Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Spicer slapping the media in the mouth for their agenda driven fake news. Good stuff.

I didn't watch it but I found his and Trump's lies to be kind of silly... Why would they lie about the size of the crowd? I'm curious about it... And the government telling the media what they should be reporting on gives me pause.


This doesn't look like the biggest inaugural crowd in history... Why lie about such a trivial issue that's so easily fact checked?
There are actual more people in the crowd than it appears, those areas of white that look empty arent actually empty. It just appears to be empty white space because all the people standing those areas are wearing white hoods :)
No sir, your president is a fucking moron. Watch the news. Thats right its a conspiracy, I have tried to respect you as a member, but at this point all I have to say is fuck u bick. I will rub your face in trumps crotch daily. Enjoy :)

@bickel29 to be fair See the above post. Moron.

@bickel29 you must be blind, deaf and dumb. You asked for this. Your president will be your embarrassment. JFC man He called John McCain a zero for being captured. Do you think your bitch pres would fly over NV for his country. Fuck you. Trump dodged the draft. There was a problem with his feet. He is a fucking coward. Man you are truly ignorant.

Congrats Big Paul, you took the bait. And you are calling ME a moron?

This is exactly what I would call hanging yourself. I laid the rope out there, and you hung yourself with it. You are too easy.

You are such an emotional mess. You just are. How many times have I stated that I am neither pro or anti Trump? I am just pro United States and pro seeing our country and it's people have the opportunity to have a good life.

Yet everytime I check you, you get SO ANGRY and so emotional that you lose track of the facts and you lose your mind like the mentally immature goof that you are.

Again, you are too easy, Paul. I am just sitting here laughing at your posts. I really am.
My apologies, but I don't quite understand your post, Eman.

I'm just picking on you... Paul is easily baited in any thread, sorry Paul but you are.

Everyone is pretty easily baited in a political thread if you know enough about their beliefs.

So, baiting Paul in a political thread... You're kind of taking candy from a baby there.

Did you vote, Bick?
I didn't watch it but I found his and Trump's lies to be kind of silly... Why would they lie about the size of the crowd? I'm curious about it... And the government telling the media what they should be reporting on gives me pause.

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This doesn't look like the biggest inaugural crowd in history... Why lie about such a trivial issue that's so easily fact checked?
Don't know if it's true or not, don't really care, but I read in places it was the timing of the photo. Some are saying that the trump photo was from before trump got there. And the media saying there were 250,000 are way off never the less. Completely trying to down play trump. We know this is a truth just by following the tracks of the media and how they've treated trump from the beginning, but all that being said, Spicer spanking the media for 2 things. 1) the fake news stories of the 250,000 being in attendance and the fake news about trump removing the mlk statue head as well as the fact that the news had plenty of top stories much more important to choose from but they decided to go with the crowd size of trumps inauguration and lie about it at that. So a big fuck you to the media for once again trying to delegitamize trump.
And there it is. Sean Spicer: "We will hold the media to account." WH inverting the relationship. He may as well have just said lügenpresse.
So a big fuck you to the media for once again trying to delegitamize trump.

Lol. Wow. You know, did you ever think that maybe, just maybe, it's not everyone trying to delegitimize Trump? Maybe they are reporting on him doing a pretty good job of that himself.

If you think it's better to take your news from Trump though, by all means. It's baffling why you'd give him so much of the benefit of the doubt... It is verifiable that he's a liar. Honestly, I think he's just an idiot that sometimes doesn't know what he's talking about and just says shit. It's no wonder he hates the media... Did you watch him speak to the press? He is incoherent.

As far as the MLK statue head, it was just a reporting error about a Winston Churchill statue head...

The media has covered lots of important topics about Trump too, FYI. Like how taxpayers are going to foot the bill for the wall. Or how you're going to have to pay more on a mortgage since Trump signed that executive order blocking Obama's relief credit. I won't bother with planned Parenthood since it'll probably be lost on you. These all sound like worthy news stories to me... Trump would rather them focus on how magnificent he is though and, apparently, so would you.
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