Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

The national media leans left no doubt
But where should i start?
His birth certificate?
His actual name Obama?
Having ties to Al Qaeda?
Alot were actually pissed simply because he was black. Yes alot were
Its just fear tactics. Both sides do it.
Drama built on nothing

The above, in no way is that comparable to the hysteria and demonstrations from the left. Cannot be compared on the same day.

BTW, his inability to present a birth certificate is a joke, everybody has one, and it's chump change for a presidential candidate to get a new one. More puzzling is why nobody remembers him from any of the schools he went to. Columbia for example. But thankfully all of the is behind us now. Just hope the asshole has some decency and retires gracefully.
Kinda reminds me of when Obama got in the 1st time. That mass hysteria works both ways. Equally ridiculous rhetoric was said
I agree about the rhetoric, but look at the amount of rhetoric as well as actual actions being taken. We had the tea party peacefully marching and they were protesting Republican establishment as much as anything else. Now take a look out how liberals handle everything absolutely shameful.
I agree about the rhetoric, but look at the amount of rhetoric as well as actual actions being taken. We had the tea party peacefully marching and they were protesting Republican establishment as much as anything else. Now take a look out how liberals handle everything absolutely shameful.
Liberals suck no doubt
I am confused by this.

"We the people"? Really?

More than a few felt that way in 1787 when those words turned up in a document no one had approved, "who gave them the right?". It bound the People of several states through the vote of the state governments, rather than the will of People.

I was thinking about that when Trump said he was taking the power from Washington and returning it to the people. He obviously isn't, since they never had it in the first place, and never will. I was thinking at least he's not taking the power from Washington and giving it to an even larger government collective as his opponent was trying to do.
Hes now officially our president -- lets continue doing what we were always doing , working hard and working out hard . And eating better than your neighbors ;)
That will continue :D ~Ogh
Yes im looking forward to my next meal
Hard to eat these days after Obama Care n all. Not much $$$ left
I do believe we will get better here in the trukker household with trump in place
The above, in no way is that comparable to the hysteria and demonstrations from the left. Cannot be compared on the same day.

BTW, his inability to present a birth certificate is a joke, everybody has one, and it's chump change for a presidential candidate to get a new one. More puzzling is why nobody remembers him from any of the schools he went to. Columbia for example. But thankfully all of the is behind us now. Just hope the asshole has some decency and retires gracefully.
Another birther? That figures. The orangeman will reap what he has sown with the shit that comes from his mouth.

The alt right is out in force :) JK I'm just having fun with orangeman. An eye for an eye right. That's fair.
It's really a brilliant strategy by the far left to use the media and Hollywood to make it appear as though the majority dont want Trump in office. We have all these famous actors and talk show hosts talking about how unfit he is and slinging as much mud into the pond as they possibly can. Many who voted for Trump undoubtedly began to doubt their electoral decision.

The truth is quite different. Many of those who voted Trump felt very betrayed and distanced by their own government and rightfully so. What could these wealthy actors and talk show hosts and media moguls possibly have in common with blue collar Americans? Nothing. They live in a very different world than the rest of us do. Those who support Trump are NOT the minority the media would have them believe they are.

These are the same people who said Trump didn't stand a chance and how wrong were they? They have no idea what the backbone of this country is really thinking and feeling because they dont live in the same America the rest of us do.

I like this one. Trumpies note how empty the celebration is. Oh and by the way orangeman said it is an unprecedented turn out. You want to know why turnout it is so low? It's because good people who reject a message of hatred and prejudice are demonstrating nationwide that a fascist is now the president. Get ready for demonstrations that have not been seen in this country for half a century.

The good people of America will not tolerate a fool for long. Look forward to a crushing republican defeat in the 2018 mid term election. Today is the beginning of the end for trump.
It's really a brilliant strategy by the far left to use the media and Hollywood to make it appear as though the majority dont want Trump in office. We have all these famous actors and talk show hosts talking about how unfit he is and slinging as much mud into the pond as they possibly can. Many who voted for Trump undoubtedly began to doubt their electoral decision.

The truth is quite different. Many of those who voted Trump felt very betrayed and distanced by their own government and rightfully so. What could these wealthy actors and talk show hosts and media moguls possibly have in common with blue collar Americans? Nothing. They live in a very different world than the rest of us do. Those who support Trump are NOT the minority the media would have them believe they are.

These are the same people who said Trump didn't stand a chance and how wrong were they? They have no idea what the backbone of this country is really thinking and feeling because they dont live in the same America the rest of us do.
The only war the left knows how to fight is the one against the republican party. They fight and when they lose they cry, protest, burn flags and post terrible memes on the internet. All the while explaining how intolerant the right is of other peoples views. (Eye roll)
The good people of America will not tolerate a fool for long. Look forward to a crushing republican defeat in the 2018 mid term election. Today is the beginning of the end for trump
Democrats have been losing house/senate seats and governers since Obama took office. It only gets worse for you from here.

Under President Obama, Democrats have lost over 900 state legislature seats, 12 governors, 69 House seats, 13 Senate seats. America has been slowly rejecting Obama and the left for some time. This is the beginning of a culture change and the liberals are in full panic mode. I have experienced this joy once before in my life and that's the day my first child was born. I'm sure there are plenty of safe space cry and hug in circles you liberals can attend.
Democrats have been losing house/senate seats and governers since Obama took office. It only gets worse for you from here.
We will see GR. I believe things will be much different than you expect. No hard feelings though.