Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Accept trump as president and move along as you have been thruout your life...He most certainly will not become the downfall of this country as we have been heading that direction since most of us were born.. To me, i voted and accepted the outcome either way who won thats what you do if you vote Accept the Outcome...
I thought we weren't supposed to judge people?

Especially not judge anyone by their appearances...

Yet another rule that is only applied by liberals toward conservatives.

You mean the same way you avoid judging liberals, Canadians, Muslims, anyone against Trump for any reason, anyone who doesn't think the same way as you, and who remotely disagrees with you on political issues????

You mean that kind of judging?
I thought we weren't supposed to judge people?

Especially not judge anyone by their appearances...

Yet another rule that is only applied by liberals toward conservatives.

You're the one that's always pissing and moaning about how sensitive the liberals are... You're about as sensitive as they come in your narrow little corner on the right. Ironic for someone so judgemental about others with different beliefs than yours.

Further, you bitch about how the stereotypical Democrats or liberals act like know it alls... And then I read YOUR posts.
You're the one that's always pissing and moaning about how sensitive the liberals are... You're about as sensitive as they come in your narrow little corner on the right. Ironic for someone so judgemental about others with different beliefs than yours.

Further, you bitch about how the stereotypical Democrats or liberals act like know it alls... And then I read YOUR posts.
I don't know if you followed our back and forth with him, he just wants to feel his win. This is a "game " they won in his mind and we are not gracefully bowing out. I guess we the people only applies to winner :)
I don't know if you followed our back and forth with him, he just wants to feel his win. This is a "game " they won in his mind and we are not gracefully bowing out. I guess we the people only applies to winner :)

No, lol... I jump in and out of this thread. Gets too heated most of the time. This thread has Trump supporters that are so supportive of him that they would believe almost anything other than the truth that he lied to them. There are Trump supporters all over the country like this. It's kind of a phenomenon.

As far as 10#... He rarely responds to anything I post about him, especially something like what I posted above. His mind works a bit differently... There is him and then there is everyone else that has different beliefs and they're WRONG! What a wonderful way to be huh?

they won in his mind and we are not gracefully bowing out.

Yeah and he hasn't been bitching about Obama for the last 8 years... I can see him totally giving a graceful bow out when Obama won lol.
If I had moved this thread to the "steroid underground" at the beginning, would anyone have responded differently?
If I had moved this thread to the "steroid underground" at the beginning, would anyone have responded differently?

You should start Trumpabolic Labs to test all the ridiculous claims by both sides. We don't even have the equivalent of Labmax for this stuff. Every claim is either red or blue.
I thought we weren't supposed to judge people?

Especially not judge anyone by their appearances...

Yet another rule that is only applied by liberals toward conservatives.
I voted trump, but you're absolutely correct. making fun of people is mean.

edit... it was strange being called a liberal haha.
I didn't watch it but I found his and Trump's lies to be kind of silly... Why would they lie about the size of the crowd? I'm curious about it... And the government telling the media what they should be reporting on gives me pause.

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This doesn't look like the biggest inaugural crowd in history... Why lie about such a trivial issue that's so easily fact checked?

Just wait @Eman. He has been trying to create the narrative for years that any news reporting that puts him in a unfavorable light is fake news.

What amazes me is how many people dont care enough to really know what is fake and what is not.

Bias is different than fabricated. Fox news didnt cover the protests yesterday. I switched between cnn and fox for hours and fox never showed the protests against trump. Why? If I was a fox news viewer I would be pissed that my information was being censored.
You mean the same way you avoid judging liberals, Canadians, Muslims, anyone against Trump for any reason, anyone who doesn't think the same way as you, and who remotely disagrees with you on political issues????

You mean that kind of judging?

He doesn't get it @Docd187123. He whines and cries about anything he doesn't agree with. Then says protesters are unamerican and uncivilized because they disagree with Trumps presidency.

Well, by that same standard isnt he unamerican and uncivilized because he doesn't agree with a clinton presidency or obamas? No, but according to his own standards he would be.

His hipocrisy is unbelievable.

He reminds me of a little old lady talking about how terrible everything is in the world.
No, lol... I jump in and out of this thread. Gets too heated most of the time. This thread has Trump supporters that are so supportive of him that they would believe almost anything other than the truth that he lied to them. There are Trump supporters all over the country like this. It's kind of a phenomenon.

As far as 10#... He rarely responds to anything I post about him, especially something like what I posted above. His mind works a bit differently... There is him and then there is everyone else that has different beliefs and they're WRONG! What a wonderful way to be huh?

Yeah and he hasn't been bitching about Obama for the last 8 years... I can see him totally giving a graceful bow out when Obama won lol.

@Eman you said it best. Politics have become tribal. The only thing most people care about is making the other side look bad. I think it is a real good indication of how uneducated we are as a country.
@Eman you said it best. Politics have become tribal. The only thing most people care about is making the other side look bad. I think it is a real good indication of how uneducated we are as a country.

We're all mostly set in our beliefs. Although, if people had a more open mind, we might be able to learn something from those on the other side from us. Unfortunately, it takes too much open mindedness to achieve.

I struggled to be open minded with Trump from day one because I loathed him before he ever ran for office. I loathed him even more when he did and I loathe him as much as ever now that he's in office. I wish I could give him a chance but he simply stands for too much that I'm against.

His inaugural speech said a lot... He said that his win was America's win and that he'd fight for us, the people, but what about all the people that don't want what he's about to force down our throats? He's not a true Republican. I don't know what the hell he even is. Isolationist? Nationalist? Idiot? Not a Republican.