Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Trump 101: What he reads and watches
Trump 101: What he reads and watches

The president's media diet:

· When Trump was in the tower, he got hard copies of the N.Y. Times and N.Y. Post (which a friend calls "the paper of record for him" — he especially studies Page Six). He "skims The Wall Street Journal," the friend said. No Washington Post, although friends assume he'll add it now. He had started skipping the other New York tab, the Daily News, because he thought it treated him shabbily

· Trump knows specific bylines in the papers and when he's interviewed by a reporter, he can recite how the reporter has treated him over the years, even in previous jobs.

· Before the campaign, his aides subscribed to an electronic clipping service that flagged any mention of his name, then his staff printed out the key articles. He'll scroll through Twitter, but he doesn't surf the web himself.

· With an allergy to computers and phones, he works the papers. With a black Sharpie in hand, he marks up the Times or other printed stories. When he wants action or response, he scrawls the staffers' names on that paper and either hands the clip to them in person, or has a staffer create a PDF of it — with handwritten commentary — and email it to them. An amazed senior adviser recently pulled out his phone to show us a string of the emailed PDFs, all demanding response. It was like something from the early 90s. Even when he gets worked up enough to tweet, Trump told us in our interview he will often simply dictate it, and let his staff hit "send" on Twitter.

· Most mornings, Trump flicks on the TV and watches "Morning Joe," often for long periods of time, sometimes interrupted with texts to the hosts or panelists. After the 6 a.m. hour of "Joe," he's often on to "Fox & Friends" by 7 a.m., with a little CNN before or after. He also catches the Sunday shows, especially "Meet the Press." "The shows," as he calls them, often provoke his tweets. The day of our interview with him, all of his tweet topics were discussed during the first two hours of "Morning Joe."

· "60 Minutes" is usually on his DVR. "He's so old-school that he thinks it's awesome to go on '60 Minutes," a friend said. "He loves being one of Barbara Walters' '10 Most Fascinating People' of the year." Before Trump ran, a staple that he watched every weeknight was Billy Bush's "Access Hollywood." Same with Time Magazine. His office and hotels are full of framed copies of him on the cover.

Why this matters: Trump has been hooked on coverage, especially of himself, since the glory days of the New York tabloids, when he would happily leak details about his affairs and business deals. He can't quit it. So the notion he will surrender the remote, or Twitter, or his grievances with reporters is pure fantasy. Aides talk of giving him "better choices" or jamming his schedule with meetings to keep him away from reading about or watching himself on TV. But this is an addiction he will never kick.
Trump is now officially a murderer.

Yemen Reports First US Drone Strikes Under Trump

10 Killed in Two Strikes Against Bayda Province

by Jason Ditz, January 22, 2017

A pair of US drone strikes in Yemen’s Bayda Province have killed at least 10 people over the weekend, according to Yemeni officials, marking the first drone strikes to be conducted under President Trump, who was inaugurated on Friday.

Both drone strikes were in roughly the same rural area, with the first killing three “suspects” on motorcycles, and the strike also hitting a vehicle, and killing seven people. Yemeni officials, as they always do, labeled all of the slain “armed fighters of al-Qaeda.”

The reliability of the determinations on who was slain in any given strike has been in substantial doubt during the Saudi war in Yemen, as most of the US special forces who had been spotting targets were withdrawn in the lead-up to the war, and it’s not clear how they get intelligence on who they’re aiming at, apart from hitting vehicles in areas known to have an al-Qaeda presence.

Marking the first strikes under Trump, the drone strikes may suggest that the policy of drone attacks against targets in nations in which the US is not at war is going to continue beyond the Obama Administration. Though drone strikes happened in the waning years of the Bush Administration, they grew substantially under President Obama, becoming a very controversial policy which has fueled anti-US sentiment in several nations that have been targeted.

And retroactively everything that took place over the past 2 years - anything prior to that is W's fault. Or Reagan's.

now I know some of you refer to Trumps wife as a euroslut, but think for one minute what it must be like living with this guy :D

And if she'd be grinning incessantly, you'd find that to be evidence that she's a bimbo.

FFS people, how about arguing over POLICIES and FACTS - not appearances (are you f-ing girls?) or intentions. The latter is the insidious principle followed by all adherents to any totalitarian outlook on life - any opinion must ALWAYS be attacked based on the perceived INTENTIONS behind it, never argue based on the facts.
The above, in no way is that comparable to the hysteria and demonstrations from the left. Cannot be compared on the same day.

BTW, his inability to present a birth certificate is a joke, everybody has one, and it's chump change for a presidential candidate to get a new one. More puzzling is why nobody remembers him from any of the schools he went to. Columbia for example. But thankfully all of the is behind us now. Just hope the asshole has some decency and retires gracefully.

Oh my god Nancy. Did you really just mention Obamas birth certificate?

You are a fucking retard @tenpoundsleft. His birth certificate has been available for years. You are so stupid. your actually one of the "special people" that thinks he wasnt born in the usa.

There is no longer any question about your intelligence. Your a conspiracy fox news idiot. You probably think he is a secret muslim as well?

It amazes me how people like you even make it through life. You dont even have enough respect for yourself to know the truth. As long as the left looks bad right?

Birth certificate. Ha ha. Retard.
10 pounds left I bet you are a sucker puncher. It is so obvious you don't have any real trust in yourself to be able to have a solid argument but comment when nobody's looking keep it up bro people see what you are made of
10 pounds left I bet you are a sucker puncher. It is so obvious you don't have any real trust in yourself to be able to have a solid argument but comment when nobody's looking keep it up bro people see what you are made of

You and Kawilt should start a club - since both of you aggressively prove my point - i.e. that your type can't carry out any reasoned argument without either resorting to ad hominems or switching the topic to intentions/emotions rather than facts.

BTW, WTF does "comment when nobody's looking" this even mean?
He either doesn't know how or chooses not to bc it would go against his world view.

Doc, my like of your comment is contingent on it referring to the emo posters earlier - your pronoun is unclear. Since I've set a couple of the emo guys on ignore I don't see their rubbish - foggy thinking in this thread equals foggy thinking throughout.
Doc, my like of your comment is contingent on it referring to the emo posters earlier - your pronoun is unclear. Since I've set a couple of the emo guys on ignore I don't see their rubbish - foggy thinking in this thread equals foggy thinking throughout.

You should know better lol. I was quoting Kawilt and referring to you. You know we are mortal enemies on the battlefield "forum politica". In training and diet threads we are the best of homosexual buds :)