and trying to get a Trump presidency. I'm not gonna put some big conspiracy theory behind the motives, but it would appear that Putin prefers to see the US being run by Trump
It's not difficult to understand Putins preference. We are not the only people in the world that are sick and tired of perpetual war.
I did the same thing. I'm tired of talking politics. I don't care about being right or wrong. In the end I think everyone wants the same things. To be happy and prosperous. Have a good weekend fellas.

Anyone else think Scally is a robot?
Well guys, Trumps gearing up to cut medicad, medicare, and social security.

He also said he is cutting medical assistance and retirement for coal workers and steel workers.

Good job guys. You have contributed to making the middle class suffer even more. I hope you all are very wealthy so you can supliment your parents and grandparents medical expenses.

Oh yeah, how about the ceo of mobile for secretary of state? Im sure he isnt only concerned with making deals to benefit his gas buddies!! The same guy thats best friends with vladimer putin.

You know the russian guy who has made it his lifes work to resurrect the cold war with the usa! What could go wrong??

Did you guys actually research Trump? Or was it simply because he was just a republican and wasnt hillary?

As much of a douche as she is she was never such a threat to our way of life.

Oh and about benGhazi? How come none of you republicans are holding your own representatives responsible for cutting the states departments budget.

You know the budget that pays for security contracters!! The had great sucurity and the republicans slashed thier budget. Then guess what...we got attacked.

But its her fault right??? Im amazed how people vote against thier best intrests. You guys arnt fit to shine Trumps shoes.

We are pond scum to people like him. All you coal and steel workers you deserve to get sick and lose your protections after voting for him. You'll probably just blame obama. Even though you were protected under obama. Stupid lately??

Your "working class hero Trump" is the one that is taking your medical and retirement benefits. You deserve to lose them.

Yay Trump. Make Americans even poorer and corporations richer!!!

Make America Great again!!
Edit: it's actually the rubublicans and Ryan who are slashing coal and steel workers benefits.

The democrats tried to shut down the bill yesterday to save the workers benefits.

Lets see if Trump has anything to say about this in favor of workers???
Do you think we had a better option ?

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Hillary is a terrible option. But yes, she would of never allowed coal and steel workers to lose thier benefits.

Or cut social security. Its true she wanted us to move away from coal and we should. I hate hillary and obama.

Trump is a blatant opportunist. Im for workers and the middle class.
Trump isnt.
Wait, what medical assistance and retirement? don't we all have obamacare and they're not government workers so what retirement?