Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

“When you look at tracking, Russia doesn’t register on the radar for what people care about,” McLaughlin said. “It is literally not even close to the top 15 issue.” (MSNBC Panel Reacts to Trump’s Bump in Approval Rating: ‘He Defies Political Gravity’)

We are now at one of those points. With the revelation on CNN Thursday night that, according to the network’s sources, Michael Cohen is ready to testify that the president* knew in advance of the now-legendary meeting in June of 2016 at which individuals connected to the Russian government offered to ratfck Hillary Rodham Clinton’s campaign for him, we stand as a self-governing republic at a stark, unclouded moment—either you believe the president* of the United States is utterly illegitimate, having conspired with a hostile power to gain the office he now holds, and that every act he has taken in that office, up to an including swearing the oath of office, is equally illegitimate, or you do not.

It is now a binary.

If Cohen is willing to testify to that effect, then the president* conspired with the regime of Vladimir Putin in order to gain control over the executive branch of government in this country—which includes not only the military, but the law-enforcement and intelligence apparatus as well.