Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

I wish government suppressing opposing point of view was funny but I lost friends during protests in Ankara so no it's not funny. I hope non of your loved ones were marching Saturday. I hope they don't plan on marching for what they believe in in the future. I think what you propose complete silence from the opposition is what democracy means
Thank you for your well thought insite
Let me offer perspective, you were all pissy yesterday when the "fake news" was making the rounds about how Trump and his staff lied about how many people attended his inauguration... When you accepted that they actually were lies, you said you didn't care anyways.

So yeah, I don't think I've gone off the deep end at all... I read a lot of news throughout the day and when I read something that interests me and I think is a good contribution for discussion I post it... Your contributions seem to be denying any news organization credit when they post anything negative about your beloved Trump.

By the way, if you find the the article I posted has false information, please feel free to correct me. I corrected myself just yesterday for posting incorrect information. Keep in mind, just because you don't like the information doesn't make it false.
I think your seeing things in my posts which aren't there. Trump is not my beloved. I've constantly said he's a fucking idiot. He was the better of the 2 worst possible candidates. There are many things I completely disagree with when it comes to trump. But with all the flaws that trump has I am more baffled by how far off the deep end the left has fallen. You would undoubtedly be shocked about where I stand on things if you knew. All in all I'm more upset by the media and the hypocritical false outrage portrayed by the left more so than anything else at the moment.
First of all, the protests were anything BUT peaceful. When LE has to implement teargas to protect themselves from these so called "peaceful " protests, it becomes pretty obvious that these protests were designed by the left to create chaos and disorder and further their agenda of delegitimizing Trumps presidency. If you want to educate yourself on what's really going on, it might ne a good idea to stop putting so much stock into these media cronies who are obviously pushing their biased agendas. Then, they get called out on their lies and refuse to print a retraction.

This country is in a sad state and it has nothing to do with who is in the oval office. These protests were organized by the same people who were paid to create chaos at Trumps rallies. The media has proven themselves incompetent. Its a lot like reading from the national enquirer and regurgitating everything that falls in line with your political beliefs.
The media reported Trump and his party lied about how many people watched the inaguration but never took into account how many viewed it from mobile devices, etc.
They report only part of the truth and pass it off as the whole story. Its pathetic and purposely misleading.
You would undoubtedly be shocked about where I stand on things if you knew.

I'm sure that I would. Unfortunately, you're extremely quick to call bullshit on the media when they report anything at all about Trump. Most Trump supporters are.

You're happy that Spicer "slapped" the media? Did you happen to see him speak today? Or that cunt Conway try to defend him yesterday?

This was the best choice, really?
I'm sure that I would. Unfortunately, you're extremely quick to call bullshit on the media when they report anything at all about Trump. Most Trump supporters are.

You're happy that Spicer "slapped" the media? Did you happen to see him speak today? Or that cunt Conway try to defend him yesterday?

This was the best choice, really?
Best choice between him and Hillary, yes. Did I hear him speak today, no not yet. I'm working. Conway? She's a pad shill. That's her job. Happy media got slapped in the mouth? Hell fucking yeah. They tried to steal the election.
First of all, the protests were anything BUT peaceful.

We're talking about all peaceful protests being a criminal act in a "free country". Not related to the inaugural protests.

it becomes pretty obvious that these protests were designed by the left to create chaos and disorder and further their agenda of delegitimizing Trumps presidency

What a crock of shit.

These protests were organized by the same people who were paid to create chaos at Trumps rallies.

Any evidence? Anything at all?

The media reported Trump and his party lied about how many people watched the inaguration but never took into account how many viewed it from mobile devices, etc.

That is false. 30mil people watched on TV and it was reported on.

Further, if the Trump administration hadn't lied about the size of the inaugural crowd in the first place it would have been a blip on the ticker. It was made into bigger news because the Trump administration kept lying about it lol and wouldn't admit they're wrong... Much like you bitch about the media for doing.
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Ok @Eman. Keep getting your "facts" from the New York Times, CNN, etc. All i see are a bunch of crybabies who are so blinded by their dislike for Trump that they aren't even willing to give the guy more than a fucking day in the chair without nitpicking shit thats totally irrelevant. Do you man. I've had enough of the bs. Im going to let you all keep stomping your feet and crossing your arms with a pouty face.

Meanwhile, ill have the foresight to allow the man a chance to make good on his promises before totally jumping out the jet
Ok @Eman. Keep getting your "facts" from the New York Times, CNN, etc. All i see are a bunch of crybabies who are so blinded by their dislike for Trump that they aren't even willing to give the guy more than a fucking day in the chair without nitpicking shit thats totally irrelevant. Do you man. I've had enough of the bs. Im going to let you all keep stomping your feet and crossing your arms with a pouty face.

Meanwhile, ill have the foresight to allow the man a chance to make good on his promises before totally jumping out the jet

Are you sure I'm the one stomping my feet and making a pouty face...? o_O

You weren't on the debate team in highschool by chance were you, you're good! :)

Are you serious? Where do you get this shit!?! Eat it up man, eat it up

Yes, I'm serious... The article I posted is referring to ALL PROTESTS BEING A CRIMINAL ACT.

YOU are referring to the protests during the inauguration that were NOT peaceful...

Are you sure I'm the one stomping my feet and making a pouty face...? o_O

You weren't on the debate team in highschool by chance were you, you're good! :)

Yes, I'm serious... The article I posted is referring to ALL PROTESTS BEING A CRIMINAL ACT.

YOU are referring to the protests during the inauguration that were NOT peaceful...

Umm, ok. So this "article" you posted...who wrote it?
Are you sure I'm the one stomping my feet and making a pouty face...? o_O

You weren't on the debate team in highschool by chance were you, you're good! :)

Yes, I'm serious... The article I posted is referring to ALL PROTESTS BEING A CRIMINAL ACT.

YOU are referring to the protests during the inauguration that were NOT peaceful...

Ok, you got me. You did good man. I was trying to eat my lunch before punching in and just scanned the thread. My bad. I don't always take the time to read every link to an online media outlet ive never heard of and went off topic. It happens
My main point stands. Try not to believe anything you read online or otherwise and give the guy a chance to prove himself. Im done with political talk. Its as bad as trying to talk Religeon
My main point stands. Try not to believe anything you read online or otherwise and give the guy a chance to prove himself. Im done with political talk. Its as bad as trying to talk Religeon

My attitude towards Trump is more than open-minded considering the dislike I have for him and the majority of his political stances.

With that said, I will continue to follow the reports on his administration and post what I feel is relevant, truthful and important.

Try not to believe anything you read online or otherwise

I won't believe EVERYTHING I read... But to say I shouldn't believe ANYTHING I read isn't realistic or wise in any way.

I will be more open minded about him if you and Trump supporters in general are willing to be more cautious of him... I was relatively pleased to see Obama elected but I followed him closely and called out what I disliked... I'm doing nothing different now other than the fact I loathe Trump and always will.
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Al signs point to an economic collapse
I have been saying this for years. We continue to spend money like we are still paying taxes. We have the likes of the trumps and romneys who make more than almost everyone else will ever see in their lives, trump pays no federal income tax, and romney pays 13%. One way we can avoid unnecessary wars, is to pay for them in real time. They don't give a fuck if you die or lose your legs, they only care if you touch their money.

Lets see what happens when trump give the wealthy the biggest tax cut since Reagan. Trump pays zero and most wealthy pay half of what the the guy pays who picks up a paycheck that isn't poverty level. I guess they all want to pay no tax.

Tax the money in the economy were it is, and folks it's not going for food stamps, it goes to the wealthy.