Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

You fucking dinks that elected the cocksucker will be so butt hurt during his impeachment. :)
@tenpoundsleft Did you read my entire post or just took bits and pieces to fit your belief? I am not partisan, I am looking out for my families future. Like I stated I'm open minded and optimist. You on the other hand is still sounding like a butt hurt winner because other side haven't bow down and kiss your feet yet. If this is about the country get over the election headache. There are 350.000.000 people here media will find a few disgruntled to objectify all day like our president Trump pointed out. Just ask your self why is it so important for you to still feel like this win is yours truly but not every American's victory including the loosing side???? It's still our country isn't it?

I just looked at your post. You were essentially saying that there's no real difference btw the liberals and their reactions to this election vs Republicans and how they handled Obama's win - whereas I say there's a huge difference.
I live in one of the roughest cities in the world where in the best , richest CITY neighborhoods there a 5x/week armed robberies or carjackings- these people pay 7,000$ a year in property tax alone- I could do for some America/My City first

As long as there's no stop, question, and frisk, right?

(as a sarcastic comment not to you but another BM who doesn't like law enforcement)
I just looked at your post. You were essentially saying that there's no real difference btw the liberals and their reactions to this election vs Republicans and how they handled Obama's win - whereas I say there's a huge difference.
I understand my friend. To me there are opinions and there are facts. I hope you will have an open mind next 4 years and hold your candidate accountable for your expectations. That's all I'm saying. I doubt you are any different than me ,the bloody liberal, when it comes to wanting the best for your friends and family. The community you live in includes all sides and all kinds at least mine does.
I don't get if it was such a popular decision to elect Trump, where are all the fucking people?
He's had a pretty damn good turnout. Not as much as obamas 1st, but. Electing the first black American president is a huge freaking deal. Here's a quick find of turnouts.

Barack Obama, 2013: 1 million

Barack Obama, 2009: (1.8 million) (generally considered a record for people on the National Mall)

George W. Bush, 2005: 400,000

George W. Bush, 2001: 300,000

Bill Clinton, 1997: 250,000

Bill Clinton, 1993: 800,000

George H.W. Bush, 1989: (300,000)

Ronald Reagan, 1985: 140,000 tickets sold, but record cold moved the swearing-in ceremony indoors

Ronald Reagan, 1981: 10,000, according to the New York Times. This was the first year the ceremony was performed on the west side of the Capitol
I don't get if it was such a popular decision to elect Trump, where are all the fucking people?

I don't think I understand what you are asking, my friend.

If you are referring to the lack of attendees, I can say that a lot of Americans who do support Trump also realize that there is a degree of personal safety risk involved in publicly showing support for Trump.

Two weeks ago 4 teenagers who were anti-Trump kidnapped a mentally challenged classmate, held him against his will, and used Facebook Live to broadcast themselves physically torturing and emotionally abusing this poor mentally challenged kid, while screaming "fuck Trump" and threatening to kill the kid. They claimed that their torture of this helpless kid was a statement against Trump winning the election.

There have also been riots and demonstrations and very disturbing public behavior in opposition to those who support Trump.

This has caused many folks to lay low in fear that something bad may happen to them if they are caught supporting Trump.

It seems tolerance for differing views only goes one way with many deranged individuals, who want everyone else to tolerate them.

Sad but true.
I guess the international media has been reporting how disenfranchised so many people are, hence the rise of Trump and his anti establishment mantra. I assumed this would then be reflected in the support that would be shown when the worlds eyes are on his inauguration. I can tell you, the images being shown beyond your borders are not a good look for someone who espoused how they will make America great again.

Yes I know many of you think the rest of us have no idea, and no stake in this game. I'm telling you that there are many outlets beyond US media that reported on the campaign and no doubt will continue to report. Some may call it fake news, but it don't look good from this side of the globe
Yes I know many of you think the rest of us have no idea, and no stake in this game. I'm telling you that there are many outlets beyond US media that reported on the campaign and no doubt will continue to report. Some may call it fake news, but it don't look good from this side of the globe

Oh, of course those outside the US have a stake. And there lies the problem. Trump is/has been campaigning on Taking care of America first and stop taking care of those other countries. You think those countries in which we've been allowing to suck the tete for so long don't have a vested interest? They are scared shitless.
I guess the international media has been reporting how disenfranchised so many people are, hence the rise of Trump and his anti establishment mantra. I assumed this would then be reflected in the support that would be shown when the worlds eyes are on his inauguration. I can tell you, the images being shown beyond your borders are not a good look for someone who espoused how they will make America great again.

Yes I know many of you think the rest of us have no idea, and no stake in this game. I'm telling you that there are many outlets beyond US media that reported on the campaign and no doubt will continue to report. Some may call it fake news, but it don't look good from this side of the globe
Well fortunately the administration that cared more about the rest of the world than their own country is gone now. Let me be the first to say that I don't give two shits what anyone outside of the USA thinks.
Oh, of course those outside the US have a stake. And there lies the problem. Trump is/has been campaigning on Taking care of America first and stop taking care of those other countries. You think those countries in which we've been allowing to suck the tete for so long don't have a vested interest? They are scared shitless.
Well there's the narrow opinion that I was trying to say doesn't help. I couldn't give a fuck that Trump takes care of the US first. Why wouldn't he. But that arrogant fucking attitude that the rest of us need to kneel down? Fuck that shit. Some of us are supposedly considered allies
Well there's the narrow opinion that I was trying to say doesn't help. I couldn't give a fuck that Trump takes care of the US first. Why wouldn't he. But that arrogant fucking attitude that the rest of us need to kneel down? Fuck that shit. Some of us are supposedly considered allies

Maybe I read their comments differently Element, but I didn't get the feeling that GigRob or xKawN were saying that anyone else needed to "kneel down". I think they, like many Americans, are angry at OURSELVES, at OUR OWN GOVERNMENT, for acting as if America is the country that should be kneeling down to everyone else. I think they are frustrated that our government, and many of our celebrities, act as if the USA should be ashamed and guilty of being the most powerful country in the world, and that we need to excessively take from ourselves, and give to everyone else, when we have so many citizens in need here in our own country.
Maybe I read their comments differently Element, but I didn't get the feeling that GigRob or xKawN were saying that anyone else needed to "kneel down". I think they, like many Americans, are angry at OURSELVES, at OUR OWN GOVERNMENT, for acting as if America is the country that should be kneeling down to everyone else. I think they are frustrated that our government, and many of our celebrities, act as if the USA should be ashamed and guilty of being the most powerful country in the world, and that we need to excessively take from ourselves, and give to everyone else, when we have so many citizens in need here in our own country.
You are correct sir. I will also add that I'm just sick of people telling me about their "feelings". Trump won't be leaving anyone to fend for themselves but they are just going to have to contribute more to their own country and security. I don't find that to be unreasonable and it's long overdue.
Of course Bickel, I also come from a rich western country that has significant disadvantage among some. We are small, so do bend over to whoever seems to be wielding power, and it's not just the US, we've got countries on this side of the world that are making all sorts of moves. I'm trying to communicate how the US is being portrayed internationally, and it was clearly said that no body elses opinion matters. That's fine, I'm not looking to contribute to the lives or influence anyone that's lives in the US. We've got our own battles also
See Roger Waters Begin Trump Resistance With 'Pigs' Live Video
"A note from Roger: The resistance begins today," former Pink Floyd bassist says on Inauguration Day, Roger Waters posted the official video for his of "Pigs (Three Different Ones)," a rendition that slammed then-Republican presidential nominee

"A note from Roger: The resistance begins today," Waters' Facebook posted Friday. The video comes from Waters' late-September concert gigs at Mexico City's Foro Sol in front of a massive audience that didn't appreciate Trump or threatening to build a wall.

During the song, Waters' video screens showed artist-made images of Trump toting a machine gun outside the White House, giving the Nazi salute and surrounding himself with KKK members. Waters also relishes aiming lyrics from the Animals epic like "Bus stop rat bag, haha charade you are" and "You're nearly a laugh, but you’re really a cry" in the mogul's direction.

The Pink Floyd rocker closed out his savaging of Trump by coopting a phrase that's gone viral in Mexico: "Trump Eres Un Pendejo," which translates to, "Trump, you're an asshole."

In released a week before Election Day, Waters likened Trump's rise to Adolf Hitler's in Germany.

"The method for taking over the state and for it becoming a totalitarian police state, is always the same, and it's always the identification of 'the other' as the enemy," Waters warned. "In Trump's case, it's the Chinese, the Mexicans, and Islam – it doesn't matter who it is. With Hitler, it was the Jews, the Communists, the Gypsies, anybody who had a physical deformity, or whatever it might be, the homosexuals – they were all lumped together."

Well there's the narrow opinion that I was trying to say doesn't help. I couldn't give a fuck that Trump takes care of the US first. Why wouldn't he. But that arrogant fucking attitude that the rest of us need to kneel down? Fuck that shit. Some of us are supposedly considered allies
What exactly did he say that you disagreed with? I never heard him say that everybody else needs to kneel down. His message was exactly "America first" and that's what I was discussing. I wasn't discussing made up stuff he never said.
I understand my friend. To me there are opinions and there are facts. I hope you will have an open mind next 4 years and hold your candidate accountable for your expectations. That's all I'm saying. I doubt you are any different than me ,the bloody liberal, when it comes to wanting the best for your friends and family. The community you live in includes all sides and all kinds at least mine does.

What you're saying has nothing to do with what I asked you...

He's not "my" candidate, as such. I primarily voted against the criminal Hillary. As the bumper sticker said "I stand with Trump" which isn't the same as "I stand for Trump".

I'm just trying to get some honesty out of liberals, which apparently is a doomed cause.

Take a look at this, these psychotic liberals out there marching against Trump, there's was NOTHING like that from Republicans against Obama, nothing. Can you admit as much?

Women's March on Washington brings thousands of protesters | Daily Mail Online
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