Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

“Every so often, you hear stories on the news about a toddler who somehow manages to start the family car and drive the vehicle across town, where the law finally apprehends him—and it’s almost always a him—before too much damage has taken place,” Barry Blitt, the artist behind this week’s cover, says. “As to why this would come to mind on the week of our new President’s Inauguration . . . I have no idea!” Cover Story: Barry Blitt’s “At the Wheel”?
Hitlers Rhetorical Theory

Fundamental to Hitler's rhetorical theory is his conviction that, for leadership, the spoken word is superior to the written word. So ingrained is this principle that Hitler expresses it in the brief one-page preface to Mein Kampf: "I know that men are won over less by the written than by the spoken word, that every great movement on this earth owes its growth to orators and not to great writers."

Hitler dismisses "fops and knights of the pen" who "for leadership" are "neither born nor chosen. The broad masses of people can be moved only by the power of speech."

Hitler had contempt for his German audiences declaring, "the masses are slow moving and always require a certain time before they are ready even to notice something, and only after the simplest ideas are repeated thousands of times will the masses remember them."

Hitler was especially condescending toward women: "To convince women by reasoned argument is always impossible."

German historian Werner Maser explains, "Hitler knew his people—the masses he so detested. More than that, he despised them and said so openly without circumspection—and still they applauded him."

Hitler: "The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is born in mind constantly and with unflagging attention. Propaganda must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over again."

Hitler agrees with Sigmund Freud, who wrote in 1924, the same year Hitler wrote Mein Kampf, "the orator who wishes to sway a crowd must exaggerate, and he must repeat the same thing again and again."

Hitler cautions against attacking multiple enemies because "as soon as the wavering masses are confronted with too many enemies objectivity at once steps in and the question is raised whether actually all the others are wrong and your movement alone is right."

Hitler: "It is necessary to indict one sole enemy to march against one sole enemy." Because his enemies were numerous, Hitler believed "it is part of the genius of a great leader to make adversaries of different fields appear as always belonging to one category."

Hitler: "You will see how little time we need to upset the ideas of the whole world simply by attacking Judaism. Anti-Semitism is beyond question the most important weapon in my propaganda arsenal and I use it with almost deadly efficiency."

Hitler's rhetorical theory also emphasizes one-sided, black-and-white, all-or-nothing reasoning, because, according to Hitler: "the thinking of the people is not complicated but very simple and all of one piece. Their thinking does not have multiple shadings. It has positive and negative, love or hate, right or wrong, truth or lie but never half this way and half that way."

Hitler: "In the size of the lie there is a certain factor of credibility, because, with the primitive simplicity of their feelings the masses fall victim more easily to a big lie than to a small one.

Since they themselves occasionally lie in small matters, but the masses of people would be ashamed to tell great lies. Such a falsehood would not enter their minds, and they will not be able to imagine others asserting, with great boldness, the most infamous misrepresentation. And even with the explanation of the matter the masses long hesitate and vacillate and accept some ground as true. Consequently, from the most bold lie something will remain."

Hitler: "For myself personally I would never tell a lie, but there is no falsehood I would not perpetuate for Germany's sake."

According to Hitler: "Conscience is a Jewish invention like circumcision. My task is to free men from the dirty and degrading ideas of conscience and morality."

Hitler: "the people in their overwhelming majority are so feminine by nature and attitude that sober reasoning determines their thoughts and actions far less than emotions and feeling." Hitler explains, "My purpose is to arouse, to whip up, to incite."

[Hitler] constructed a pragmatic Machiavellian rhetorical theory, based on a cynical analysis of his audience, that emphasized repetition, scapegoating, black-and-white reasoning, lying, and emotional appeal.

Hitler: "I am conscious that I have no equal in the art of swaying the masses."
“Every so often, you hear stories on the news about a toddler who somehow manages to start the family car and drive the vehicle across town, where the law finally apprehends him—and it’s almost always a him—before too much damage has taken place,” Barry Blitt, the artist behind this week’s cover, says. “As to why this would come to mind on the week of our new President’s Inauguration . . . I have no idea!” Cover Story: Barry Blitt’s “At the Wheel”?
I have a hard time understanding why these guys can't see this cocksucker for who he is. They actually believe that he gives a fuck about them. Lol
I have a hard time understanding why these guys can't see this cocksucker for who he is. They actually believe that he gives a fuck about them. Lol
Like Obama really cared about you? Bernie would of cared about you? Bill Clinton cared about you? I can't see how any of you guys think any of the people I listed cared about you. I can play that game as well.

Just because people voted against Clinton doesn't mean they believe Trump "cares" about them. It's more of a rejection of the liberal leftist policy and less do to with Trump caring, at least from my personal feeling.
Like Obama really cared about you? Bernie would of cared about you? Bill Clinton cared about you? I can't see how any of you guys think any of the people I listed cared about you. I can play that game as well.
Orange Man is in a class all his own. You will see that soon. It's not going to take long before he fucks up like no one before him.

He is a megalomaniac. We saw that in his news conference the other day. He creates his own reality. The press is going to do a hit job on the Orange Man. I will enjoy it. The only reason he is pres now is that the dems ran their worst possible candidate. Orange Man thinks he won because he is smart. Wrong almost anyone else would have ate his lunch.

To understand the rhetoric of fascism, we must address ourselves to the problem of understanding figurative language as more than an element of style. All manner of figurative imagery abound in these documents, and these figurations are more than stylistic devices:

Hitler's critique of the Jew's status as a cultural being, for example, is not illustrated by the metaphor of parasitism; it is constituted by this metaphor and the figurative entailments it carries. The Jew's cultural inferiority, that is, is never argumentatively demonstrated in propositional fashion by reference to real events or rational principles, but is rather only there to be inferred from Hitler's use and elaboration of parasitism imagery. The figurative language employed by Hitler is not supplementary or subordinate to some argumentative or discursive substructure; it is itself Hitler's "argument."

The abundance of figuration and the apparent lack of a more fundamental discursive substructure in fascist rhetoric render it essential that we plumb the logic of the metaphors themselves to make sense of this rhetoric.

In this essay, I will examine how one class of metaphors—those referring to disease/infestation of the national "body"—function to explain and morally legitimate the National Socialists' stance toward the Jew. First, though, it is necessary to make a brief metacritical digression into the rhetorical function of disease metaphors.

Hitler's use of natural, organic imagery to characterize the German nation is so frequent and has been touched upon so often by critics and commentators14 that its prevalence hardly needs to be proven anew here. What I propose to explore instead are Hitler's extensions of this organic metaphor to the characterization of the natural enemy of the nation—the Jew—in terms of metaphors of organic infestation.

Hitler had to shape and channel popular anti-semitism; particularly, he had to explain how it was that the heretofore scorned Jew was actually a dangerous and foreign threat to the very foundations of the German nation.

The use of infestation metaphors provided Hitler with the answer.

Such metaphors were suitably de-humanizing, and, even more important, they provided a figurative explanation of the Jewish threat: The Jew was like the disease-causing microbe, the internal parasite, or the secretly-administered poison, wreaking an invisible but ultimately fatal havoc on the national body. Hence, it was not as though the Jew had somehow suddenly metamorphosed from a worthless but harmless object of scorn into a full-blown national threat. Rather, the Jew had always posed such a threat, and the German masses had only needed a savior, a Hitler, to rise and show them the real workings of the insidious, invisible Jewish plague.

Perry S. Rhetorical functions of the infestation metaphor in Hitler's rhetoric. Central States Speech Journal 1983;34(4):229-35.


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Orange Man is in a class all his own. You will see that soon. It's not going to take long before he fucks up like no one before him.

He is a megalomaniac. We saw that in his news conference the other day. He creates his own reality. The press is going to do a hit job on the Orange Man. I will enjoy it. The only reason he is pres now is that the dems ran their worst possible candidate. Orange Man thinks he won because he is smart. Wrong almost anyone else would have ate his lunch.
Seen what in his press conference? Him standing up for himself against a radical left wing media? Him standing up for himself against radical left wing politicians like the senator that said trumps not a legitimate president? It's the left that is radical. It's the left that is insane. Look at this most recent issue with the painting depicting police as pigs and the Democrats want that painting hung in the Senate building. These Democrats are off their freaking rockers. It's amazing people actually vote for these morons. The radical left wing media has already been doing a hit job on trump. They do it to every conservative running for office. Has nothing to do with bettering the country. Only has to do with agenda.


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