Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

"I can’t tell you how let down I feel by the heads of these households who did not simply give their wives and daughters a firm, decisive ‘no’ when they asked to participate in today’s demonstration"

- Mike Pence

This guy seems to be living in the 1950's...

I stand corrected, should have double checked that one before posting.

FACT CHECK: Was Mike Pence Disappointed in Men for Allowing the Women's March?

I'll leave this one here instead though:

NY lawmaker proposes 'PENCE' bill banning conversion therapy
George Orwell - Looking back on the Spanish War
George Orwell: Looking back on the Spanish War

This kind of thing is frightening to me, because it often gives me the feeling that the very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world. After all, the chances are that those lies, or at any rate similar lies, will pass into history.

How will the history of the Spanish war be written? If Franco remains in power his nominees will write the history books, and (to stick to my chosen point) that Russian army which never existed will become historical fact, and schoolchildren will learn about it generations hence.

But suppose Fascism is finally defeated and some kind of democratic government restored in Spain in the fairly near future; even then, how is the history of the war to be written?

What kind of records will Franco have left behind him?

Suppose even that the records kept on the Government side are recoverable — even so, how is a true history of the war to be written?

For, as I have pointed out already, the Government, also dealt extensively in lies. From the anti-Fascist angle one could write a broadly truthful history of the war, but it would be a partisan history, unreliable on every minor point.

Yet, after all, some kind of history will be written, and after those who actually remember the war are dead, it will be universally accepted. So for all practical purposes the lie will have become truth.

But is it perhaps childish or morbid to terrify oneself with visions of a totalitarian future?

Before writing off the totalitarian world as a nightmare that can't come true, just remember that in 1925 the world of today would have seemed a nightmare that couldn't come true. Against that shifting phantasmagoric world in which black may be white tomorrow and yesterday's weather can be changed by decree, there are in reality only two safeguards.

One is that however much you deny the truth, the truth goes on existing, as it were, behind your back, and you consequently can't violate it in ways that impair military efficiency.

The other is that so long as some parts of the earth remain unconquered, the liberal tradition can be kept alive.

Let Fascism, or possibly even a combination of several Fascisms, conquer the whole world, and those two conditions no longer exist.

We in England underrate the danger of this kind of thing, because our traditions and our past security have given us a sentimental belief that it all comes right in the end and the thing you most fear never really happens.

Nourished for hundreds of years on a literature in which Right invariably triumphs in the last chapter, we believe half-instinctively that evil always defeats itself in the long run.

Pacifism, for instance, is founded largely on this belief. Don't resist evil, and it will somehow destroy itself. But why should it? What evidence is there that it does? And what instance is there of a modern industrialized state collapsing unless conquered from the outside by military force?
Let America Be America Again
Let America Be America Again Poems

Langston Hughes, 1902 - 1967

Let America be America again.
Let it be the dream it used to be.
Let it be the pioneer on the plain
Seeking a home where he himself is free.

(America never was America to me.)

Let America be the dream the dreamers dreamed—
Let it be that great strong land of love
Where never kings connive nor tyrants scheme
That any man be crushed by one above.

(It never was America to me.)

O, let my land be a land where Liberty
Is crowned with no false patriotic wreath,
But opportunity is real, and life is free,
Equality is in the air we breathe.

(There’s never been equality for me,
Nor freedom in this “homeland of the free.”)

Say, who are you that mumbles in the dark?
And who are you that draws your veil across the stars?

I am the poor white, fooled and pushed apart,
I am the Negro bearing slavery’s scars.
I am the red man driven from the land,
I am the immigrant clutching the hope I seek—
And finding only the same old stupid plan
Of dog eat dog, of mighty crush the weak.

I hear what your saying @DedLift and I agree with most of it. Here is where I think you erring. Trump saved those 800 jobs for carrier by giving the state a 30 million dollar tax break. That means other people are paying the taxs for carrier. Not much of a fix. Typical washinton scam job.

Trumps own companys are making his products overseas!! Think about that for a minute. Your concerned about good paying jobs? Trump and his cabinet picks have always sided with the employers and not the employees. Less pay, less benefits, more work. That is what he and his picks have practiced for years.

The image you have of the man is not reality. A little research on your part would prove everything I have told you.

Maybe you dont want to know the truth, I dont know. Its not hard to validate all of it.

As far as corruption, Just wait.

There is no way that this story is completely true. The state could not have received a 30 million dollar tax break for enticin Carrier to stay. Government entities pay no taxes. They don't even pay sales taxes.
There is no way that this story is completely true. The state could not have received a 30 million dollar tax break for enticin Carrier to stay. Government entities pay no taxes. They don't even pay sales taxes.

I don't think the state receives the tax breaks, carrier does. The tax breaks were closer to 10 million too I think... The state is the one giving carrier the tax breaks. 10 million dollars for like 800 jobs and they're still sending over a thousand to Mexico... It's a shit deal.

The whole thing was a publicity stunt. I certainly hope so anyways, Trump cannot expect to be able to continually get involved with companies at that sort of level without consequences...
There is no way that this story is completely true. The state could not have received a 30 million dollar tax break for enticin Carrier to stay. Government entities pay no taxes. They don't even pay sales taxes.

Edit, your correct. it was seven million in tax breaks givin to carrier who is still outsourcing hundreds of jobs. Not to mention the taxpayers of indiana now have to pay even more in taxs because of the deal.

I guess I was wrong about the amount. My bad.
A quick google search reveals a bevy of American based hat manufacturers.
Know what im saiyan? He outsourced, because it's cheaper, and he doesnt actually give a fuck :)
Is that supposed to mean something? You cant even buy an American flag thats been made in America anymore.
I bought one three weeks ago to ship to a colleague of mine overseas along with few other things and to my surprise the flag was made in the US. $20 in Menards ;)
A quick google search reveals a bevy of American based hat manufacturers.
Know what im saiyan? He outsourced, because it's cheaper, and he doesnt actually give a fuck :)
Now that would be the truth
Those hats were fabricated by media here is your alt truth :)
All i see and hear is speculation about what everyone thinks Trump is going to do. What have i seen and heard? Only facts. When 90% of our industrial and manufacturing jobs were shipped overseas, Obama told those who'd lost their jobs to find another job. He asked what magical wand Trump would use to bring jobs back to the US. In other words, he did nothing and had no answer except to joke about it like it would take something miraculous and Trump needed a prayer and was blowing smoke.

Trump used a telephone, that was his magic wand and has already saved thousands of jobs. If you're financially secure, if you have a good job and job security, this election wasn't about you. Many of The people who voted Trump, did so because they knew what was behind door number 1. More of the same. Our government is out of control in case no one else has noticed. Trump is what he is. Different. That's all it took.

About 1/3 of every one of our paychecks goes to taxes. Taxes that are then misappropriated in such a way as to create a massive debt. The government takes our money, misspends it, then tells us we're not paying enough and raises our taxes some more, misspends that too, repeat. Am i the only one tired of being lied to and fucked over by an entity that has gone corrupt and disfunctional? Apparently not. Hence the regime change.

I wasnt at all surprised or appalled Trump won. I live in PA and some of the cities nearby are virtual ghost towns. In all my driving through rural back roads i never saw a single Hillary sign, not 1. Everyone had Make America Great Again signs in their front yards. The people here know the loss of jobs and homes firsthand.

Im not even sure why i waste my time trying to explain. We believe we are divided by political beliefs but we all want the same things. There are people out there who just want to get back to work. Their needs are different from yours or mine.

This loss of jobs was very much linked by the international media to the rise of Trump. Large numbers of people in manufacturing etc that had losses jobs offshore and nobody seemed to be offering a solution. We have experienced a similar loss, albeit numbers much smaller, where multinational companies threatened to leave. Government subsidised operations for a period, but it wasn't sustainable so off they went, R&D and all.

Multiple generations of families that have worked in same place for decades, no other skills and now shovelling shit to put food on the table. I agree, why wouldn't they look to someone who 'has the answers'.

However, the little I understand about international markets, says like it or not we live in a global economy. This sentiment expressed here that it doesn't matter what people outside the US think may work in an individuals world, but having your head up your ass and not recognising that you have no choice but to play and trade with others beyond your borders is archaic. Shit has changed, and from the outside it looks like a Trump is selling that he will get it back to the good old days. some may romanticise about how good it was back in the day, but ffs those days are gone and we all need leadership that can take us forward, not play on fear and pretend we all be singing kumbaya around the campfire if we just close our eyes and follow blindly
1 day in as president and trump is the worst president ever. At obamas 6 month mark he was deemed the best president ever and given the Nobel Peace prize. Folks need to pull their heads out of their asses. They're looking retarded.