Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Conflicts of Interest and the President: Reviewing the State of Law in the Face of a Trump Presidency
Conflicts of Interest and the President: Reviewing the State of Law in the Face of a Trump Presidency

“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” 1 It is not a novel concept that competing personal interests rob us of our ability to make impartial and objective decisions. For this reason, the need to avoid conflicts of interests comprises a main tenet of our system of due process. Recognition that we, as mere humans, unavoidably root our bias in decision-making is at the core of our process for governing the disqualification of judges and attorneys, and of course in selecting juries.

This avoidance of conflicts supports confidence in the implementation of our substantive rule of law. Our focus on process as a means to secure substantive law and compliant enforcement is what distinguishes Western, and in particular American, rule of law. It is by this process that we create trust in our legal system—we may not all agree with the substantive law or its implementation, but we can at least respect that it was derived from a process with integrity. At its core, minimizing conflicts of interests is a critical mechanism to ensure unbiased decision-making in the legal system in the same way a scientist would use a control mechanism in a lab experiment.

This concept does not stop with the legal system—most government officials are subject to some conflict of interest standard, whether via the Constitution, agency rules and regulation, statute, or contract. Two notable exceptions are the president and vice president. These exceptions are based on the policy rationale that any prohibition against conflicts of interests might impede their ability to carry out their Constitutional duties. However, on November 8, 2016, Donald John Trump was elected to be the 45th President of the United States of America, bringing with him an unprecedented level of potential conflicts of interest.
“Divided States of America” premieres Tues. Jan. 17 and Wed. Jan. 18 from 9-11 p.m. EST / 8-10 p.m. CST on PBS and online. (Divided States of America)

Days before the inauguration of the 45th American president in January 2017, FRONTLINE will premiere “Divided States of America,” a four-hour, two-night documentary miniseries that looks back at events during the Obama presidency that have revealed deep divisions in our country, and examines the America that President-elect Donald Trump will inherit.

From veteran filmmaker Michael Kirk and his team, “Divided States” will offer an in-depth view of the partisanship that has gridlocked Washington and charged the 2016 presidential campaign, the rise of populist anger on both sides of the aisle, and the racial tensions that have erupted throughout the country.
So now, there is a group of anti trumpers who are working diligently to find a way to have Trump impeached the moment he steps into the big chair. You know what, i Hope this movement against Trump succeeds. It'll give me something fun to watch as the world sees this illusion of democracy brought to light.

I dont care much for Trump but to me, he's still better than the alternative and he beat the odds. The fact that he was actually elected made me start to believe there actually was a working democracy here in the US. I bet I'm proven wrong though. Our elected president will either be kicked out of office with some kind of dirty play or he'll be assasinated if they cant find an alternative. Either way, war is coming
So now, there is a group of anti trumpers who are working diligently to find a way to have Trump impeached the moment he steps into the big chair. You know what, i Hope this movement against Trump succeeds. It'll give me something fun to watch as the world sees this illusion of democracy brought to light.

I dont care much for Trump but to me, he's still better than the alternative and he beat the odds. The fact that he was actually elected made me start to believe there actually was a working democracy here in the US. I bet I'm proven wrong though. Our elected president will either be kicked out of office with some kind of dirty play or he'll be assasinated if they cant find an alternative. Either way, war is coming
I agree with a lot of what you said, and you know of course he lost the popular vote.... But If we ever become a true democracy, we're screwed....
I dont care much for Trump but to me, he's still better than the alternative and he beat the odds. The fact that he was actually elected made me start to believe there actually was a working democracy here in the US. I bet I'm proven wrong though.

Problem with this part is that he was democratically elected. The electoral college is an anti-democratic body.