Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

The Ministry of Truth is the propaganda arm for the State. On the outside wall of the Ministry's building, you'll find its slogan: “War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.”

The Ministry of Truth is the propaganda arm for the State. On the outside wall of the Ministry's building, you'll find its slogan: “War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.”

That was a bizarre news conference. Couldn't tell if he was scared,angry, or had soiled himself. Mines bigger than yours. Lol
The Inauguration of Donald Trump Is a Threat to Public Health
The Inauguration of Donald Trump Is a Threat to Public Health | Harvard Public Health Review

The health of a nation is ultimately a matter of politics. We can grimace at this fact all we want—or resign ourselves to believe that academia should never wade into such matters—but the reality is that public health and politics are inextricably linked.

The United States embodies the promise and peril of this dynamic. Historical political decisions that have been codified into law or ossified into structures help to perpetuate many of the social inequities we all live within today. Political will and courage, however, have resulted in some of the most important population health advances America has ever witnessed.

Whether it is through Medicare or Medicaid, civil rights protection, or the expansion of public education, investing in the American people has never proved to be a bad idea. And for all its advances in science and technology, America’s most pressing challenge today is spreading these innovations more effectively and evenly.

This is why the inauguration of Donald Trump poses a serious threat to public health. As the months have passed since the 2016 election, and with each decision and appointment since, it has become clear that the Trump administration’s policy agenda is diametrically opposed to the advancement of its own population’s health.
Trump is incoherent and lives in an imaginary world. Some of you voted for him. I am the kind of person who will say I told you so, and I will call the morons on this thread out by name. You should redeem yourselves. I told you yesterday that your psychopath would be delusional. He would say there were one million. I was wrong that draft dodging, narcissist, megalomaniac said there were 1.5 million at his inauguration.

Enjoy your lunatic. I said in 2020 he would be defeated. I believe he will be impeached before that. You boneheads need to check your clown.
Lol. This is about as fake news as you can get. The pic makes it seem like 250,000 was the real number when it's closer to 900,000.
You need your eyes checked and your head examined.
Trump is incoherent and lives in an imaginary world. Some of you voted for him. I am the kind of person who will say I told you so, and I will call the morons on this thread out by name. You should redeem yourselves. I told you yesterday that your psychopath would be delusional. He would say there were one million. I was wrong that draft dodging, narcissist, megalomaniac said there were 1.5 million at his inauguration.

Enjoy your lunatic. I said in 2020 he would be defeated. I believe he will be impeached before that. You boneheads need to check your clown.

Paul, sir, you take yourself WAY, WAY too seriously, man.

Your threats to tell Trump voters "I told you so" are laughable, at best.

Your threats to "call the morons on this thread out by name" are pathetically weak and just silly.

Are you REALLY lecturing the members you are threatening to redeem themselves? Okay, father.:rolleyes:

I really am trying to put this nicely, but there's no other way to say it than this. With your past behavior in this thread, you are probably the last person who should be threatening to call anyone out for their views, and their behavior here.

Your posts here are frequently a mess of emotions and over reactions, void of logic and/or balance.

Which takes me back to your first sentence in the post of yours I quoted. You stated:
"Trump is incoherent and lives in an imaginary world."

Ironic you would say that, as it accurately describes much of your participation in this thread - incoherent thoughts based in some imaginary world.

Now let's see if you are capable of replying in a respectful manner, or if you have another one of your meltdowns. I know which one I have my money on.
Paul, sir, you take yourself WAY, WAY too seriously, man.
No sir, your president is a fucking moron. Watch the news. Thats right its a conspiracy, I have tried to respect you as a member, but at this point all I have to say is fuck u bick. I will rub your face in trumps crotch daily. Enjoy :)
@bickel29 you must be blind, deaf and dumb. You asked for this. Your president will be your embarrassment. JFC man He called John McCain a zero for being captured. Do you think your bitch pres would fly over NV for his country. Fuck you. Trump dodged the draft. There was a problem with his feet. He is a fucking coward. Man you are truly ignorant.