Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Really? The fact that these minor issues are your primary complaints about what Trump is supposedly doing is astounding to me. HRC and Obama have had more than enough time to try to derail our destiny with financial collapse and they did NOTHING.

Maybe what you should be concerned with is the incoming freight train of total economic collapse that at this point is imminent. It doesn't matter now what Trump does or doesn't do. Maybe instead of complaining about a guy who's had less than 1 day as president turn your attention towards the democratic duo that allowed this to happen in the first place.

My advice is buy gold and silver and own some real assets before this bomb we're sitting on explodes. Remember these words. This economy is going to collapse. The only question is when

What's really astounding @DedLift is how short peoples memories are.

Are you going to tell me obama and hillary started our economic collapse???
Do you not remember the recession that existed before obama even took office?

Unemployment was more than double under Bush and the recession was way worse. Are you seriously going to dispute this?
Trump was not elected by the blue collar middle class. He was elected by the electoral college.

Your right doc. Still alot of blue collar worker voted for him. And they deserve the damage him and his buddies are going to do.

You know a bunch of coal miners voted for trump. Ryan and the republicans just slashed thier medical and thier retirement benefits. Trump did nothing to stop it. These voters are going to get what they deserve so being so willfully ignorant.
A question: were all those trade agreements since NAFTA made for the workers and middle class?

Absolutely not. Nafta and the tpp are terrible. Nafta has done incredible damage to our economy.

This is another area where I support Trump. Lets see if he actually does anything.
Yes, both sides do it but on one side you have Fox and on the other side you have ALL the rest. Comparing Trump to Hitler is a joke too. Speaking of dictators/despots our current Commander in chief has passed more executive orders than anyone in history.Its weird how Republicans are constantly labeled as racist. I'm Republican and I would love for EVERY person in the USA to have the opportunity to have a wonderful life like I do. Obama, Clinton, or Trump aren't going to change my life much.

Im sorry but equivocating all mainstream news outlets to Fox is laughable.

Fox knowingly puts out fake and misleading news. Its not the same. I agree thier is incredible biase in msnbc, cnn, and others.

That being said, biase isnt the same as "fake."
What's really astounding @DedLift is how short peoples memories are.

Are you going to tell me obama and hillary started our economic collapse???
Do you not remember the recession that existed before obama even took office?

Unemployment was more than double under Bush and the recession was way worse. Are you seriously going to dispute this?

Actually, it started under Clinton. democrats had a huge hand in the recession. As sexy as it sounds, you can't blame it all on bush.
Im sorry but equivocating all mainstream news outlets to Fox is laughable.

Fox knowingly puts out fake and misleading news. Its not the same. I agree thier is incredible biase in msnbc, cnn, and others.

That being said, biase isnt the same as "fake."
I would be interested in your evidence of fox putting out "fake" news as opposed to bias news as you have stated.
Im sorry but equivocating all mainstream news outlets to Fox is laughable.

Fox knowingly puts out fake and misleading news. Its not the same. I agree thier is incredible biase in msnbc, cnn, and others.

That being said, biase isnt the same as "fake."
Msnbc edited video and audio on multiple occasions. Like where they edited Zimmermans 911 audio to make it sounds racist.
Wait, what medical assistance and retirement? don't we all have obamacare and they're not government workers so what retirement?

I don't understand what your trying to say. They coal and steel workers work for "private companies." So no, they didnt have obama care. They had been paying into thier retirement for years. A deal that had been struck between them and thier employers. Now the employers with the help of the republicans are renigging on that deal.

Classy! Just let me know whenever you need me to explain anything else to you:) joking man!
I would be interested in your evidence of fox putting out "fake" news as opposed to bias news as you have stated.

How about Hillary being responsible for bengazi, climate scientest faking data, obama being from kenya, linking anti trump protesters to voter fraud, falsely reporting Clinton facing inditement, the tape of trump where he admits to sexually harrasing woman played everywhere but fox news.

Could go on and on. I admit other outlets seem to have an agenda also, but its not the same.
Really? The fact that these minor issues are your primary complaints about what Trump is supposedly doing is astounding to me. HRC and Obama have had more than enough time to try to derail our destiny with financial collapse and they did NOTHING.

Maybe what you should be concerned with is the incoming freight train of total economic collapse that at this point is imminent. It doesn't matter now what Trump does or doesn't do. Maybe instead of complaining about a guy who's had less than 1 day as president turn your attention towards the democratic duo that allowed this to happen in the first place.

My advice is buy gold and silver and own some real assets before this bomb we're sitting on explodes. Remember these words. This economy is going to collapse. The only question is when

I dont consider destroying the middle class and putting even more power into the corporations who run this country minor issues.
Msnbc edited video and audio on multiple occasions. Like where they edited Zimmermans 911 audio to make it sounds racist.

I dont know about that one. Ill have to look into it. You mean the same zimmerman that shot an unarmed kid? The same zimmerman that has since been arrested twice beating up women?

That zimmerman?
You guys are going to reach a point where you cant defend this guy anymore. He is going to fuck shit up bad.

He is already using his position to secure deals for HIS buissnesses. Can you name which ones?? I can.
I guarantee you I know more about your canidate than you do. I want the guy to succeed in making America great again.

I want to believe he is going to make our economy strong again and level the playing field. Everything he has done so far and the people he is appointing is showing the opposite.

so far it's the status quo. Even worse.
We will see.
How about Hillary being responsible for bengazi, climate scientest faking data, obama being from kenya, linking anti trump protesters to voter fraud, falsely reporting Clinton facing inditement, the tape of trump where he admits to sexually harrasing woman played everywhere but fox news.

Could go on and on. I admit other outlets seem to have an agenda also, but its not the same.
Nothing you have listed is exclusive to Fox news. I personally don't take Fox News as gospel for 100% truth but for you to say that the other media outlets are not just as bad or worse is laughable. The mainstream media has been proven to be colluding with the Democratic party with the release of the wikileaks documents. This is not conjecture or opinion, it is fact. You trying to say Fox News is worse than that is delusional at best. All are slanted or bias in one way or another but I won't single one out to be far worse than the rest because I'm not politically blinded.
I dont know about that one. Ill have to look into it. You mean the same zimmerman that shot an unarmed kid? The same zimmerman that has since been arrested twice beating up women?

That zimmerman?
We're not talking about Zimmerman. we're talking about fake news. Zimmerman was telling 911 operator that there was a suspicious person walk8ng around the neighborhood. he look like he's up to something no good. 911 operator asks for a description "what color is he". Zimmerman replied "black". the audio was edited and the question "what color is he" was removed. the audio played on MSNbc went like this. "There's a suspicious person walking around the neighborhood, he looks like he's up to no good, he looks black". nowwww it fits our "racist" narrative. go ahead and throw it out there.
Edit: it's actually the rubublicans and Ryan who are slashing coal and steel workers benefits.

The democrats tried to shut down the bill yesterday to save the workers benefits.

Lets see if Trump has anything to say about this in favor of workers???

Alright, just looked into this. lol, completly not true. bill was signed by Obama. the coal miners benefits were extended for 4 months. some were pushing for a longer extension and Republicans went with the 4 months to buy time so they can work on it once trump gets in to office and they sign the real budget.
What's really astounding @DedLift is how short peoples memories are.

Are you going to tell me obama and hillary started our economic collapse???
Do you not remember the recession that existed before obama even took office?

Unemployment was more than double under Bush and the recession was way worse. Are you seriously going to dispute this?
Actually, you're wrong on your statistic. But I do remember Bush. Both of
What's really astounding @DedLift is how short peoples memories are.

Are you going to tell me obama and hillary started our economic collapse???
Do you not remember the recession that existed before obama even took office?

Unemployment was more than double under Bush and the recession was way worse. Are you seriously going to dispute this?
Honestly dude, I could give a fuck whose feelings are hurt Trump is in office. Yeah, I remember all the sheep voting for Bush Sr when his entire campaign slogan was " read my lips, no... new...taxes". The pauses he put in there were for dramatic effect. You know what the very first order of business was once he got into office? He raised taxes.

I also remember Bush Jr. A guy too stupid to even be able to make a public speech without fumbling all over himself and creating blooper reels aplenty every time something wasn't written down in front of him to read. Yep I remember. I remember after this dipshit stole the first election we then re elected him and I said "we deserve what's coming". Guess what? It's here.

Do you really believe the labels Republican and Democrat mean anything? Each has an agenda and neither one has us in mind. I'm done with the political debate. I'm 37 @ronin17 and I've been stripped of all my illusions. Can you make the same statement?
I dont consider destroying the middle class and putting even more power into the corporations who run this country minor issues.
So you think Trump has already "destroyed " the middle class? Well, Like I said, I'm done with this thing. We'll see when we see I guess
So you think Trump has already "destroyed " the middle class? Well, Like I said, I'm done with this thing. We'll see when we see I guess
That's funny because everything was bush's fault up until a few weeks ago. now it's Trump's fault and he hasn't even been sworn in yet.