Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

@Eman you said it best. Politics have become tribal. The only thing most people care about is making the other side look bad. I think it is a real good indication of how uneducated we are as a country.
Making the other side look bad and being on the "winning" team. I find it interesting that so many people in my neck of the woods have left all their campaign signs up on fences and in their yards. Similar to sports teams.
He's not a true Republican. I don't know what the hell he even is. Isolationist? Nationalist? Idiot? Not a Republican.
The playbook of an authoritarian, my insite comes from watching it unfold in Turkey. Alt-right, nationalism-fascism had been on the rise for over a decade. No politician goes into an ordeal this magnificent without a true plan. He didn't hire Bannon just for his looks. Ideology is there because it fits his beliefs. A narcissist over 70 years old with no real respect for the rest of the world. And he sees himself on top of Mount Zion

scary stuff
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We're all mostly set in our beliefs. Although, if people had a more open mind, we might be able to learn something from those on the other side from us. Unfortunately, it takes too much open mindedness to achieve.

I struggled to be open minded with Trump from day one because I loathed him before he ever ran for office. I loathed him even more when he did and I loathe him as much as ever now that he's in office. I wish I could give him a chance but he simply stands for too much that I'm against.

His inaugural speech said a lot... He said that his win was America's win and that he'd fight for us, the people, but what about all the people that don't want what he's about to force down our throats? He's not a true Republican. I don't know what the hell he even is. Isolationist? Nationalist? Idiot? Not a Republican.

Totally agree. For the sake of being a good american I have tried to be open minded about him. Then I see who he has made as cabinet picks. Its more obviose than ever he is full of shit.

His labor secretary dosent belive in overtime pay, increasing minimum wage or bathroom breaks for fast food workers.

His health and human services secretary was caught buying stock in a medical company then passed a law saying his state has to only use that company he bought stock in.

His secretary of state is a corporate goon with ties to Russia and only concern is making money for the oil industry. "Iraq" anyone?

I could go on and on. How anyone who voted for trump cant understand how he is bad for them and thier familys is beyond me.

Guys like trump dont do things for other people. Its all about them and thier empire. If you work for a living and pay taxes you just fucked yourselves if you voted for trump.
The playbook of an authoritarian, my insite comes from watching it unfold in Turkey. Alt-right, nationalism-fascism had been on the rise for over a decade. No politician goes into an ordeal this magnificent without a true plan. He didn't hire Bannon just for his looks. Ideology is there because it fits his beliefs. A narcissist over 70 years old with no real respect for the rest of the world. And he sees himself on top of Mount Zion

scary stuff
Making the other side look bad and being on the "winning" team. I find it interesting that so many people in my neck of the woods have left all their campaign signs up on fences and in their yards. Similar to sports teams.

Good point. Its the same thing.
Totally agree. For the sake of being a good american I have tried to be open minded about him. Then I see who he has made as cabinet picks. Its more obviose than ever he is full of shit.

His labor secretary dosent belive in overtime pay, increasing minimum wage or bathroom breaks for fast food workers.

His health and human services secretary was caught buying stock in a medical company then passed a law saying his state has to only use that company he bought stock in.

His secretary of state is a corporate goon with ties to Russia and only concern is making money for the oil industry. "Iraq" anyone?

I could go on and on. How anyone who voted for trump cant understand how he is bad for them and thier familys is beyond me.

Guys like trump dont do things for other people. Its all about them and thier empire. If you work for a living and pay taxes you just fucked yourselves if you voted for trump.

I agree however, I have confidence those picks could do the job. Not a good job for the middle or lower class or anything lol. But his education pick? I couldn't even watch them vett her any longer... It was THAT painful to watch. Completely in over her head, as are most of his picks.
Totally agree. For the sake of being a good american I have tried to be open minded about him. Then I see who he has made as cabinet picks. Its more obviose than ever he is full of shit.

His labor secretary dosent belive in overtime pay, increasing minimum wage or bathroom breaks for fast food workers.

His health and human services secretary was caught buying stock in a medical company then passed a law saying his state has to only use that company he bought stock in.

His secretary of state is a corporate goon with ties to Russia and only concern is making money for the oil industry. "Iraq" anyone?

I could go on and on. How anyone who voted for trump cant understand how he is bad for them and thier familys is beyond me.

Guys like trump dont do things for other people. Its all about them and thier empire. If you work for a living and pay taxes you just fucked yourselves if you voted for trump.

I'll wait to reserve my judgement about whether I'm fucked or not until he's been given more than 2 days to prove himself as a good leader of this country.
All i see and hear is speculation about what everyone thinks Trump is going to do. What have i seen and heard? Only facts. When 90% of our industrial and manufacturing jobs were shipped overseas, Obama told those who'd lost their jobs to find another job. He asked what magical wand Trump would use to bring jobs back to the US. In other words, he did nothing and had no answer except to joke about it like it would take something miraculous and Trump needed a prayer and was blowing smoke.

Trump used a telephone, that was his magic wand and has already saved thousands of jobs. If you're financially secure, if you have a good job and job security, this election wasn't about you. Many of The people who voted Trump, did so because they knew what was behind door number 1. More of the same. Our government is out of control in case no one else has noticed. Trump is what he is. Different. That's all it took.

About 1/3 of every one of our paychecks goes to taxes. Taxes that are then misappropriated in such a way as to create a massive debt. The government takes our money, misspends it, then tells us we're not paying enough and raises our taxes some more, misspends that too, repeat. Am i the only one tired of being lied to and fucked over by an entity that has gone corrupt and disfunctional? Apparently not. Hence the regime change.

I wasnt at all surprised or appalled Trump won. I live in PA and some of the cities nearby are virtual ghost towns. In all my driving through rural back roads i never saw a single Hillary sign, not 1. Everyone had Make America Great Again signs in their front yards. The people here know the loss of jobs and homes firsthand.

Im not even sure why i waste my time trying to explain. We believe we are divided by political beliefs but we all want the same things. There are people out there who just want to get back to work. Their needs are different from yours or mine.
but we all want the same things.

Not really. To a certain extent, yes... There are a handful of generic things we can probably ALL agree on.

However, defunding planned parenthood for example, most conservatives are completely thrilled that no more abortions will take place. Republicans want less government intervention in our lives but are happy to let the government make the choice for what a woman does with her body.

The above is an example of something we won't all agree on.
All i see and hear is speculation about what everyone thinks Trump is going to do. What have i seen and heard? Only facts. When 90% of our industrial and manufacturing jobs were shipped overseas, Obama told those who'd lost their jobs to find another job. He asked what magical wand Trump would use to bring jobs back to the US. In other words, he did nothing and had no answer except to joke about it like it would take something miraculous and Trump needed a prayer and was blowing smoke.

Trump used a telephone, that was his magic wand and has already saved thousands of jobs. If you're financially secure, if you have a good job and job security, this election wasn't about you. Many of The people who voted Trump, did so because they knew what was behind door number 1. More of the same. Our government is out of control in case no one else has noticed. Trump is what he is. Different. That's all it took.

About 1/3 of every one of our paychecks goes to taxes. Taxes that are then misappropriated in such a way as to create a massive debt. The government takes our money, misspends it, then tells us we're not paying enough and raises our taxes some more, misspends that too, repeat. Am i the only one tired of being lied to and fucked over by an entity that has gone corrupt and disfunctional? Apparently not. Hence the regime change.

I wasnt at all surprised or appalled Trump won. I live in PA and some of the cities nearby are virtual ghost towns. In all my driving through rural back roads i never saw a single Hillary sign, not 1. Everyone had Make America Great Again signs in their front yards. The people here know the loss of jobs and homes firsthand.

Im not even sure why i waste my time trying to explain. We believe we are divided by political beliefs but we all want the same things. There are people out there who just want to get back to work. Their needs are different from yours or mine.

I hear what your saying @DedLift and I agree with most of it. Here is where I think you erring. Trump saved those 800 jobs for carrier by giving the state a 30 million dollar tax break. That means other people are paying the taxs for carrier. Not much of a fix. Typical washinton scam job.

Trumps own companys are making his products overseas!! Think about that for a minute. Your concerned about good paying jobs? Trump and his cabinet picks have always sided with the employers and not the employees. Less pay, less benefits, more work. That is what he and his picks have practiced for years.

The image you have of the man is not reality. A little research on your part would prove everything I have told you.

Maybe you dont want to know the truth, I dont know. Its not hard to validate all of it.

As far as corruption, Just wait.
I'll wait to reserve my judgement about whether I'm fucked or not until he's been given more than 2 days to prove himself as a good leader of this country.

You dont have to wait. The best indicator of future behavior is the past.
Plus its no secret. They are telling us what they plan to do. Unless your a millionaire, its not going to be good for you and your family.
You dont have to wait. The best indicator of future behavior is the past.
Plus its no secret. They are telling us what they plan to do. Unless your a millionaire, its not going to be good for you and your family.

I guess so. But I'm no psychic. If I was I'd play the lottery or gamble. The guy is a business man. That's true. He handles money well. Also true. I prefer to give whoever was a elected a fair chance to prove themselves.
Congrats Big Paul, you took the bait. And you are calling ME a moron?

This is exactly what I would call hanging yourself. I laid the rope out there, and you hung yourself with it. You are too easy.

You are such an emotional mess. You just are. How many times have I stated that I am neither pro or anti Trump? I am just pro United States and pro seeing our country and it's people have the opportunity to have a good life.

Yet everytime I check you, you get SO ANGRY and so emotional that you lose track of the facts and you lose your mind like the mentally immature goof that you are.

Again, you are too easy, Paul. I am just sitting here laughing at your posts. I really am.
Moron was not the right word to use. I apologize for that. I'm never going to agree with you about trump. That's okay I can live with that. Your posts do leave me scratching my head though.
I'll wait to reserve my judgement about whether I'm fucked or not until he's been given more than 2 days to prove himself as a good leader of this country.
Absolutely fare statement. His first couple of days were an extreme failure to say the least
For those of you who fell for the bs about releasing his taxes, the orngeman says he will never release his tax returns. He is hiding a lot of shit he want's no one to see. I can't understand why some feel it is unimportant to see if there are any conflicts of interest. His silence speaks volumes.
I hear what your saying @DedLift and I agree with most of it. Here is where I think you erring. Trump saved those 800 jobs for carrier by giving the state a 30 million dollar tax break. That means other people are paying the taxs for carrier. Not much of a fix. Typical washinton scam job.

Trumps own companys are making his products overseas!! Think about that for a minute. Your concerned about good paying jobs? Trump and his cabinet picks have always sided with the employers and not the employees. Less pay, less benefits, more work. That is what he and his picks have practiced for years.

The image you have of the man is not reality. A little research on your part would prove everything I have told you.

Maybe you dont want to know the truth, I dont know. Its not hard to validate all of it.

As far as corruption, Just wait.
Ive already called our economic future and dont have the time or the means to show you what only a few of us see coming. Al signs point to an economic collapse that the current governing body has done its best to postpone. Not take measures to fix, just prolong it by flooding the market with money. Thats right, they print money. Tons of extra money flooding the market. This has only exacerbated the problem. Their plan was to prop up the economy with this extra money and when the economy recovers, they planned on taking it back out of circulation. Guess what, it never recovered.

If you go back in this thread, you will read where I specifically stated that Trump isn't our savior. Its too late for that. I was merely trying to give you an idea of why others voted for him. Their state of mind, affairs, etc. Our economic future is all but sealed. The only question is when. TBh, i can't believe its lasted this long. But, when this collapse happens because of over a decade of failed stimulus packages and policies I'm sure youll all jump right on board to blame Trump for a mess he inherited just to say i told you so.
"I can’t tell you how let down I feel by the heads of these households who did not simply give their wives and daughters a firm, decisive ‘no’ when they asked to participate in today’s demonstration"

- Mike Pence

This guy seems to be living in the 1950's...