BAC water

yes it's true, I don't even need to transfer it into smaller vials in fact I put the benzyl alcohol directly in it. Awesome!
Thank you so much
If he needs to add BA what's the 0.9% referring to?
In another thread about tank water, Jano says distilled water is not good, sterile water is better, but the best of all is 0.9% NaCl injectable water .
But I can't find NaCl water for injection, what I find is normal NaCl water, not for injection.
So I'm going to buy this sterile water for injection in the photo.
I finally found it and indeed as Jano says it contains sodium chloride at a concentration identical to the concentration of salts in your
blood. Unlike sterile water which can burst red blood cells on contact because the sodium concentration of the bodies/products is different, which causes swelling and itching, this is what is written on the instructions.
Too bad it's 250 ml, sterile water and 50 ml which will force me to buy bottles I think., and transfer
Unlike sterile water which can burst red blood cells on contact because the sodium concentration of the bodies/products is different, which causes swelling and itching

Never had this problem. Just don't add more than 1 ml BA to 100 ml sterile injection water and you should be fine.
I have a friend that was getting sema with a script from a compounding pharmacy and they gave them injectable b-12 to reconstitute the vials. I just looked up b-12 and one some of them are made with sodium chloride and ba. When I hear b-12 I always think of the 100ml bottles with the horse or cow on the label you could buy from the farm supply store many years ago.