Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

What do you mean by now? Do you mean since doc Scally has posted all the Hitler memes things have changed? You do realize that, although the left has declared it a racist term, Bill Clinton used it many, many times when campaigning for hillary?
No XKawN...Racism has nothing at all to do with it. And Dr. Scally's posts have nothing to do with it.
You give me something that trump does (not that stuff that the left is making up) that is worthy of my anger and I'll go out and protest as well. I'll hold his feet to the fire as well, but I haven't seen it yet. Just the left having a meltdown.
If you are just willing to do this thank you.
if or when any groups or Persons get their constitutional protections get infringed upon by this President you will defend the truth.
If you are just willing to do this thank you.
if or when any groups or Persons get their constitutional protections get infringed upon by this President you will defend the truth.
I would protest Muslim registry or stop and frisk. To me those are big and Very important infringements.
I'm also provides abortion... yep "pro" abortion. Cheaper to abort them than support them.

I'm all for gay marriage. This should be a Republican stance. Government out of our lives. Here's a question. Can anyone tell me the only president that was OK with gay marriage before they were elected?
Hot off the press, Spray tan man claims there were 3-5 million illegal votes, and that is what cost him the the popular vote. He will give us the details right after we see his income tax returns.The gift that keeps on giving. This guy is so full of shit it's hard to decide where to start. There is something every day. :)
Hot off the press, Spray tan man claims there were 3-5 million illegal votes, and that is what cost him the the popular vote. He will give us the details right after we see his income tax returns.The gift that keeps on giving. This guy is so full of shit it's hard to decide where to start. There is something every day. :)
Can you prove he's wrong? How many illegals do you think did vote for him?
Hot off the press, Spray tan man claims there were 3-5 million illegal votes, and that is what cost him the the popular vote. He will give us the details right after we see his income tax returns.The gift that keeps on giving. This guy is so full of shit it's hard to decide where to start. There is something every day. :)

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Trump Strikes at Abortion With a Revived Foreign-Aid Rule
Trump Strikes at Abortion With a Revived Foreign-Aid Rule

On Monday, just days after hundreds of thousands of women marched on Washington, as well as in hundreds of cities around the nation and the world, to call for, among other issues, the protection of women’s reproductive rights, President Donald Trump signed off on the first anti-abortion policy of his term.

It was expected: Almost immediately upon entering office, every new administration since 1984 has repealed or reinstated, according to its party’s position on abortion rights, a rule that prohibits foreign organizations that receive U.S. family-planning funds “from providing counseling or referrals for abortion or advocating for access to abortion services in their country.”

This rule, known as the Mexico City policy, blocks U.S. family-planning assistance to these groups, even if their abortion-related activities—including information, referrals, or services—are conducted with non-U.S. funds. Opponents to the restriction have dubbed it the “Global Gag Rule” because it hinders communication between health-care providers and patients.

Originally put in place by Ronald Reagan, the Mexico City policy followed two other pieces of legislation that curbed funding for abortions. The, passed quickly after the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973 and sponsored by Republican Senator Jesse Helms of North Carolina, prohibits the use of U.S. foreign aid for abortion services. The next move to restrict abortions came in 1976 with the Hyde Amendment, which prevents any taxpayer dollars from covering elective abortions in the United States.
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Three days in and looks like Trump is taking you lot back to 1950. Give it a couple of weeks and you should be pulling carts with horses and panning for gold :eek:
Trump is now officially a murderer.

Yemen Reports First US Drone Strikes Under Trump

10 Killed in Two Strikes Against Bayda Province

by Jason Ditz, January 22, 2017

A pair of US drone strikes in Yemen’s Bayda Province have killed at least 10 people over the weekend, according to Yemeni officials, marking the first drone strikes to be conducted under President Trump, who was inaugurated on Friday.

Both drone strikes were in roughly the same rural area, with the first killing three “suspects” on motorcycles, and the strike also hitting a vehicle, and killing seven people. Yemeni officials, as they always do, labeled all of the slain “armed fighters of al-Qaeda.”

The reliability of the determinations on who was slain in any given strike has been in substantial doubt during the Saudi war in Yemen, as most of the US special forces who had been spotting targets were withdrawn in the lead-up to the war, and it’s not clear how they get intelligence on who they’re aiming at, apart from hitting vehicles in areas known to have an al-Qaeda presence.

Marking the first strikes under Trump, the drone strikes may suggest that the policy of drone attacks against targets in nations in which the US is not at war is going to continue beyond the Obama Administration. Though drone strikes happened in the waning years of the Bush Administration, they grew substantially under President Obama, becoming a very controversial policy which has fueled anti-US sentiment in several nations that have been targeted.