Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

I'm watching the inauguration concert at the lincoln memorial. Small crowd. Trump will go on fox say that 1 million were in attendance. How in the fuck could this country elect a draft dodger billionaire who pissed on a true hero like John McCain? Trump would have been sucking North Vietnamese cock day one! We now have a pussy and a fraud as president who is married to a euro slut

I don't recognize any or the performers. Losers.

Sorry for posting a lot about Trump. If it makes you feel any better I did the same in 1933 about Hitler.

I am curious, as I don't think I have seen either of you address this question previously. My apologies if you have and I just missed it.

But Paul and Michael, whom do you blame for Trump being elected? Why was he elected?

I have seen a tremendous amount of hate, and negativity from both of you, which is fine, as I am neither a Trump "supporter" nor a Trump "hater". But I am just curious what each of you attribute the failure of the Democratic nominee to defeat Trump, given that each of you obviously feel that he is an abomination to the Presidency? Why did so many voters see it differently than the two of you?

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
I am curious, as I don't think I have seen either of you address this question previously. My apologies if you have and I just missed it.

But Paul and Michael, whom do you blame for Trump being elected? Why was he elected?

I have seen a tremendous amount of hate, and negativity from both of you, which is fine, as I am neither a Trump "supporter" nor a Trump "hater". But I am just curious what each of you attribute the failure of the Democratic nominee to defeat Trump, given that each of you obviously feel that he is an abomination to the Presidency? Why did so many voters see it differently than the two of you?

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
Were you listening to the bullshit that spewed out of trumps mouth the last year and a half. JFC the cabinet he has chose has had to denounce the insanity. He is the spokesman for hate and bigotry. Don't think that we will forget his words.

Games over. I'm going to enjoy the show. I have a feeling this is going to become my favorite thread. I will be posting my opinion on the orangeman presidency.

Enjoy your inauguration day. Oh and by the way. I will show your president the same respect you showed mine.You can call it hate and negativity. I call it enlightenment. Get over it,@bickel29 and get use to it because there is gonna be a whole bunch of it. Your boy will be inaugurated tomorrow with the lowest approval rating in history.
That's because the left wing radicals have scared the public in to staying away. They are right on par with isis terrorizing anyone who disagrees.
Get real. I will only make fun of his buffoonery. Things will change in a few years, and we will make America great again. :)
Were you listening to the bullshit that spewed out of trumps mouth the last year and a half. JFC the cabinet he has chose has had to denounce the insanity. He is the spokesman for hate and bigotry. Don't think that we will forget his words.

Games over. I'm going to enjoy the show. I have a feeling this is going to become my favorite thread. I will be posting my opinion on the orangeman presidency.

Enjoy your inauguration day. Oh and by the way. I will show your president the same respect you showed mine.You can call it hate and negativity. I call it enlightenment. Get over it,@bickel29 and get use to it because there is gonna be a whole bunch of it. Your boy will be inaugurated tomorrow with the lowest approval rating in history.

Are you fucking wasted again, you fucking idiot?

Put the bottle down long enough to read the damned post of mine THAT YOU QUOTED!!!

I plainly stated that I was neither a "supporter" nor "hater" of Trump, you fucking idiot.


Now, do us all a favor, and tomorrow, after you have sobered up some, and after you have wiped the tears off your face, read my post again and TRY ANSWERING MY QUESTIONS. I was basically asking you and Scally why each of you think so many people voted for Trump.

It wasn't a trick question. I was hoping to hear some sort of thoughtful reply.

Instead I get drunken rambling from you, that doesn't even come close to a coherent response to the post you quoted.

You are mentally unstable, Paul.
Haven't been around much, just pass by to keep up with a couple things and people. Thought I'd drop by as meso is where I see the most Americans in one place. Many of us outside the US can't fucking believe you elected this guy. The alternative was pretty useless, but wtf? I'm not sure whether to laugh at you or cry for you. Good luck and I hope to fuck we get through the next four years
Haven't been around much, just pass by to keep up with a couple things and people. Thought I'd drop by as meso is where I see the most Americans in one place. Many of us outside the US can't fucking believe you elected this guy. The alternative was pretty useless, but wtf? I'm not sure whether to laugh at you or cry for you. Good luck and I hope to fuck we get through the next four years
Actually vast majority of everything you heard about trump is fake news. Years ago liberals loved trumped. Wanted him to run for president. Now that he's running as a Republican he's the worst guy in the world. Shit, 99% of the shit in this thread alone is fake.

I am confused by this.

"We the people"? Really?

"Greater than fear"? Really? There is more fear amongst our population than ever.

"Defend dignity"? Really? Whose dignity is being defended? I see too many people behaving in an undignified manner.

"Protect each other"? Are you even paying attention?

I have never in my life seen a greater lacking of sense of community and togetherness than I see right now.

We the people? Seriously?

We, the people of the United States, are more divided than ever. We are more hateful than ever. Ironically, we even seem less tolerant than ever (wasn't tolerance a big push by the Obama administration?)

Maybe if you are a retired doctor who obliviously spends his days filling message board forums with memes and screen shots, then maybe this "We the people" nonsense makes sense. But to those of us who only want the best for our country, who are not WAY TOO emotionally attached to either party, this concept of featuring cartoons of minorities vowing "We the people" is so far away from reality that it's mind boggling that someone so educated would even repost this.
Actually vast majority of everything you heard about trump is fake news. Years ago liberals loved trumped. Wanted him to run for president. Now that he's running as a Republican he's the worst guy in the world. Shit, 99% of the shit in this thread alone is fake.

Which is what pisses SO MANY Americans off. A lot of us just want the truth and an honest, respectful effort from our politicians and our media. Whether they were "our candidate" or not.

Yet we get memes and cartoons spewing very slanted, hateful points of view that only further promotes hate, and makes the divide larger, and also are often fabricated and misrepresented - again, just to promote negativity that helps nothing.