Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

What has been lacking so far is the “smoking gun.” Cohen may just supply it, if his purported testimony is credible and corroborated (admittedly big ifs). Indeed, Rudolph W. Giuliani, Trump’s lawyer, has (gone from arguing) that Trump didn’t know about the Trump Tower meeting to arguing that the then-candidate wasn’t present (which no one has alleged he was) — and from arguing that no collusion occurred to arguing that collusion, even if it occurred, is no big deal. This is his actual defense: “My client didn't do it, and even if he did it, it’s not a crime.”
Remember when economist Paul Krugman predicted that Trump's election would trigger a "global recession with no end in sight"? Well, the stock market just rose 5,000 points in one year for the first time EVER. The Trump administration continues to surpass economic expectations, and that's good news not just for Republicans — it's good news for ALL Americans.