Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Trump Win Could Boost Push to Define Fertilized Eggs as People
Trump Win Could Boost Push to Define Fertilized Eggs as People

The push to confer full “personhood” status on every fertilized human egg has been rejected by voters and lawmakers in state after state, including deep-red Mississippi.

But activists are cautiously hopeful that their cause could get a boost from Republicans who are about to assume leadership in Washington.

Georgia Representative Tom Price, who has been tapped by President-elect Donald Trump to run the Department of Health and Human Services, has twice co-sponsored federal legislation that would define fertilized human eggs as legal persons — a move that would outlaw not just abortion, but also potentially the pill and other common methods of birth control.

Vice President-elect Mike Pence, then a congressman from Indiana, also co-sponsored that bill, which was introduced in 2005 and 2007, as well as similar legislation in 2011. House Speaker Paul Ryan, who will see his power expand under the Trump administration, co-sponsored the same bill both years too, as well as similar legislation in 2009, 2011, and 2013.

Personhood activists, who generally oppose abortion even in the case of rape and incest, have several policy changes in mind as the new administration takes office.


For Donald Trump, the presidency will be a vast stage for accommodating his megalomania and insatiable appetite for money. Those who mock, defy or anger him will feel the wrath of the state. Those who are not obsequious will be cast aside. He will invest most of his energy in his brand. Self-promotion is the only real talent he possesses. Corruption, already rife within the political system, will explode into a full-blown kleptocracy. Manufactured stories about Trump’s prowess, brilliance, sexual allure and goodness, as well as how America is becoming “great again,” will be pumped out by the White House smoke machine. He will demand encomiums that will become ever more outrageous. All love, devotion and allegiance will be to Trump.

Trump is the sick expression of a dysfunctional political system and mass culture that celebrate the most depraved aspects of human nature—greed, a lust for power, a thirst for adulation and celebrity, a penchant for the manipulation of others, dishonesty, a lack of remorse and a frightening pathology in which reality is ignored. He is the product of our escapist world of constant entertainment. He embodies the mutation of values in American society that has culminated in an enormous cult of the self and the abandonment of the common good.

Nothing you have listed is exclusive to Fox news. I personally don't take Fox News as gospel for 100% truth but for you to say that the other media outlets are not just as bad or worse is laughable. The mainstream media has been proven to be colluding with the Democratic party with the release of the wikileaks documents. This is not conjecture or opinion, it is fact. You trying to say Fox News is worse than that is delusional at best. All are slanted or bias in one way or another but I won't single one out to be far worse than the rest because I'm not politically blinded.

Only politically half blind:)
Actually, you're wrong on your statistic. But I do remember Bush. Both of

Honestly dude, I could give a fuck whose feelings are hurt Trump is in office. Yeah, I remember all the sheep voting for Bush Sr when his entire campaign slogan was " read my lips, no... new...taxes". The pauses he put in there were for dramatic effect. You know what the very first order of business was once he got into office? He raised taxes.

I also remember Bush Jr. A guy too stupid to even be able to make a public speech without fumbling all over himself and creating blooper reels aplenty every time something wasn't written down in front of him to read. Yep I remember. I remember after this dipshit stole the first election we then re elected him and I said "we deserve what's coming". Guess what? It's here.

Do you really believe the labels Republican and Democrat mean anything? Each has an agenda and neither one has us in mind. I'm done with the political debate. I'm 37 @ronin17 and I've been stripped of all my illusions. Can you make the same statement?

Totally agree with you. Its the point Ive actually been trying to make. Both parties have betrayed us. I have a mile long list of complates about obama but he is leaving office.

Im done with it also. People will believe what they want to believe. Truth and facts mean nothing anymore.

Respect my Authoriti!!
Energy Dept. rejects Trump’s request to name climate change workers, who remain worried (Energy Dept. rejects Trump’s request to name climate change workers, who remain worried)

On the question of providing names, Energy officials resolutely rejected the request, while reassuring workers.

“The Department of Energy received significant feedback from our workforce throughout the department, including the National Labs, following the release of the transition team’s questions. Some of the questions asked left many in our workforce unsettled,” said Eben Burnham-Snyder, a department spokesman. “Our career workforce, including our contractors and employees at our labs, comprise the backbone of DOE (Department of Energy) and the important work our department does to benefit the American people. We are going to respect the professional and scientific integrity and independence of our employees at our labs and across our department.

“We will be forthcoming with all publically-available information with the transition team. We will not be providing any individual names to the transition team.” Burnham-Snyder’s email had the last sentence in boldface for emphasis.

As long as he remembers to shut it down, all good. The DoE is a totally useless construct anyway, created to appease Carter. Carve out the military-related components and hand them over to DoD and turn off the lights on the rest.

The DoE has clearly not been able to get anything worthwhile done (ref the Yucca Mountain storage facility, and the deteriorating state of US nuclear weapons) anyway, so why keep it? What, other than military nukes and related activities, does the DoE do that the states themselves can't do better?

But hey, you'd rather bitch and moan rather than carry out some adult conversations, right?

I'm not terrible concerned with some of the picks trump has made. It would appear he is moving towards energy independence and towards securing the border with some of his picks. Shutting down some of the federal agencies would be the best thing for the country, Like department of education. One of many that are there to do nothing but protect itself as a goal. Minimize some agencies like the EPA and the IRS. Agencies that have gotten too big for their own britches. And some of Trump's picks for defense and military suggest we will not sit on our hands and let terrorists like isis and alqueda grow big enough to take over countries before we stomp them out. I'm excited to see how this will play out. #he's our president.