Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

I like this one. Trumpies note how empty the celebration is. Oh and by the way orangeman said it is an unprecedented turn out. You want to know why turnout it is so low? It's because good people who reject a message of hatred and prejudice are demonstrating nationwide that a fascist is now the president. Get ready for demonstrations that have not been seen in this country for half a century.

The good people of America will not tolerate a fool for long. Look forward to a crushing republican defeat in the 2018 mid term election. Today is the beginning of the end for trump.

I know quite a few people that wanted to be there in support of our new president but they couldn't make it due to having jobs and responsibilities.
I know quite a few people that wanted to be there in support of our new president but they couldn't make it due to having jobs and responsibilities.
Sorry for that. I know a lot of people who strongly disagree with the policies he claims he will put forward. Who is right and who is wrong? I believe we are. In the end the people will decide.

Just so everyone knows, I leave my political views here on this forum, political discourse. Even if you are an ass wipe in life it stays here, and if I see you on other forums on this board, I will respect you as a member and evaluate you according to the advice you offer our members.
I'm watching the inauguration parade and alI see are soldiers. I believe the orangemen has a hardon. Maybe I'm mistaken and it could be for the euro slut standing next to him. :)

I wish. But I believe he wants to TAKE THE OIL like he said. Do any of you want the oil so badly? he said it not me. The spoils go to the victor.
I'm watching the inauguration parade and alI see are soldiers. I believe the orangemen has a hardon. Maybe I'm mistaken and it could be for the euro slut standing next to him. :)

I wish. But I believe he wants to TAKE THE OIL like he said. Do any of you want the oil so badly? he said it not me. The spoils go to the victor.

I guess you missed republican congressman yelling at our former president from the house floor " you are a lier"...... we all see what we want to see. Have an open mind so if things are not as promised in near future, you won't be a follower but an educated and impowered individual who can make a difference. I do have an open mind hoping for the best for our county and our president.

Yeah, that really compares to a quarter of the Dems in the House boycotting the Inauguration. And it really compares to all the media outbursts and the academia snowflakes and the many demonstrations etc...

Sheeesh - if you can't even admit that the left has totally blown up this time,....
@tenpoundsleft Did you read my entire post or just took bits and pieces to fit your belief? I am not partisan, I am looking out for my families future. Like I stated I'm open minded and optimist. You on the other hand is still sounding like a butt hurt winner because other side haven't bow down and kiss your feet yet. If this is about the country get over the election headache. There are 350.000.000 people here media will find a few disgruntled to objectify all day like our president Trump pointed out. Just ask your self why is it so important for you to still feel like this win is yours truly but not every American's victory including the loosing side???? It's still our country isn't it?

With Echoes of the ’30s, Trump Resurrects a Hard-Line Vision of ‘America First’

WASHINGTON — America, and the world, just found out what “America First” means.

President Trump could have used his inaugural address to define one of the touchstone phrases of his campaign in the most inclusive way, arguing, as did many of his predecessors, that as the world’s greatest superpower rises, its partners will also prosper.

Instead, he chose a dark, hard-line alternative, one that appeared to herald the end of a 70-year American experiment to shape a world that would be eager to follow its lead. In Mr. Trump’s vision, America’s new strategy is to win every transaction and confrontation. Gone are the days, he said, when America extended its defensive umbrella without compensation, or spent billions to try to lift the fortune of foreign nations, with no easy-to-measure strategic benefits for the United States.

“From this moment on, it’s going to be America First,” he said, in a line that resonated around the world as soon as he uttered it from the steps of the Capitol. …
I live in one of the roughest cities in the world where in the best , richest CITY neighborhoods there a 5x/week armed robberies or carjackings- these people pay 7,000$ a year in property tax alone- I could do for some America/My City first
Yeah, that really compares to a quarter of the Dems in the House boycotting the Inauguration. And it really compares to all the media outbursts and the academia snowflakes and the many demonstrations etc...

Sheeesh - if you can't even admit that the left has totally blown up this time,....