Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Ya know, more and more by the day, the state of journalism is at an all time, embarrassingly pathetic low!

And I mean this on both sides, regarding Trump, regarding Hillary, regarding everyone that is covered by the press. Almost anyone can say anything critical of anyone, and someone will be desperate enough for clicks and views that they'll run with it with a ludicrously minimal amount of verification.

Furthermore, by the time these fabrications are exposed as bogus, too many people have already believed what they've read and have moved on.

It's frustrating and embarrassing.

true unbiased investigative journalism has been dead for a long time. They print whatever is going to get a reaction out of people. The CIA uses false claims in their reports and wonders why Mr T doesn't trust our intelligence community. Hes smarter than we give him credit for i guess. This country is a disaster right now and most of it is caused by not reality, but emotional responses to false reporting. Makes us look like a bunch of disorganized idiots.

Ive been trying to tell Paul to stop believing everything that he reads but its a perfect example of how our government uses people's anger against one another to produce what they believe is a more favorable outcome to them. We cant trust our government, the media, and certainly not the Internet. One has to show discernment in what one chooses to believe.

Ive never in all my life seen an election process this emotionally charged on both sides. In years past, if your/my candidate lost, i shrugged my shoulders and said "oh well." People have been played like puppets by their own government. Myself included because i got a little irritated every time i knew i was seeing a bullshit made up piece of journalist shit(which is every day). Our country's future has never seemed so dark as it does right now. If i can see that, so can the rest of the world. This is Obamas "legacy"
Also for the record while I don't agree with a ton of what you say in this thread I do respect the fact that you speak your mind
That is how I feel about anyone on this board who disagrees with my political views. Both side can be disrespectful, but it is a sensitive topic. I leave any disagreements we have on this thread here. I don't take it to other forums.
This will be interesting. Just watching T's news conference. He still will not release his tax returns. Now that there are reports that the pres elect may have been compromised, we need those tax returns. This guy will be blackmailed by Russia for the next 4 years.
Um...Paul, what have i told you about this? Youve gone and eaten yet another shit sandwich devised by a web site that creates fake news as a joke. This was a false report and CNN and buzzfeed ran with it and exposed themselves as the joke they are. Your hero McCain is the one who passed this false report on to the CIA. Wow. What a flippin joke our government is.

Im glad all this has happened. Now, everyone knows how corrupt the media and government has become. Its been a very eye opening experience for most.

Press conference is great. Everything that comes out of the orange man's mouth is a half truth at best or a blatant lie. Does a pathological liar know he is lying or does he believe his own lies.?
Coming from the guy who believed the FALSE report that was exposed today involving CNN and Buzzfeed? Yeah, i think its block time
Donald Trump is 'gaslighting' all of us
Donald Trump is 'gaslighting' all of us(Opinion) -

(CNN) Is Donald Trump really a "big fan" of the intelligence community, as he claimed on Twitter, or did he disparage intelligence professionals when he repeatedly referred to them and their work in sneer quotes about "Intelligence" briefings and the "so-called 'Russian hacking'"?

Did Trump mock a disabled reporter, or did your eyes, and the Hollywood elite make you think he did?

Did he convince Ford not to move a car plant to Mexico, saving American jobs, or was it all a fabrication for publicity?

Did he win the election with a historically narrow victory, or did he score a "landslide"?

The questions are endless, and the answers, unless you're paying very close attention -- all the time -- can require significant effort to ascertain. Reality is becoming hazy in the era of Trump. And that's no accident.

The fact is Trump has become America's gaslighter in chief.

Um...Paul, what have i told you about this? Youve gone and eaten yet another shit sandwich devised by a web site that creates fake news as a joke.
To the rest of the world it is the truth. I can understand that if you knew what you did in contributing to the election of the "orangeman" you might be embarrassed. To the reat of the world it is Watergate on steroids.

Did you see his recent news conference. It was unbelievable. He is a pathological liar, sociopath, misogynistic, narcissist and by the language he used, he most likely paid for his grades throughout grade school, high school and college.. He is a fucking joke that will keep most of us laughing for the next 4 years.

Fuck you :)
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There is a song that may provide Trump voters some comfort. It is "Everybody plays the fool". It's on youtube and by the Main ingredient. Listen to the words, and don't make the same mistake twice okay. :)


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