Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

I was very surprised that he was allowed to win this election and i wonder why. Was it to create an environment of fear and trepidation about the future so that we say, "there really should be another way." Political chaos meant to ring in a "New World Order?"
Conspiracy theories i suppose but i also wonder how many of them are true...
I was very surprised that he was allowed to win this election and i wonder why. Was it to create an environment of fear and trepidation about the future so that we say, "there really should be another way." Political chaos meant to ring in a "New World Order?"
Conspiracy theories i suppose but i also wonder how many of them are true...

I think you are over thinking things.

Trump won because BOTH parties put forward their WORST candidate, and the American people, via the electoral college, elected the person they disliked less than they disliked the other candidate.

That combined with the conservative party being extra-motivated to vote down the previous 8 years.

The liberal party won in 2008 because enough liberals were angered by the ultra-conservative Bush administration's previous 8 years.

The conservative party won this year after enough conservatives were angered by the ultra-liberal agenda of the Obama administration's previous 8 years.

It seems that when a group of people, whether conservative or liberal, feels disrespected and mistreated strongly enough, long enough, they get motivated to turn out and vote against those they feel have gone too far in the other direction.

You can not argue that the Bush administration policies motivated liberals to vote for hope and change in 2008.

You can not argue that the Obama administration has made the average conservative American feel alienated from the hope and change movement.

So here we are. Conservatives motivated by Obama combined with the swing voters who hate Trump less than they hate Hillary.

Either way, it sucks!
I think you are over thinking things.

Trump won because BOTH parties put forward their WORST candidate, and the American people, via the electoral college, elected the person they disliked less than they disliked the other candidate.

That combined with the conservative party being extra-motivated to vote down the previous 8 years.

The liberal party won in 2008 because enough liberals were angered by the ultra-conservative Bush administration's previous 8 years.

The conservative party won this year after enough conservatives were angered by the ultra-liberal agenda of the Obama administration's previous 8 years.

It seems that when a group of people, whether conservative or liberal, feels disrespected and mistreated strongly enough, long enough, they get motivated to turn out and vote against those they feel have gone too far in the other direction.

You can not argue that the Bush administration policies motivated liberals to vote for hope and change in 2008.

You can not argue that the Obama administration has made the average conservative American feel alienated from the hope and change movement.

So here we are. Conservatives motivated by Obama combined with the swing voters who hate Trump less than they hate Hillary.

Either way, it sucks!
Well put as always Bickel. Honestly, after i typed those last few, i kind of cringed and wished I could've taken them back. A combination of sleeplessness and mental fog is really taking its toll. I was waiting for my next break(now) to call myself an idiot.
You, Doc and a few others are the reason i keep coming back here like its my FB page(dont have one)
Well put as always Bickel. Honestly, after i typed those last few, i kind of cringed and wished I could've taken them back. A combination of sleeplessness and mental fog is really taking its toll. I was waiting for my next break(now) to call myself an idiot.
You, Doc and a few others are the reason i keep coming back here like its my FB page(dont have one)

Just calling it like I see it, while keeping an open mind to both sides, my man.

I'd hate to think that I'd blindly follow a candidate based on whether they have an elephant or a donkey next to their name.
All I can say is i hope this administration takes a page out of the Democrats book and gives them the finger by implementing as much conservative policies as hard and fast as they can. I hope they box out the Democrats and hope they keep them from having any say on what's going on. and I hope the Democrats get so heated I hope their heads explode. Just sayin'...
I know what you meant. Youre a smart guy doc. Ive always respected your point of view

And I've respected yours. Unfortunately, not everyone can disagree so amicably and people are blinded by party loyalty among other things. The biggest threat to this nation is greed. I've said it before and I'll say it again: things won't significantly change for the better until money is removed from politics. Plain and simple. My $0.02 :)
Trump's pick for Education Secretary apparently unaware that disabled students have a federally mandated right to a public education.

Scientists have discovered a new moth with golden hair and a tiny penis. They've named it after Trump. Scientists have discovered a new moth with golden hair and a tiny penis. They've named it after Trump

Evolutionary biologist Vazrick Nazari has identified a new centimetre- wide moth, disclosing his finding on ZooKeys. Review of Neopalpa Povolný, 1998 with description of a new species from California and Baja California, Mexico (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae)

It has a silky head of bright yellow scales, which the moth develops in adulthood, and its head has been described as orange-yellow in colouration, the body is white and the wings are brown or greyish.

Also an important detail - its genitalia is “comparatively smaller” than that of the Neopalpa neonata, its close relative.

From CA... I guess he didn't realize that snowflakes melt.

[url=]Man Sets Himself On Fire Outside Trump D.C. Hotel In Protest Of Inauguration[/URL]

A protester set himself on fire outside Trump International Hotel in Washington DC on Tuesday in what appears to be a failed attempt at self-immolation, NBC4DC reported. The unidentified man called Trump a "dictator" and said the act was in protest of Trump's upcoming inauguration.

The hope that Donald Trump might become more presidential as his inauguration approached have proven misguided. The 45th president of the United States has shown that his own public image is his first priority.