Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

"Arguing with idiots is like playing chess with a pigeon; it's going to shit on the board and strut around like it won anyway."
I unfollowed simply because of the white supremacist line you been jerking off too for the last 20 pages. Ignorant and over played. Your the fucking pigeon, get it?
Oh, my point on the context of Hillary's full quote was the rest of the quote meant absolutely nothing. it was fluff. the quote that I made still meant exactly how I used it.

It was the important part... You guys are always pissy when you think Scally or someone has posted sources that take Trump out of context and you go and do just that.

I know exactly what your argument was to start with, that Hillary ran on destroying blue collar jobs. My point is that you're incorrect and still are... It can be your opinion that I'm wrong but that is gonna make you look sort of silly considering I've proved you wrong by correcting what you posted.

Once more, coal is dying and you are foolish to think Trump can prevent it. He's going to do nothing but irritate the rest of the world who can already see the writing on the wall. Why be opposed to progress?
Ignorant and over played.

I was on the fence whether I really bought into Trump as a racist or not. The guy has done some kinda racist things but they could also have been labeled as just profoundly ignorant too... So I wasn't sold.

Then Trump brought Steve Bannon into his planned cabinet. Far as I'm concerned, Trump might as well be a racist after that move. So maybe the racist thing isn't THAT overplayed or ignorant... It would be, at the very least, wise to watch rather than make up your mind just yet.

What I really get a kick out of in this thread is that a lot of the best debates have come about from someone vehemently disagreeing with Scally's posts or position then someone else defending it... Which goes on for pages until everyone tires and unsubscribes and yet Scally doesn't join the debate. He just tosses the match and watches everyone else spread the fire lol. I'm not reserved enough.
I was on the fence whether I really bought into Trump as a racist or not. The guy has done some kinda racist things but they could also have been labeled as just profoundly ignorant too... So I wasn't sold.

Then Trump brought Steve Bannon into his planned cabinet. Far as I'm concerned, Trump might as well be a racist after that move. So maybe the racist thing isn't THAT overplayed or ignorant... It would be, at the very least, wise to watch rather than make up your mind just yet.

What I really get a kick out of in this thread is that a lot of the best debates have come about from someone vehemently disagreeing with Scally's posts or position then someone else defending it... Which goes on for pages until everyone tires and unsubscribes and yet Scally doesn't join the debate. He just tosses the match and watches everyone else spread the fire lol. I'm not reserved enough.
He posts propoganda from very very left wing individuals and organizations who are seething angry they lost
He posts propoganda from very very left wing individuals and organizations who are seething angry they lost

I wouldn't look at it so much as "they lost" as I would that the beliefs they hold to preserve the planet, uphold roe vs wade, marriage equality .... ETC is in danger of being sent bank to the stone age. Can't really blame them for being concerned eh?

Like I said though, maybe it looked like propaganda before as far as him being a racist... But he certainly seems to continue moving in that direction IMO after bringing Steve Bannon into his circle... So does that mean it was ever really propaganda in the first place?
I wouldn't look at it so much as "they lost" as I would that the beliefs they hold to preserve the planet, uphold roe vs wade, marriage equality .... ETC is in danger of being sent bank to the stone age. Can't really blame them for being concerned eh?

Like I said though, maybe it looked like propaganda before as far as him being a racist... But he certainly seems to continue moving in that direction IMO after bringing Steve Bannon into his circle... So does that mean it was ever really propaganda in the first place?
Don't worry America

Here is where I stopped reading the last time I started that article:

"I stick to my thesis from October 2015. There is no evidence that Donald Trump is more racist than any past Republican candidate (or any other 70 year old white guy, for that matter)."

I took a writing course focused on rhetoric in college... If I had attempted a paper and included the gem above as my standpoint, I would have failed the class.

I read it a little further this time and as far as I can tell, the author does make a good case on something.. that is to remain neutral in regards to the belief that Trump is a racist. Not to believe he IS or that he ISN'T. Which is essentially what I would ask, that's why I mentioned it would be wise to watch without making up your mind just yet... It is also why Scally's posts in regards to Trump being a racist are not necessarily propaganda.
Here is where I stopped reading the last time I started that article:

"I stick to my thesis from October 2015. There is no evidence that Donald Trump is more racist than any past Republican candidate (or any other 70 year old white guy, for that matter)."

I took a writing course focused on rhetoric in college... If I had attempted a paper and included the gem above as my standpoint, I would have failed the class.

I read it a little further this time and as far as I can tell, the author does make a good case on something.. that is to remain neutral in regards to the belief that Trump is a racist. Not to believe he IS or that he ISN'T. Which is essentially what I would ask, that's why I mentioned it would be wise to watch without making up your mind just yet... It is also why Scally's posts in regards to Trump being a racist are not necessarily propaganda.
Racism is the most popular and potent form of propoganda anyone can use. That is why the LEFT uses it without caution and without restraint. But it is old now. Trump, Romney, Bush. Bush the first. It never ends. Their all racists

Crying wolf
Every time I see social media posts about Obama being the worst president ever they always carry on about how he is also the most racist. Both sides love to call their opponents racist.
Racism is the most popular and potent form of propoganda anyone can use. That is why the LEFT uses it without caution and without restraint. But it is old now. Trump, Romney, Bush. Bush the first. It never ends. Their all racists

Crying wolf
I'm still hoping that all the shit liberals are worried about will come true the same way that Obama was gonna take everyone's guns.
Every time I see social media posts about Obama being the worst president ever they always carry on about how he is also the most racist. Both sides love to call their opponents racist.
Really? I didnt say "social media" ie, opinions of ignorant ppl
The entire media machine which everyone knows is left organized and operated has ran and touted that racist card in their magazines and their news networks. These are "journalists" and that term is too be used loosely in respect to them. Their is clearly a different standard between news organizations and joe schmo on social media with an opinion
Really? I didnt say "social media" ie, opinions of ignorant ppl
The entire media machine which everyone knows is left organized and operated has ran and touted that racist card in their magazines and their news networks. These are "journalists" and that term is too be used loosely in respect to them. Their is clearly a different standard between news organizations and joe schmo on social media with an opinion
sorry for misinterpreting you point.. I just jumped into this thread. The media is pretty messed up and a guy has to do a lot of research to dig the truth up. Media is just trying to sell us sensational news. Our mainstream media is not much better than the fake news that we have been getting swamped with.
IMO, I think Trump considers most people to be lesser grades of human than him, regardless of their race.
I wouldn't look at it so much as "they lost" as I would that the beliefs they hold to preserve the planet, uphold roe vs wade, marriage equality .... ETC is in danger of being sent bank to the stone age. Can't really blame them for being concerned eh?

Like I said though, maybe it looked like propaganda before as far as him being a racist... But he certainly seems to continue moving in that direction IMO after bringing Steve Bannon into his circle... So does that mean it was ever really propaganda in the first place?
Yes, I cry a river of tears for your identity politics. All those people who think the world owes them recognition for being different, and free abortions of course. Then I look to the East and see an entire continent ripped to shit by the people supporting and controlling Hillary, and she promising more of the same. Some debts can never be paid.
Yes, I cry a river of tears for your identity politics. All those people who think the world owes them recognition for being different, and free abortions of course. Then I look to the East and see an entire continent ripped to shit by the people supporting and controlling Hillary, and she promising more of the same. Some debts can never be paid.

I have absolutely no clue what you're getting at here other than the fact you seem to think roe vs wade is around solely for free abortions... o_O
I have absolutely no clue what you're getting at here other than the fact you seem to think roe vs wade is around solely for free abortions... o_O
I mean the measure of Americans in general of what is important in this world is completely out of whack.