Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Actually vast majority of everything you heard about trump is fake news. Years ago liberals loved trumped. Wanted him to run for president. Now that he's running as a Republican he's the worst guy in the world. Shit, 99% of the shit in this thread alone is fake.
It's not about what was heard about him it's what he himself have been saying since he announced his run for presidency not to mention the tweets.

As I mentioned before I was overseas when this fiasco of an election was going and tried to explain the amount of ridicule that I heard from almost everyone. It was embarrassing to say the least and the DNC leaks made the situation even worse.
It's not about what was heard about him it's what he himself have been saying since he announced his run for presidency not to mention the tweets.

As I mentioned before I was overseas when this fiasco of an election was going and tried to explain the amount of ridicule that I heard from almost everyone. It was embarrassing to say the least and the DNC leaks made the situation even worse.
Then I'm not sure the comments he could have made or the tweets he tweeted that could compare to the things hillary has done. Let's
Then I'm not sure the comments he could have made or the tweets he tweeted that could compare to the things hillary has done. Let's
I can't disagree, she is nothing short of your typical everyday DC corrupt politician but that is exactly what people are used to and more or less expect.

Trump on the other hand is a whole new breed that no one expected to see in a final presidency run in the US, his statements on climate change, women, immigrants and taxes etc. Where it is nothing new no one overseas expected the American people to tolerate it let alone encourage it. You may disagree but the rest of the world view of us has changed. Just my opinion obviously.
I can't disagree, she is nothing short of your typical everyday DC corrupt politician but that is exactly what people are used to and more or less expect.

Trump on the other hand is a whole new breed that no one expected to see in a final presidency run in the US, his statements on climate change, women, immigrants and taxes etc. Where it is nothing new no one overseas expected the American people to tolerate it let alone encourage it. You may disagree but the rest of the world view of us has changed. Just my opinion obviously.
Oh, I agree the rest of the world thinks low of us. I think the Democrats have a huge hand that. Every time they don't get their way they rally the world against the US. And I'm not a trump supporter. I just think he was the best of 2 evils.
I am curious, as I don't think I have seen either of you address this question previously. My apologies if you have and I just missed it.

But Paul and Michael, whom do you blame for Trump being elected? Why was he elected?

I have seen a tremendous amount of hate, and negativity from both of you, which is fine, as I am neither a Trump "supporter" nor a Trump "hater". But I am just curious what each of you attribute the failure of the Democratic nominee to defeat Trump, given that each of you obviously feel that he is an abomination to the Presidency? Why did so many voters see it differently than the two of you?

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

Great level-headed commentary.

Will get you nowhere with a liberal - they "feel" when you think.

That's where our electoral system is broken - we've let people who can't rationally think about topics vote, far too much power in the hands of the emotional crowd. As well as in the hands of those who net-net don't pay any taxes.
Oh, I agree the rest of the world thinks low of us. I think the Democrats have a huge hand that. Every time they don't get their way they rally the world against the US. And I'm not a trump supporter. I just think he was the best of 2 evils.

Spot on

About "the world" - who the fuck cares? These ingrates have no appreciation for us anyway. They'd all be speaking German or Japanese or Russian if it weren't for us - and that wasn't even long ago. If that sacrifice didn't get us any favors, what will? Fuck'em!
Great level-headed commentary.

Will get you nowhere with a liberal - they "feel" when you think.

That's where our electoral system is broken - we've let people who can't rationally think about topics vote, far too much power in the hands of the emotional crowd. As well as in the hands of those who net-net don't pay any taxes.
Kinda reminds me of when Obama got in the 1st time. That mass hysteria works both ways. Equally ridiculous rhetoric was said
Oh, I agree the rest of the world thinks low of us. I think the Democrats have a huge hand that. Every time they don't get their way they rally the world against the US. And I'm not a trump supporter. I just think he was the best of 2 evils.
It goes a little deeper at least from what I experienced, the typical criticism I always heard was directed towards the government based on the obvious military and clandestine interventions our government has been engaged in for decades and the simple fact that even when we did something of a value such as USAID projects, disasters relief etc. It went unnoticed because it is nonstory for the media. On the other hand their view of the American people was mostly positive.
That being said and to be honest I am not placing the blame entirely on Trump or the election, it has been a long way coming and in no small part due to the explosion of the American reality TV shows overseas and the extremely negative and shallow display of our society.
Kinda reminds me of when Obama got in the 1st time. That mass hysteria works both ways. Equally ridiculous rhetoric was said

I absolutely agree, Trukk.

Actually, I made a post in this thread last month saying the exact same thing! That the same hysteria and fear I am seeing from liberals over Trump, that I saw similar hysteria and fear in '08 over Obama. Far right nut jobs were claiming he was a member of AL Queda, that he was a terrorist, and that our enemies helped get him elected so that he could help the terrorists take over The United States.

Just as equally bad then.
Oh wait, hold on everyone, time to put the adult, intelligent, level headed discussion on hold for a little while until Paul logs off again.

He just woke up and logged on to Meso.

Let the childish and ignorant ramblings and tears flow. Here he goes....

Surely there is a reference to the Euro Porn trash slut coming, or something of equally intelligent and classy banter.:rolleyes:
I absolutely agree, Trukk.

Actually, I made a post in this thread last month saying the exact same thing! That the same hysteria and fear I am seeing from liberals over Trump, that I saw similar hysteria and fear in '08 over Obama. Far right nut jobs were claiming he was a member of AL Queda, that he was a terrorist, and that our enemies helped get him elected so that he could help the terrorists take over The United States.

Just as equally bad then.
I sincerely try my best to stay neutral. It is hard some times
You can spot the far left and right wingers a mile away
Usually by their insane rhetoric. As seen in here by both sides
Kinda reminds me of when Obama got in the 1st time. That mass hysteria works both ways. Equally ridiculous rhetoric was said

Come on, during the previous elections, the media adored Obama - and hated the Republicans.

After the election, not really any level of demonstrations or cry-ins over Obama.

So, nope, quite different. Except the media hate toward the Republican candidate, that's the same.
Come on, during the previous elections, the media adored Obama - and hated the Republicans.

After the election, not really any level of demonstrations or cry-ins over Obama.

So, nope, quite different.
The national media leans left no doubt
But where should i start?
His birth certificate?
His actual name Obama?
Having ties to Al Qaeda?
Alot were actually pissed simply because he was black. Yes alot were
Its just fear tactics. Both sides do it.
Drama built on nothing
Hes now officially our president -- lets continue doing what we were always doing , working hard and working out hard . And eating better than your neighbors ;)
That will continue :D ~Ogh